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Everything posted by FoeRender

  1. I like them would love to play against them
  2. I am going to write these in short bursts as I break from painting or get bored at work . I am no writer but always get bugged to DM Rpg games often. So I am going to try and come up with a decent story about a young man named Jobe and his first trip to malifaux . draft in progress please feel free to leave comments and thoughts . Jobe looked threw crystal brown eyes out at the station platform watching the passengers get off the train too greet loved ones or rushing to meet one deadline or another . Jobe was rethinking the reasoning behind his trip to malifaux , because really he had none , thought this up on a whim , well that's not entirely true . See Jobe worked a shop on the trains platform stateside owned buy his parents , they sold all types of last minute things you might need for your trip at inflated prices . This is where he met her for the first time . She walked in late towards the end of Jobes shift , he was looking under the counter for the keys to lock up for the night and heard the bells that hung over the door to alert the shop keep of patrons entering the shop . He looked up from behind the counter to greet the customer with a wide smile and go about an interaction he made thirty to forty times today already , but was stopped mid smile and stumbled over his greeting . " H-hello what can I find for you " She stood there with a half smile looking around the shop threw shifty eyes , she was tall for a women about shoulder length to Jobe with long black hair streaked with white highlights surrounding a soft cherubic face with the brightest green eyes Jobe has ever seen . Contrasted with her soft features where her 4 revolvers hanging from her hips , slender pistols with ivory handles with what looked like the head of a ram burnt into them . They hung top to top a pair on each hip , looking like she can draw two pistols from any stance , what contrasted her soft beautiful features the most though was the scar that ran from her eye down to her chin down the left side of her nose . She was slender wearing a shirt cut at the sleeves which hugged her body showing the lines of her toned abs tucked into stoned washed black jeans . black leather boots going to about knee level hugged her long slender legs . Leather bands lined her wrists almost to her elbows . Jobe gathering himself asks " what can I get you for " " you said that already " she widened her smile and went over to the clothing side of the shop . " looking for a gift or something for yourself " Jobe asked but was ignored as she walked over to the dusters . "ahhh dusters we have some lovely ladies sizes over here " as he said it he regretted it , laughing she casts a side ways glance and continues sifting threw the rack . Satisfied with what she found she headed towards the counter where Jobe was waiting . Jobe couldn't put a finger on it since the women walked in the door . He couldn't take his eyes off of her , it was her beauty , her overwhelming confidence along with her playful glances and smile . He was infatuated with her the second she walked in the door . " so you headed to Malifaux , never been there myself " Jobe shifted uncomfortably " Um Frankly I never really been anywhere " at that she asked how much for the navy duster . " I want you to have it " a million thoughts where racing threw his head all of which was asking him what the hell he was doing . Taken back by his both abrupt and awkward form of flirting she flashed another of her playful smiles " Mister you have something , I cant put my finger on it just yet " her first full sentence of there encounter . With that she places a gold piece on the counter and a small black pouch . " The gold should cover the duster and that's for you " referring to the small sack placed before him . " that will take you to where you want to be " before he can acknowledge and process what she said and look up from the pouch he heard the bells of the door , she was gone . Jobe pulled the small pouch from his breast pocket and poured the contents into his hand , 5 small stones , all with a milky white glow . Stuffing the stones back in there pouch Jobe stepped down from the train setting foot for the first time in a place that wasn't called home , a place called Malifaux .
  3. Wyrdos I like it :marshmell. I met a bunch of cool guys at adepticon hope to run in to more at gen com !
  4. Looks great ! nice job with the metallic paints .
  5. Just youtube words ceazy and nyc subway and see some of the gems that pop up . OT no prob , some of my best campaigns where written on the train and a tourny winning list a well
  6. Malifaux's sexiest latina She still needs some work , I want to bring up the whit a tad more and finish up a few minor details . Took pics at work so not that clear as I would have liked.
  7. That is a nice blue , I feel evryone has there color they do really well .
  8. I read or watch bleach on my phone . If I have nothing to read I bring my black sketch book and write army list or scenarios / campaigns for the games iam playing , or practice my freehand .
  9. Cave is shaping up well , iam inspired to build the fold away tables I have been thinking about . (downside to living in NYC ... SPACE ! ). YOU SHOULD HANG ONE OF THOSE LIGHTS FOUND OVER POOL TABLES OVER THE GAMES TABLE.
  10. Thanks , now I just have to get the tool kit and maybe some spiders .
  11. Hey thanks for thev awesome comments . I have to agree there are plenty of techniques that can make poor or average painter turn out super sweet stuff for the table top . And its easier than you think ! Keep an write on my youtube channle I posted in general chat . Iam in the process of making a few vids to take minis from dull to awesome with some simple techniques .
  12. Thanks , Perdita is up next I have been ysi.gw her alot as off late she deserves some love
  13. These look great , love the color choices , very striking.
  14. Captain almost finished In the back you might notice Perdita on the painting table , she is next up !
  15. Awesome , glade I can help lol . I added some blood too the bandages on Ryle, looked a little off without it .
  16. The peace keeper was kind of a pain lol , but well worth it I use him often . Either use epoxy or pin the arms .
  17. Check out ryle in my hoffman thread ! A sneak peak on a conversion I did . Small but effective swap . ( actually his axe broke which lead me to this )
  18. Ryle .... Thanks for all the awesome comments so far evryone !
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