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Everything posted by Vinncent

  1. Welcome When I joined the community I was told that there are no stupid questions or answers, so ask, because people on this board are very friendly and helpful
  2. I suggest to invest in some shooting guys for example Ryle, Hans, Nino Francisco and Santiago Ortega. And if you wan to play with Lucius Guild Guards will be fine; and if you use Lucius like a Master for totem i prefer Drill Sergeant. So the truth is, what figures you choose depends on the strategy that you want to play. This page might be usefull for you: http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/Guild
  3. yep, bases looks great, can't wait to see it painted :congrats:
  4. Clean work and good selection of colours, blend well with each other
  5. Nice doggy great painting, good work! :congrats:
  6. looks realy great, fantastic jeans work :congrats:
  7. Realy good work, i'm impressed! :congrats:
  8. Welcome to the forum, and greetings from Poland
  9. Welcome and greetings from Poland
  10. nice crew! nurses looks great and the sebastian looks very realistic :congrats:
  11. wow, amazing! love the gunslinger and desolation engine
  12. They looks realy great! Nice scenery :congrats:
  13. I like the Stitched Together, nice painting
  14. Love the Perdita's Crew, nice bases :congrats:
  15. beautiful , clean painting, like especially Onryos and Datsue-ba :congrats:
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