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Posts posted by xKoBiEx

  1. I have found a few things which may need tweaking in the campaign rules, or just a minor clarification/clause in order to prevent confusion later. This thread will only discuss the issues with hiring.

    Masters/Henchmen have very specific hiring pools. Is your hiring pool frozen with your starting leader? Or does it change in the campaign?

    Reason for asking with example:

    Master "A" has a hiring pool of all models in its faction. "A" hires Henchman "B", and minions "1", "2", "3" & "4." Then "A" procedes to flip a permanently dead result in its first game. Henchman "B" is now forced to take over but has a hiring pool with the restriction of only "odd numbered" minions. We will assume that the current crew is still valid. However, can the new leader still hire more "even numbered" minions?

    Further, there are going to be instances where a player of one faction steals a master from a different faction. How would this affect the hiring pool?

    Any thought-based input is appreciated. Obviously, an official Wyrd response would be cool too.

  2. If you are doing pure 10T, make sure you get a Brother. That model is ridiculously good in a Misaki crew. It has single-handedly turned a defeat into a win with last turn alpha strikes on several occasions.

    The other masters CAN work as 10T but usually work better mixed. Test the waters.

  3. Oh, I've considered getting a Robocutter to make downloading World Works kits truly worthwhile. And as some of them (if not all of them) come with the file type supported by robocutters, it'd just be print, pop out, assemble, done.

    You and I both speak of the same use, then. Any of the TLX kits except for the modern and sci-fi are great for Malifaux. The Deadfall, Thoumont, and Himmelveil sets are amazing.

  4. It definitely makes me wonder which would be the better investment (as a theoretical exercise): A laser cutter to make awesome terrain like this, or a 3D printer to make awesome models?

    Ditto... I know if I had the cash, I'd want them both... and a Robo Cutter for cardstock terrain.

    <= Greedy Bastard

  5. Voidwalker filled in what I assumed you already had. Luckily, my store already had a very large community of players for other games. It was easy to do the rest. It also helps that I was also a Grey Knight for GW in the past.

    As "Johnny" pointed out, getting your name in Wyrd's database as a Henchman is also going to steer others like you, who are looking for players but may not know where to find them, in your direction.

    Best of luck.

  6. I had to use a drill and green stuff on mine so I know the headache that you went through. The thought of looking for a replacement never really occurred to me... but I did want to use Candy as the Widow Weaver in a League of Legends Theme so my conversion idea would be as follows:

    Candy (upper body)

    Kade (Teddy)

    GW Giant Spider (legs)

    Putty for Skirt

    40mm base

    I was considering placing Candy at the very front of the 40mm base in order to allow me to put Teddy or another suitable bear substitute standing behind her, as well.

  7. The key to building a community in any system is getting games on the table. That will take you two+ crews and you will have to teach some people to play. When others see the system, offer them games too. If they like the theme and look of the game, you will gradually build.

    My local group went from a Tuesday 3-way free-for-all to a 24 person pool of players in a matter of four months. We ran a successful achievement league in February with 11 regular players and are starting another league this Tuesday using the Campaign rules from Chronicle #5.

    Don't be overbearing with new players and they will embrace the game if it interests them. Just get a lot of games going and have some fun.

  8. To answer the original question: Damage is dealt first. If you die from that, you can heal and try to stay alive for the Decapitate (that you can't heal, as was already answered.) So, you would actually get 2 "free actions" if the damage killed you.

  9. To anyone interested in joining our April League, there has been a last-minute suggestion that may need a vote. It is already scheduled as an Achievement League. However, Wyrd Chronicle #5 has made things more interesting.


    - Achievement League with the Campaign Rules

    If you do not want this change to happen, please let your opinion be known. Otherwise, plan your starting 25 SS crew now and we'll see you Tuesday. The format appears to be pretty interesting.

    Example (my) starting crew:

    Misaki w/ 4 SS

    Yamaziko (6)

    Ototo (8)

    Ten Thunders Brother (5)

    Torakage (6)

  10. I plan to keep an eye on GW's systems but I am temporarily not dealing with them. That said, I haven't bought a GW mini in almost 3 years. Their policies have been very poor for a long time...this is just one more bad move.

  11. Good thing they gave instructions for Wong... I could never figure out where to put all 6 pieces by myself. ;) Joking aside, the instructions are a cool addition. The models are really cool and that is my biggest attraction to them. Can't wait for Toshiro!!!

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