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Everything posted by Hansel

  1. Dark Alleycat told me something last week, and I think it should be added to the Tactica (and maybe he should expand, because I'm going secondhand on this). Here's an interesting combo: If you take Santiago with Sonnia, you can keep him close and use him for healing. Stab him with Sonnia's blade, cheat to minimum damage, then trigger Absorb Magic, discard 1, draw 1, heal 1. When Santaigo gets to 4 wounds, his "Is That All You Got?" goes off, and he becomes really nasty. Seems cool, but not amazing. After all, you can only do it twice before Santiago gets to 4 wounds, and then you probably don't want to do it anymore (but maybe to a Witchling b/c of their Magic Resistant?). Also, if you have to cheat a Ram (or if you flip one) to do minimum damage, you have to discard 2 control cards, but you still only get to draw 1 and heal 1. Still, seems like it could be clutch in certain circumstances.
  2. LULZ! For sure, I'll post up another pic once she's painted.
  3. Oh, Blind Justice. I think I was getting that confused with Blindfighter. I see now. Also, I'm on the Cog now.
  4. Wait, I thought the tournament was next weekend--the 21st? Also, on the subject of Lady J vs. Pandora: Does Blind Justice mean she can target Pandora with a Charge?
  5. I think I'm going to go with the Mx bag, but then, I found one for $60.
  6. How do you like it? Anyone know of other good options besides Battlefoam?
  7. I've been thinking about buying a Malifaux bag, and have just about enough spare scratch to pick one up, so I went to Battlefoam, and it appears they've increased the price to $80. This made me go in search of cheaper waters, which are out there for those who care to look. Just wanted to let people know...
  8. Okay, I'll get it to you sometime before the tourney.
  9. I won't be able to make the tourney, so you're welcome to use my lone Austringer if you want it. I live close to Red Castle, so it's not a problem to show up for a minute to drop him off, just let me know.
  10. Man, all this Seamus love has got me thinking I should keep my Seamus box & actually play it someday. Still, go with Gremlins!
  11. Ooh, forgot that Terrifying caused Morale duels, and not just Wp duels. So it looks like Ressers & Neverborn (in general) are bad places for the Gov's Proxy. Thanks!
  12. Couple Noob questions. I'm a newish Guild player, and after listening to the latest Gamer's Lounge episode, where they talk about Pandora, I decided to read up on her. Wow! I can't target her unless I win a Wp duel! It seems, in this case, that it would be good to take the Governor's Proxy when I hear Neverborn announced. ...unless they get really nasty with Morale duels. So do they? I've played against Neverborn twice (Lilith & then Zoraida, and didn't have to do any Morale duels). Who does, if they don't? Who else does?
  13. Funny, that's how Genetic taught me the game. :proud:
  14. Hell. Yes. Not that I can accomplish that...!
  15. I pinned my damn Austringer and the bird still fell off! I think I'm going to have to greenstuff a wider base for the bird's claws.
  16. Yeah, seriously, a brand new player? At least give 'em the option of taking it back if it's a game-ending mistake in the first turn.
  17. I realized after I painted him that I didn't think too hard about where the rust should go, so you're definitely right. Still, I think it looks good on the table and gets the "rusty" look across, so I'm happy with it more or less.
  18. Austringer vs. Austringer battle! I guess I have to get a SECOND one now. Part of the reason I love the Austringer so much is that he reminds me of the boy Roland from the Dark Tower books (you'll know what I mean if you've read them).
  19. Yeah, the belly definitely needs love. I didn't want to make it hairy, because I just don't like how that looks, but I definitely need to do something with it.
  20. Yeah, thanks Lenny, that was a bunch of fun. I probably should've started with Lady J rather than Sonnia, but I didn't want to have "n00b" pasted on my forehead. Anyway, I had a lot of fun, and had a lot of luck in beating the Freikorps (but I'm claiming the victory on that first game )
  21. I've been looking to expand my Guild forces with some Outcasts. The Convict Gunslinger caught my eye first, as he has some really awesome abilities and tacking on that extra SS doesn't seem to hurt too much, because there's not a lot (anything?) sitting in the 6 SS spot for the Guild. thoughts?
  22. I can't express my love for this sculpt enough. The Executioner is fully badass. I'm also pretty pleased with my paintjob of him. Feel free to comment, criticize, discuss, etc! I'm especially proud of the corpse-like hands and the rust on his scissorhands. Click to make them bigger.
  23. I'll be there tomorrow, around 5:30 pm. Come hell or high water, I'm going to play at least two games! Especially since starting next week, every other Wednesday will be taken up by an Apocalypse World game. Who else is coming?
  24. This. Someone get on it! I'm finding that playing maybe two games a week is simply not enough, especially as a beginner!
  25. I just picked up a Student, and I love his abilities, but 4ss? Seems expensive.
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