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Mister Shine

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Everything posted by Mister Shine

  1. Can't think of any magic weapons in the Neverborn off the top of my head, so you'll be doing half damage to most of Kirai's crew. So just stack up a lot of quick hits which means, yup: Wicked Dolls for Juju. Alternate choice would be a Weaver Widow, but since Kirai's crew isnt going to be generating counters for you, usefulness may vary on the Widow
  2. Gives me an idea Dumb Luck... and a new song! A Tyrant went down to Malifaux, he was looking for a soul to steal. He was in a bind cause he was way behind and he was willin' to make a deal. When he came across this young gremlin sawin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot. And the Tyrant jumped upon a hickory stump and said: "Boy let me tell you what: "I guess you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too. "And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you. "Now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy, but give this Tyrant his due: "I bet a fiddle of soulstone against your soul, 'cos I think I'm better than you." The gremlin said: "My name's Johnny and it might be a sin, "But I'll take your bet, your gonna regret, 'cos I'm the best there's ever been!"
  3. Then theres the fact you can have a whole bunch of Oogie Boogies running around on your team
  4. Figured everyone might like to see my first few showgirls. Im posting them in the order I painted them, and I think you can see an improvement in the quality as I go, which gives me great hope for the future And here's a bit of how the magic happens, its not smoke and mirrors, its glue and magnets! Big finish now!
  5. Oh, I'll also listen to my gf watching Netflix when she's over. She likes watching me paint, so long as there's Xena to also watch
  6. Collodi hits hard with his puppets, but isnt a hard hitter himself. If you obey him you get to hit for mediocre damage. Not saying he doesnt synergize well, but for the purposes of an obey, there are much better options. I like hitting things with Nekima myself. If only cause I like the model. And the model carries a great big beat stick
  7. I feel its important with Z to have a heavy hitter in your list who is NOT immune to influence. You can conduit obey you enemy's models with Z, but you want to use Magical Extension on the doll to obey your own model, auto fail the resist and get a free charge/(1) action Even better second turn to activate Doll first -> Obey, then Zoraida makes a new one and uses her last ap for Obey, then a third Obey with the new doll
  8. Presumably we all paint here, but we also all presumably don't just stare at models for hours with no distractions: So what do you have on in the background while you paint? I used to throw on TV, but found it a bit too distracting, so lately I've taken to playing some Parov Stelar. The right amount of beat to keep me painting steady, but not so much as to get me up and dancing. Usually. [ame] [/ame]
  9. For white fabrics I generally star with a light gray base then dry brush pure white heavily until it looks good. Even the brightest white fabric is going to be dark in the recesses, and the contrast will make your brighter colours pop more
  10. Nekima, Tuco and Sue: The Too Cool for School Gang Master? Nobody can master those three! ...although I'll use Zorraida.
  11. I absolutely adore these cards and I must have them by paying you a significant markup
  12. Looking good, but throwing a bit of wash onto some of them could reeeeeally make them pop. Especially things like the judge's coat and J's hair
  13. I think it might come from all the Nightmare Dolls, getting used to having the construct immunities thrown in there I must say, the first time my Collodi/Zoraida crew got in with Seamus it was pretty vile. Scrap counters everywhere. Had to Gamble and Obey>Gamble constantly just to keep up with all the health he was geting back from making marionettes and wicked dolls flee
  14. I like to use Nekima to drop enemy WP by 2, then have some stitched backed up by Sue gambling their lives. If you have enough SS to cram in Collodi you can effectively be giving them +6 to their WP duels Extra nasty with Zoraida obeying
  15. Sleep is for guildsmen! Paint those stitches (puppet) soldier!
  16. Still have to green stuff fix the back a bit, the bow especially. But going to use the same blues as Collodi, white mask as well, can't decide if i want to do blue, bone or black legs
  17. Crosspost from my Collodi thread on my weaver WiP
  18. Hey Gang, just a few shots of my Collodi gang in progress: The Puppetmaster himself with claws done in the Maerius-style conversion. Stitched and Wicked Doll. Cut off the top knot cause 40k taught me to. Oh who's this pretty gal? Ohgodnosweetmercy nonononononononono
  19. I use these bad boys from Iron Halo.net 4 bucks for 5 inserts
  20. I just filed down the feet on my showgirls to make them flat and even then glued them to the base. Works like a charm if you arent throwing your models around.
  21. Shame he can't auto sepsis with nekima anymore, but as Calmdown pointed out: he's already pretty good. Making models not count as friendly anymore can really put the hurt on ANY list that uses buffers and the fact you can make it permanent? Youch. Plus dude has a sweet hat. Sweet. Hat.
  22. well not a caravan unit, I just wanted one for style points
  23. Very very nice. I'd love to try and use the carnie magic dimensions to make a collodi cart. How'd you do the shingles?
  24. Just reiterating what a huge difference this change makes in the look of the model, I'm so much happier with my collodi now
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