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Saint Norton

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Everything posted by Saint Norton

  1. It's like Candy and Kade had some horrible offspring togeather! ... Which maybe they would...
  2. Some models just need to be owned even if they are rarely played.
  3. I havent played against the spammed obey list but againt nino so far I found Pacify to work great against him. Make him go last till you can deal with him and hopefully get something threatening in his face before he can do too much damage.
  4. Nilus - is this something you guys would ever consider adding to the PullMyFinger site?
  5. Forgot all about the Rare 2 on both, I think i'm going to go with 2 of the LSPA and only the 1 miner. I've tried both and the miner has seemed "OK" with his defense and low wounds being the real downer for him. The LSPA seemed like a good buy. Like a nice fit between the little spiders and the swarm. Nice that he's significant too.
  6. I really like the look of the soulstone miner and the large SPA, any reccemendation as to how many of each you would want to have in your collection? Would I need 3-4 large SPA for those missions needing multiple significant models or is 1 typically enough?
  7. The pull my finger site has some amazing insight into her as does the interview that Karn (Rathnard? I forget) did about her with the Aethervox crew. Listening to that podcasts made me feel like she went from the bottom of my list of masters to paint and play with to the very next model I painted. I even stopped and pulled her out of the drawer to prime her while still listening. She's now my fav neverborn master and the one my regular opponents fear seeing on the table.
  8. I just filed down the ends of the legs where they are to connect to the body and then enlarge the holes slightly and "pin" them that way instead of drilling and placing whole new pins in each leg.
  9. I have read through his avatar form and I really like the idea of Ramos turning into this little jumpy freak. I'd rather like to get my hands on his alternate sculpt and model up some additional legs (perhaps canabalized off a large steampunk arachnid?) In the mean time I want to get a few more games in with his basic form before distracting myself with his avatar. Last night I did manage to pull off his Master specific scheme though! (Do I have to do everything myself?") Hilarity! Charged a badly wounded hoarcat pride to finish it off and then Casting expert to shoot down a wounded Shikome. The Marcus player was quite surprised by melee Ramos!
  10. Bah, You just dust off your needle files, bust out a new x-acto blade, dig up your pin vise and bits and get to town. Don't forget to get out the super glue accelerate as you'll probably want that too.
  11. I'd love to see it in use, I'm going to start posting my local events to the current calendar and see if it gains any traction.
  12. I'm holding Travis hostage and keeping him at at least one per month. I'll see you in Nov then! Unfortunately I can't play in Daboyz... One of the Daboyz had the ill fortune to let his fiance plan their wedding for that saturday... tsk tsk...
  13. Does anyone know of the existance of an "Events Calandar" for Malifaux tourneys? I would love to have a single site to look at that could show when and where upcoming tournements are instead of having to scroll through the event listings here. I have looked at the Calendar link in the Navigation panel to the left, but it does not seem to have any posts other then Birthdays. Could this be a useful feature that we could use this for and it is just a matter of getting event organizers to post them there in addition to adding forum topics? /Random -Norton
  14. Birthdays are over-rated anyways. Come on down, we'd would love to have you!!
  15. Saturday 10/29 there will be a tourney at Millenium Games in Rochester NY. Details can be found on their forum as well but the basics are: 55 point pool, fixed master. 35 point game $10 buy in. 3 rounds. PM me if you are going to be in the area, I'd love to get some new guys at the store! -Norton
  16. First, I'd like to thank Dorian for running the tourney at RIT this past week... Where I won the Ramos starter box! So with that said, my 2nd faction has been determined for me. I picked up a couple blisters to go with him and I stand with the following lists now. Ramos Mobile toolkit 6x Spiders 1 spider swarm Large spider Soulstone miner Electrical creation Not too bad, got 3 games in since then, won 2 of the 3 so off to a good start. Now to just pick a paint scheme and get them up to speed. Any reccemendations as to what to add to the crew next? I really like the construct feel so far and idealy I would like to stick with that, but no worries if not.
  17. I'm all for getting 2-3 different small factions started just to have loaners for getting other into the game.
  18. I usually listen to various podcasts, in particular those that relate to the subject I am painting. Aethervox, Gamers Lounge, SeanHammer, to name a few favs.
  19. My fav. method is to base the model, then superglue the base to the head of a 3" nail, then you have a 2x4 with a row of 1/4" holes drilled into it that you rack up your painting projects onto. This gives a really nice handle to hold and you can prime whole units with then all stuck into the stick.
  20. I'm in the rochester area and can be convinced to play most any night if you are in the area.
  21. Any chance you are doing another demo some night at millenium? I'd love to meet our local henchman.
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