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Everything posted by GAH

  1. The reason Levi isn't undead is that he actually comes back to life after he dies.
  2. Leveticus will still take wounds doing just about anything on his card. It would be much better to use the Guardian to protect his Waifs.
  3. The fluff says that Molly has every reason to dislike Seamus. He murdered her, after all. I think she would work well with Leveticus.
  4. My last game vs. Seamus (I was using the Victorias), Belles lured my Trapper out of position so I couldn't destroy my second evidence marker. Then Seamus shot him in the face next turn.
  5. The Governor could get overthrown, and escape to start an outcast faction of his own. He's a tyrant of a different nature.
  6. Leveticus: Definitely: Starter Box An extra pack of Hollow Waifs Desolation Engine Maybe: Canine Remains to generate the second Hollow Waif Necropunks for grabbing objectives An extra pack of Steampunk Abominations Hamelin: Starter Box Rat Catchers (for control over rats outside of Hamelin's range) An extra pack of rats Obedient Wretch (hamelin's totem)
  7. For me, The Sixth Sense was one of my favorite movies. Mainly because the first time I saw it I got to the theater late and missed the opening scene. This is a case of the opening scene ruining a good movie. Worst ending: Movie - AI Book - The Stand TV Show - Forever Knight
  8. Nicodem boxed set, Dead Justice boxed set, 2 blisters of Mindless Zombies and either 2 vultures or the Grave Spirit (depending on your taste, the opponent and the scenario).
  9. If I was going to run Som'er, I would get the boxed set, 2 blisters of Mosquitos, blister of piglets, a Hog Whisperer, and a slop hauler. That's quite a few models. For a gunline I would rather get the Ophelia box with a blister of Young Lacroix.
  10. Here's a suggestion on how to fix him: Step 1: Take his miniature and put it on a hard surface (concrete works well). Step 2: Get a hammer. Step 3: Smash Hamelin's miniature until it isn't recognizable.
  11. I wouldn't say she's an auto-include, but personally I would include her unless I had a definite plan for replacing her. If I was going for avatar form and was bringing all the riders, or was using Ashes and Dust at 35 ss, I don't think I would bring her. Otherwise I would bring her since she's very useful to Leveticus.
  12. First step - Buy the boxed set, a Desolation Engine, and a pack of Hollow Waifs. I don't think Leveticus is hated near as much as Hamelin. He's a strong master, but tricky to use to his full potential.
  13. Leveticus: $50 Boxed Set $45 (I wouldn't play this list without a Desolation Engine at the very least) $100 Hollow Waifs $14 Desolation Engine $16.50 Necropunks $18 Canine Remains $14 Total: $107.50 It's a little over, but worth it. If you absolutely can't go over, I would suggest dropping the Canine Remains. They are good for summoning the second waif and extra activations, but being Insignificant unless you bring 2 of them means you can't grab objectives easily. Necropunks are great objective grabbers and can deal damage in an emergency. There are other models that are good with Leveticus, but he isn't the best one if you are budget conscious.
  14. Each master or henchmen can have its own totem. Leveticus can't have one because his Hollow Waifs take their place. It says he can't hire totems, but (unlike his other hiring restrictions) it doesn't say crews containing this model can't hire totems.
  15. I'm not sure if Push movement is halved from climbing or terrain penalties. Since he only has a 1" melee range, you wouldn't be able to follow up attack.
  16. By the end of turn 3, the Desperate Mercenary is either dead, or sacrificed. Using Uncontrolled Fire combined with For My Family means it deals fairly good damage to 2 targets before being sacrificed. For 2 points that isn't bad. If you start out within 8" of the enemy or have some way of giving them more movement or pushing them around, you can get 4 shots. It isn't usually a game-winner, but at 2 points I don't expect it to be.
  17. Masters to avoid if you don't want to have to buy more stuff: McMourning Nicodem Kirai Leveticus Somer Victorias Marcus Zoraida Dreamer
  18. The Desolation Engine can be created from Steampunk Abominations. I'm fairly sure Nicodem can summon those.
  19. Killjoy might be a good option too. He's more durable, and does a lot of damage. Both of them are good in that they can't be attacked until they are deployed, when they are right in the enemies face.
  20. Nicodem really likes Vultures. I would take them over a Grave Spirit. Mindless Zombies are a must. Crooked Men are good. I think a Nurse and a couple of Desperate mercs might be interesting, but they aren't necessary by any means.
  21. Leveticus needs a Desolation Engine and an extra Hollow Waif to fill out the boxed set. Other models that go well with him: Guardian - Protect a Hollow Waif Ryle - Extra ranged threat. Necropunks - cheap and fast objective grabbers. Canine Remains - kill it for a corpse counter to summon a second hollow waif quickly. Also, 2 points each and fast, but you need more than one to remove Insignificant. Belles - Lure is good for bringing enemies closer to deal with them. Masters that work well with Leveticus: Hoffman, Ramos Henchmen: Molly, and I think Collodi will work with him too. Hamelin the Plagued will work with Leveticus, but their hiring restrictions will keep almost all the models you want from working with them. If you want to bring the Avatar, it will be a completely different type of list than otherwise. The Riders are expensive enough that you will be bringing them instead of models that Leveticus would normally want.
  22. I wouldn't worry too much about lack of painting skills. A lot of players at my store don't have most of their models painted (including me. I've gotten really slow at painting.) Time is another issue entirely. Read through the rules as time allows, and maybe get some people to play a few games with you and go through the rules as you play. That way you both learn the rules as you go.
  23. Ordered a Freicorps Trapper and Desperate Merc. This should work well instead of Hans for the same cost. According to the store owner, they should come in along with my Ronin. After this I should have enough models to switch out if I need them for strategies and schemes. New list: Victorias 35ss 6 Soulstones -Student of Conflict 3 Taelor 8 Freikorps Trapper 6 Ronin 5 Ronin 5 Desperate Mercenary 2
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