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Kathie v Vhoorl

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Everything posted by Kathie v Vhoorl

  1. That is a great Candy! I love how you made the eyes look so even and I like the blue in them
  2. Thanks everyone. Kds54: I used mostly Reaper master Series paints on these and a little bit of the vallejo Panzer Aces paints that I caught on sale. I found an entire 48 paint panzer aces range for sale for $50.00 recently. It was such a good deal I had to buy them
  3. I'm really digging your Vik! That is just a great look.
  4. I charged her $39.00 but she paid me $50.00. I don't know what commission painters get and I didn't want to scare her off with some crazy high price.
  5. This is a Lilith crew I just painted up. I actually painted it as a commission... yeah I'm being serious.. I made money doing this! c: Let me know what you think. I think I rushed this one a little because I was painting for someone else, so i did not push the envelope on new techniques or anything. Some local players that are just getting into Malifaux saw my Pandora crew and want me to paint their crews. Next up is a Marcus crew then I have to do a Perdita and an Ophelia (with warpig addition). Wish me luck!
  6. Wow!!! I love the terrain. The little necronomicon is just perfect.
  7. Looking wonderful! Hell Dorado puts out some neat minis.
  8. looking very nice. I also like the blood effects on the Crooked Man, it really gives the model that "little something extra" that pushes the art to the next level.
  9. The snow effects look really good. Impressive skills! You could probably add another level of highlight to make the details on the minis "pop" a little better. Good work all around in any case.
  10. Your Blood tutorial is very good! Thanks for the tips, the blood looks fantastic. All of your models look very nice. What do you use to make the little playing cards? Are they just freehanded?
  11. You painting is fabulous! Zenithal lighting is the way to go I think. Your Zoraida is very, very nice.
  12. @vegel: I use highlighting with mixed colors, then I added a glaze over that to tone down the lines between the paints. I guess I kinda feathered the glaze around a little bit with my brush. @yazza: sure thing.. use it all you want. @AntiZombie: You may have a point about the base. nemissary likes to make very interesting custom bases, but he has not found a way for them to be really cool and not having some "busy" look to them also. He is still working out ideas for his tile/tentacle basing ideas.
  13. @ Nathan: You are right. I guess I need to figure out how to take good pics @ Cassarus: I got this little cutie from MAOW Miniatures. I just looked them up online one day by chance. @ vegel: The base was made by Nemissary. He has made molds of it and just casts them when he wants. All the paint is from highlights. I haven't used any drybrushing. This guy is really small btw. Like a GW goblin height I guess.
  14. Here is my latest attempt at improving my painting techniques. I did not use any black on this model. All of the shading is done with glazes of blue or purple that I mixed up myself (another thing I was trying out). I still haven't reached a comfortable point with the consistency of glazes of how to use them, but I learned a little on this little guy. I saw this mini online and could not pass it up. He is such a little cutey and Cthulhu is one of Nemissary's favorite things. I painted it up for Nem and I used a custom base that Nem makes and casts himself. Comments and criticisms needed and encouraged. Don't worry about hurting my feelings, this is here for me to get feedback and learn to be better. Thanks for looking
  15. Welcome to the World of Wyrd!
  16. Very nice painting. I like the review of the demo rules also, Thanks!
  17. 128th King: here is a shot from the back. You can see where the GSing was rushed and could have been alot smoother, but I'll chalk it up to impatience.
  18. I'm a fan of the "Bad Fairy" model. All of your work looks great, but the Doppleganger has to be my favorite. Looks wonderful!
  19. Oh the colors used for the black tiles were basecoat Chaos Black (gw), then highlight with German Grey (VMC) then again with Dark Grey (VGC). The white was just an ivory color then highlighted with Skull White (GW).
  20. Looks Great! Your highlights really 'pop' and make the model look very nice.
  21. I like the Hamelin base quite a bit. All the cute little rats scurrying around is great.
  22. @Avatarform: The tiles were already embossed onto the plastic sheeting. All I had to do was paint inside the lines . The skin is simple. Tallarn flesh base. 50-50 tallarn and elfic flesh then pure elfic flesh. Just layered on there, one coat each.
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