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Posts posted by xKoBiEx

  1. Just remember that Ryle can not be targeted by its crew with anything that says friendly model. He can be affected by abilities which do not target, though.

    I would not call Lucius straight forward, by any means. However, liking the models is the best reason to play a faction. Simply getting your wife interested is awesome.

  2. I like Shang. Arcane Reservoir is great for a luckless bastard like me. His ability to let her re-flip a starting duel card has come in handy a few times and he can reliably cast Downburst which is nice.

    He is a great hitter......long charge, good CB, decent damage track...make great with Flay.

    I use him to finish off stragglers or to get that last hit in on a model that Misaki left on 2-3 Wds.

    I think the problem that I am having with him is that I am running him on my flank with Torakage and he is always out of 6" of Misaki so he can't companion. For the other things you mention, and his theme, I am still content to keeping him in my crew. I will just have to try to keep the crew together a bit more. That said, I am adding a Brother in place of a Torakage so I will be able to extend the companion chain and alpha strike.

  3. Gotta agree with more Ashigaru. Heck gotta agree with all of it, except maybe possibly wanting more Illuminated, as, from all the other boxes, they're also not unique or maxed out at rare 3. For conversion bits, more of the mini Hungering Darkness so I can use 'em to represent a model having brilliance.

    I agree with Illuminated...but I would probably still only use 3 in a brawl so rarity doesn't matter to me. The conversion bits (especially mini huggy) are what I would be after. If I saw a clearance full box, I would take it for sure. The spirit figure that comes with Lynch is really cool.

  4. I had an Epic battle of Teddy vs Izamu a few weeks ago. Weaver Widow dropped Teddy-Bomb on Izamu who had to kill him 3 times before the game ended. Lucky for me (I was Lynch, not the Resser,) Nicodem couldn't deal with his own crew charging each other and I was able to get my objectives completed. It was frustrating that I couldn't take down Izamu, though. His triggers are pretty solid.

  5. Neverborn 10T is VERY combo oriented. Misaki is a lot of fun and I would recommend her, above any of the others. I have yet to play Yan Lo but he looks like a lot of fun, too...I just can't help you there. Mei has the best 8 SS 10T beatstick of any box, hands down. The crew has synergy but the workers almost have to be left behind when Mei wants to unload. As you never mentioned Guild, I won't talk about McCabe.

    Pure 10T Misaki: assassin-type runs unless you add a 10T Brother (then you can bash)

    Arcanist 10T Mei: spells and melee mix. your "fogs" don't block your LOS.

    Neverborn 10T Lynch: combo-spell oriented. buffs and hexes all around.

    Resser 10T Yan Lo: toolbox. Yan Lo can choose how he wants to play by the models he chooses. very unique Resser.

    As to your last question... I would almost take Student of Conflict over Shang in order to give fast to Yamaziko who could then keep up to Misaki. However, then he can't keep up for the next turn. The 3 SS may be better spent on topping up regular minion count after you sub some of Misaki's other crew out. For now, I will keep Shang as I really like the model. There are also a few tricks I still want to try with double Downburst.

  6. This is all very situational. Different boxes for different tastes. Personally, I would like more Ashigaru for when Toshiro comes out. The other boxes come with what seems like the maximum number of any given minion that you would ever want to include in any soulstone value game.

    Conversion material, on the other hand, is something different. There are some pieces from every box that I wouldn't mind having more of but I'd probably never buy another box to get them. Cheap bits somewhere or broken-down boxes is where to go for these. That said, I won't be purchasing any extra e-bay bits and pieces until after I see the final sprues from the kickstarted for Through the Breach. Those models may feed my conversion hunger.

  7. I have been running the box plus Yamaziko with no substitutes for an even 35 SS with 4 SS cache. It isn't an optimal list by any means as it has a lot of holes for most strategies. However, it IS a lot of fun and a good basis to tune a list from.

    Simply changing one Torakage to a Brother changes the list a lot by giving you the option of an alpha strike. Frankly, I am surprised that Ototo wasn't considered a Brother with Companion as his rules put him below both Kang and Graves as far as the new 8 SS beatstick uniques go.

    If you are facing a lot of weak WP models that you know Misaki would like to bash on, drop a Torakage for an Oiran. She can work two ways. Either you can lure someone into Misaki for her to beat on...or you can lure someone that is annoying Misaki away from her. The good part about this last option is that Misaki is Wicked which means she gets a free strike which can do damage.

    10T Archers are cheap for what they can do. If you need a target dead and it is hiding in the woods, a 10T Archer CAN and almost always will hit it. As long as you have the severe damage card to cheat in, you should be able to take out small targets in one hit.

    Tannen is surprisingly well-suited to Misaki's theme. First, he has abilities that ensure your opponent's hand will shrink. Even better, he has the ability to remove Use Soulstones from an opponent so that Misaki's Decapitate will actually go through. Obviously, you don't want to do this if you are trying to achieve Misaki's Pilfer Scheme, "Emptied Pockets."

    All of these options help you with The Thunder's hidden speed problems. Every model in the box makes you think the box runs fast. It doesn't unless you are extremely lucky with your control hand or flip hot in duels. There is no Alpha Strike available out of the box and the only companion chain is Shang-Misaki-Yamaziko. Misaki is too fast for Yamaziko or Shang to keep up with, so this is almost useless unless you plan it out a turn or two in advance.

    One last note... Shang is living and very squishy. His abilities are cool but not spectacular. You may want to trade him out for something else unless you like keeping in theme like me.

  8. Wow! Impressive work!

    The detailing is great, I'd love to play on that (but it really deserves a painted crew to be used on it)

    And I'm sorry, but when I saw the thread title I was expecting something like this:

    That was good. I especially liked his fine-detail brush work.

    I keep hearing George Harrison playing Sitar when I see this thread.

  9. I think recognition is pretty good, but not if it means charging extra for the entrance fee. Prizes are what a lot of players go for and if I am spending a fair amount of money on entrance, I think prizing should be a given. Even a nicely printed certificate is good enough for the recognition side.

    As for prizes, LE models are cool but often hard to get. Box sets are great but pre-purchasing sets often means that one of the prize winners often wins something they already have and don't want more of (particularly with the way Malifaux players' collections explode.) Store credit is a good solution in these cases but it means that out of towners have the possibility of getting prizes they can't use.

    However, custom gaming aids made of wood or acrylic are really cool and can often be stamped with the tournament name on the opposite side. As an award, they work as a trophy and durable gaming aid. They are also advertising for future tournaments.

    Sarissa buildings or Zuzzy mats would also be something that I would feel incredibly happy with receiving as they are mail-order items that a lot of players think are cool, but are somehow restricted from accessing.

  10. As Paul Villar always says, and I'll paraphrase... "Just play Som'er and you are half way to winning Malifaux. Buy a Pigapult and you have just won Malifaux." What he means by this is that Gremlins are extremely fun to play because of all the crazy stuff that happens in the games involving them. They are also the best crew to chase limited edition models for. Being that they are already incredibly random, why not have a giant rooster or bunny-costume egg thrower.

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