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Everything posted by Mehter

  1. Francisco was just a solid piece. ...just thought I'd clear that up from last page.
  2. I would, but the word podcast makes me think of someone casting pod people into a lake or something, while yelling "BEGONE WITH YOU!". Thanks, mst3k.
  3. You're getting more parts for your money!
  4. Do you still flip cards when you attack? Or is it just some static number and have no way of changing it?
  5. It's like DnD 4th. Thought of it in the shower. Not bad in its own right, and probably pretty good. But not necessarily what a lot of us wanted or asked for, and nostalgia goggles will keep it from becoming good to a lot of us who started at the get go.
  6. Yes, I do mean that edition. I guess you heard wrong. They most certainly needed to change things about the game, but a few steps they took ruined it for me and most of the people at my local store. They have since dropped the game. But that is neither here nor there, and I'm not going to argue about the fate of Fantasy. It streamlined a lot of rules that didn't particularly need it, and I'm afraid that's what Wyrd is doing here. Changing the way a game works mechanically for the sake of it isn't good. I do believe Malfaux needs to clean up some rules (Izamu not getting his heal flip on a disengage strike because it isn't technically a melee strike, for instance. Even though he's in melee and making a strike. I have no problem with it, but it's hard to explain to new players. Just an example.) but I don't think it needs this drastic of a change.
  7. Any of them. It's starting to feel like Malifaux40k, as a friend put it. Warhammer Fantasy was a lot of fun. Enter streamlining and pre-measuring. Based on the original post, the only reason to continue playing Malifaux is that you already own Malifaux. I'll need to see upgrades in action, but they are making me nervous. It's beginning to look like Infinity will be the king of skirmish after this. And I don't like those models one bit. As a final thought, I thought we would get more strategies for some variety. Bringing down that number makes it feel like Warmachine.
  8. So, you want to play the Resser faction alongside the guild?
  9. Doug was the only one I wanted to stay the same. This does not bode well.
  10. You could always kit bash with the old Marshalls for their heads. I'm not sure if they would be too big, though. You'd have to wait and see on that.
  11. I kind of like the ghost rider Marshalls though. I just wish the peacebringers were larger. Lady J's hair won't be a problem in plastic as you can just snip it off and greenstuff how you want it.
  12. Could be fun though. Like altering models for the Campaign, if someone loses and arm, or whatever. But expensive.
  13. That is true, and why I didn't mind it terribly. The new masters were made with dual faction in mind, and the invasion part of 10T was represented. But now, bleh. Doesn't matter I guess, I'll just play something else. Have fun 'n such. That is also true, but I have a hard enough time seeing 10T running Yan Lo, and I don't even like the guy. I like the green faction, and I don't like sharing. As I've said though, it's a moot point. I'm just going to focus on a different game, but will be keeping an eye on this for the next year or two to see how it pans out.
  14. Why yes, yes I have played Doug before. I imagine longer than most. He is far and away my favorite Master, and have played him since the game released. I fully understand the connection to the guild, I just don't like it mechanically with the dual faction nonsense. And nothing will make me.
  15. I'll pass, but thanks for letting me know.
  16. I want to see dual faction not homogenizing the entire game. We'll see. Specifically to us, I just want Too Far Gone being removed from Autopsies. That's about all I want different.
  17. Dual Faction was silly with the Asia invasion, and beyond anything I want to even deal with now. Why even have factions at this point. I own every Resser model, and they now occupy the trash can. I hope they go on crazy adventures together once they travel beyond my walls.
  18. Play two Izamus but don't tell anyone.
  19. I don't have a problem with any of this. I've simply stated a few ways around Izamu, one of which is in fact the effigy, if only for a turn. Was that or was that not a point in the OP? I'm not going to argue for the Effigy against those models, as they are better in almost every situation. But I don't think the Effigy is completely worthless, either. I still think the best way to kill Izamu, is to simply attack him. I've said that before. A few times.
  20. Or played correctly. Like it or don't, it still works.
  21. I think the idea of the crutch (At least in my experience) is simply a bad player playing something that he thinks is OP, and expects it to win all his games. And if that crutch is taken away, bad things happen. Good players use those same models, but when they're killed it doesn't ruin the game. Like the Abomination for Skaven, if any of you have dabbled in Fantasy.
  22. To reply to the Immune To Influence thing from my first post, don't underestimate our Effigy. He may not survive long, but he can screw up a turn or two for your opponent if played correctly. And on what I said about Doug, you can most certainly rely on severe damage on Dissection. Between Stones and Rancid Transplant, I killed Izamu (twice in a game, thanks Yan Lo) by Slinging to him, (2ish damage), Rancid Transplant for one action, then Dissect once or twice. You don't need his trigger to go off. In fact, I can't remember the last time it has. But as I said before, you just need to attack him. Or ignore him, if you can.
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