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Posts posted by xKoBiEx

  1. @vulture96

    Given the rules as they are written, Resser crews are almost broken in this campaign. Every significant model can buy Slow to Die for a 12+ and 5 scrip. The Finished Off makes your opponents weaker so it doesn't matter if you get a counter or not if you know that the model isn't coming back for the rest of the game. Ressers also have access to summoned models which cannot be finished off.

    There is a McMourning player in my campaign that is running away with a 6 model Slow to Die crew consisting of a Belle, Crooked Man, Bette Noir, Molly, Sebastian, and McMourning. He also has Chihuahua which never flips and another model which hasn't been upgraded. Turn one, he gets an automatic Rogue Necromancy due to Chihuahua and Spare Parts upgrade.

  2. As a devil's advocate, it has been mentioned many times that all wordings for any ability of the same name should have the same description, and that description will be the newest printed form. Being that the books Sidir and Izamu were printed in is the same time, it comes down to what card was released latest. That means that Sidir's card trumps Izamu.

    Unfortunately, that is where rules lawyering creates a 6+ page thread. Given that a lot of people consider Izamu way too strong, I am thinking that a large number of people have been playing that Izamu heals off his Riposte because he isn't hard to take out if you don't.

    Either way, I don't care. I agree that a formal errata needs to be done on this and other ambiguous abilities. The more I hear arguments in either case, the more I second guess any position I stand in. Often, an argument against Riposte allowing the heal gets me thinking that the heal should actually be allowed. Then, I'll see an argument for the heal and it makes me think it shouldn't be allowed... Kind of counter-intuitive.

    In a non-competitive environment, it really doesn't matter. At an event, the Henchman in charge is going to make a ruling and you have to stick with it.

  3. I know what you are saying, exactly, Adran... and I agree with you. However, he only had 3 models to my 6. My hand was bad and I was forced to alpha after his first model activated in order to limit his responses. My soulstone flips to try to stop his attacks all drew low cards as well. I'm not saying this isn't a fluke or one off. But the question was what has more of a factor. A good player with advantage will almost always be beaten by a stacked control hand.

    Given all equal factors (high triggers in both hands or no high cards/triggers in either hand,) I would say that superior play tactics would be number one. The mechanics of the game and loopholes in some rules negate play tactics when one control hand is stacked high and the other low.

  4. Update: Kamikaze Torakage is incredibly fun! Caveat... If someone can charge your Torakage before he has had the chance to move away from your crew, he is not so fun.

    Tonight, I played a game in which Torakage was charged by the enemy in the middle of my crew. Torakage proceeded to do 5 damage to that model and 1 more for his Black Blood injury. It did NOT kill the enemy model. It did, however, take out 3 of my models and 5 damage to my other 2. Luckily, none of them flipped 10's. But, it turned from a 6-2 model advantage to a 2-3 model disadvantage when Bette Noir replaced one of the casualties. All this happened on turn 5 after my opponent debated whether to even play the turn or do a Strategic Withdrawal. Needless to say, I lost.

    Moral of the story: The game is never over until it is absolutely over... And don't light a fuse in the middle of your crew.

  5. After tonight's game, in which skill played NO role in the decision, control hand was everything. Leading a game for 5 consecutive turns with a 6-3 model count and conducting a 6-model alpha strike, I only managed to bring the count to 6-2 (due to the opponent having a stacked control hand and flipping poorly.) A one-model response erased the advantage. Next turn, ititiative and another good control hand from my opponent killed every model on my side and brought in Bette Noir, again, for the win.

    Timing and Control Hands have far more weight than skill. Sometimes, it is skill that allows those things to stack. But, often repeated bad hands will cripple a superior player.

  6. There is already a Guild, Resser, and Outcast Miss. I would guess that none of these would get another. That leaves Arcanist, Neverborn, and Ten Thunders. A Gremlin is kind of possible as it is its own faction, in all reality. But I would stick to the others.

    I really like the Miss Fortune name which would fit with any of those three. As my latest love is the Ten Thunders faction... Miss Fortune (Ten Thunders Sister) I am currently using Misaki minion as Ten Thunders Brother proxy (sister) for my Misaki master crew. That would give me two sisters. I would not be disappointed with any of anyone's suggestion, though. Alt models are always nice.

  7. One of your listed crews was Perdita so I will just say that she is both cheap to start and easy to learn. Her crew is her family in the box. Adding to it, you can add anything guild to your taste and not feel lacking. Guild Austringers are really good starting purchases. The new Pathfinder box would also be useful due to the control it offers on top of your range. The Riflemen box is an incredible value for SS cost and works wonders with a Drill Sergeant.

  8. So, I just saw the new releases list. I definitely see an empty wallet in my future.

    I'll probably only get one Zako, but I might be tempted to get 2 each of Yin and the Daimyo.

    What would you be using the extras for?

    EDIT: Saw your post about Shadowlands... Makes sense now.

  9. Unfortunately, I can't find any way to disagree with yetischool regarding the status of Unstitched. The only talk that I hear about it is from people with the original or people who pledged the Through the Breach Kickstarter and are stringent followers of all things Wyrd.

    Unstitched is going to be a no-brainer purchase for me as I am a Neverborn player with a Collodi crew and just waiting for an excuse to take Zoraida and her puppet box. I like that the models fit well as Voodoo Doll representations and Wicked Doll alts. While I have the original metals, and this is where yetischool and I differ in opinion, I love the plastics. To me, plastics are way better as I like conversions and the smaller weight of your transport case is an added bonus.

  10. Decapitate: When Damaging defender with this weapon, kill defender .....

    has to do damage first.

    if the black joker is flipped or all damage done was prevented due to a Prevention flip the trigger does not go off. (aka the kill effect)

    This is correct. The what if is when it does deal damage. That is when you can slow to die heal the damage death but not slow to die heal the triggered death following. Best action would be to just do another action if you couldn't pay for the decapitate.

  11. 1-9: Will play next game with no harmful effects

    10+: Finished Off - Have to roll on Injury Table

    Can cheat the Finish Off roll. Cannot cheat the Injury Table.

    The campaign rules allow spurts of activity. Players rolling on the injury table more could find themselves in very attractive positions, though. If they lose models, they can just play spoilers and hunt for artifacts while gaining underdog bonuses. If they gain benefits on the injury table... even better as they don't add value to your crew. Red Joker injury is very nice.

    Black Joker injury is hilariously balancing, though. Player 1 is first in the campaign and rolling away with a loaded master... Master gets ganked and finished off, proceeding to flip Black Joker in post game. Underdog cries tears of joy!

  12. Timing is a really high determining factor. This is a combination of Skill, Control Hand, and Initiative. Certain models will allow for slight leeway in play...but a good player with a good control hand who gets initiative in an important turn will change the game completely.

    Alpha strikes are examples of this... Too early and you may take out 1 threat only to lose more. Too late and you risk giving your opponent a chance to perform his/her own. With the right timing of an alpha strike, you would have to have a horrible chain of bad card flips in order for your opponent to come back. Stacking a control hand will even make a turnaround impossible in some cases.

    Strategies and Schemes can never be ignored and less-skilled opponents often devalue their importance. Choosing the right crew to complete the strategy and schemes is just as important in most cases against good opponents.

    Terrain and Setup are overlooked on multiple levels. Bad setup can often doom a player to lose before any cards are flipped. Likewise, winning the setup flip often dictates where you are going to force an opponent to setup and can put him/her in a position that the crew cannot deal with.

    TL/DR: 1 - Timing / 2 - Strategy & Schemes / 3 - Terrain

  13. Another thought would be to wait for the Puppet Wars: Unstitched box and use the puppets for your Voodoo Doll and and extra Wicked Dolls. I plan on using the standard Voodoo Doll for a non-connected doll and the Puppet Wars models for when they are connected to their respective larger version. The models are really cool alternates. As I already have the first edition boxes, the new plastics will be gravy.

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