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Everything posted by pixelante

  1. Another mercenary for the commission, I gotta say I really dislike NMM I am just not feeling it.
  2. So I am beginning to think I should never take Colette when facing the Guild. Feel free to convince me otherwise.
  3. clearly you should have had your set packed away in a Battlefoam bag
  4. Stitch Thralls, Scrap Thralls and Mechanithralls.
  5. Well I was just trying to work within the confines of the Steampunk theme, perhaps you should take a look at Privateer Presses Cryx range. They have a character as well as some Undead Centaurs.
  6. Reaper do some nice models, but I think the Hell Dorado range is a cut above them and they are very suitable for a nightmare themed crew, the only thing is that I'd want to use more of them.
  7. There is a GW empire model that is a Engineer on a clockwork horse.
  8. Sounds to me you mixed some resin in a plastic bag and then manipulated it? Did you think to add a coloring agent like some blue ink?
  9. Speaking of pillars, fire included, how many does one need of either?
  10. Girl look at that body! He is sexy and he knows it. Skin is still too rough, but it was difficult to get the tone I wanted. I was constantly going back and forth. I put a wash over the purple cloak and its erased all my hard blending work, made it darker than I really wanted it to be. I am also annoyed with the shoulder thing, I...I don't even know what it is supposed to be. I am wondering if I erased a bit of detail I never even noticed. I should probably have painted animal print pants instead of blue jeans.
  11. It could have been, but the windows are covered up I think.
  12. Rather than make a new thread every time I paint a new Malifaux miniature, I thought I would make just the one thread that I will update on a semi-regular basis. It will also serve to document my progress as I apply liberal amounts of lubricant to my somewhat rusty painting skills. First up is Taylor that was painted using NMM, my real first attempt, but its for a mate/client and that is what he requested. She is not standing next to a dildo, it is a Streets of Malifaux base insert. The photo is also kinda washed out, the hammer head is supposed to be glowing. The first of my Arcanist crew. I do so love painting purple and it will be the primary colour of the entire crew, whether it be light, bright or dark. The yellow is just the Citadel Foundation Iyanden Sun over the CF Calthan Brown. Stuffed up the skin somewhat as well. Its summer here now and you really can't paint in the heat unless you have an airconditioner. These really only count as one miniature. The metal is Mithral Silver with a watered blue wash and then drybrushed with mithral again. The cards have a simple crosshatch on the backs and ironically are all low denomination which is sadly rather fitting. Tomorrow I will post up Johan, Steampimp Gigolo.
  13. I like blending, highlighting and shading so on a scale of one to ten, one being cell shading and ten being lifelike then I am probably about a six or seven.
  14. While I agree the regular LCB is a bit on the small side this is just way to big, possibly way to big even for Warhammer. I think a good starting point for your own LCB nightmare is probably the new plastic Daemon Prince, or one of the smaller four armed minotaurs.
  15. There is nothing wrong with that, in fact I think you could have pushed yourself and tried for some lighting effects.
  16. I don't like proxies and this sounds like an especially radical concept. After a while you would probably get used to it, but you'd never be able to use it in any official capacity.
  17. hmmm is it just a coincidence that the Gunsmiths are also a neat 6 SS?
  18. Analysis paralysis, I just paint the damn models my style.
  19. Strive for neatness, brace your hand to reduce shaking. Then inks and washes will take care of the shading for now. Painting is not a natural talent, it is learned. All you need is constant practice and no matter how bad you think the miniature looks never strip it, not only will you actually make progress, but you can also look back and see how far you've come.
  20. If the clothes where too bright then they might wash out under the lights of the stage. As for the yellow it was a base of Foundation Calthan Brown and Iyanden Darksun a bit of Ogryn flesh wash in the deeper recesses and then a highlight of Iyanden Darksun, may have mixed in a little Sunburst Yellow.
  21. Um why would Perdita be a candidate for a nightmare model? Granted she does have a nice rack, but it isn't that big.
  22. It looks well painted, but is it just me or does it look like someone has beaten the model flat with a mallet, there is a certain 2D quality about it.
  23. So I painted the Mechadoves last night, about 70% of the production time was taken up supervising the pixies as they painted the playing cards, lazy wotzits have a terrible work ethic. What? You think I was mad enough to paint them myself? ...ha...ha...hahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
  24. Thanks, the other Performer will be lighter purple with green as a secondary colour and the mannequin will be much the same except the ribbons will be green. Colette will be close to the box art and Cassandra will be be the same except purple in place of black, I think. The Corphyee will be a very dark purple with perhaps red trim, or perhaps purple with black trim. Something the matches Cassandra at any rate.
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