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Status Updates posted by edonil

  1. I'm not bad. Tired, working through my class material. Not a whole lot left to read, but still...reading, lol.

  2. PPPPAAAANNNNNDDDDDAAAA! Hey, how's it going? *grin*

  3. Yeah...there are many things about writing I learned from Abnett. And then there are things where it's not a great idea... On the other hand, would highly recommend tracking down Thorn and Talon, it's a set of two Eisenhorn and one Ravenor short stories. Sounds like an interesting Masters program, actually! Hopefully that works out!

  4. Yeah, that's pretty similar to mine, actually! Instead of the Gamin and Willie, I grabbed the book and the Archers myself. You want to contact Wyrd about your Masters? How come? o.O And I'll be praying for you about that! What'd you think of Ravenor? And have you heard Thorn and Talon yet?

  5. A little over thirty hours, lol.

  6. Hey, how's your story coming?

  7. Dude! Way to go with the magazine! (high fives) Great job man. *grin*

  8. Oh, that sounds interesting! And glad to hear the project got wrapped up. Any chance I can take a look at a preview copy as a contributor? ;) I'll be curious to hear what you think of DKR, I found from a narrative standpoint the story to be great. Granted, I didn't have anything really to complain about, so there is that. I'm looking forward to reading your story! And yes, four characters in one location is simpler than one character in four locations, lol.

  9. So, how's your own story coming?

  10. Oh, I'm looking forward to it! It's hard to improve without knowing what to change...

  11. Way to go Panda! :D Awesome job with your feedback, once again. Thanks for all your hard work for the benefit of the other writers.

  12. How's the packing and prep coming?

  13. Ah, cool! Good luck with that, I never learned graphic design myself otherwise I'd offer assistance. Odds are I'd just make your life more difficult, lol. And it's far earlier than 11am here, lol.

  14. Hey! How's the project going?

  15. (poke) I did what you said and finally posted an update. :-p

  16. I know what you mean, although it is nice to see you more active again. Hope you're doing well!

  17. Hey, long time no see, hope you're doing well!

  18. Monkey! How have you been?

  19. Results are going up Saturday at the latest. As for another one, I do want to try another round with a shorter word count and less crazy feedback guidelines, see if we get better participation. I figured you've been busy, so I wasn't worried about it. :) My life went kinda crazy as I juggle four college classes, full time work and the rest of life, so I know what you mean, lol.

  20. No idea if you've had time to read, but what'd you think of the story?

  21. I would love to, but I work sunday nights! Wish I could be there. :/ In the interest of exchanging stuff, I'm going to be running an event myself on the 28th, if you want to come along.

  22. Hey, where have you been? Haven't seen you in the OTT in a long time, the showgirls got to your room.

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