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Posts posted by (Keenan)

  1. 11 hours ago, retnab said:

    Got another one for you, in AWP someone asked "Will promo models get updated M3E cards?" and Wyrd responded "Yes, all the way back to first edition."

    Did they state that in person, or written somewhere?  That's pretty exciting if true.

  2. @Teluriel12 I certainly don't want to be dismissive of anybody, as you are always entitled to your feelings, but I've seen you post several places that there will be no support for the masters in dead mans hand.  Where are you getting that information?  The only info I've seen has been that they will be balanced, they are not in the fluff at the moment, and aren't tournament legal unless the TO says they are (which I do have to side with what many people have said that they can't imagine a reason TOs won't allow them).  I do absolutely sympathize with the feelings though, and I firmly believe that Wyrd will un-deadify them in the future, as they typically have been a very customer-oriented company for the eight years I've been buying their product.

  3. On 7/30/2018 at 6:39 PM, -Loki- said:

    The main problem with Collodi for me was he never felt connected to the Neverborn. Granted I started with 2E so I don’t know his fluff before that. Same reason I’m fine with Lynch losing dual faction, another master I never felt was really connected to the faction.

    See I always felt he was more connected with Neverborn simply because Huggy was the real power and he was definitely NB.  Maybe that was just because my preference strayed to that faction way more than 10T.

  4. For me it was Seamus ever since 1st edition.  Jack the Ripper and undead hookers?  What could be better?  It was the fluff and the models that drew me more than anything else.  I then picked up Dreamer and nightmare Chompy and haven't stopped playing NB since.

  5. On 7/26/2018 at 10:16 AM, izikial said:

    I know im going to be alone on this one but i wont miss colodi at all. Never felt a kinship for him and always hated how skewed his rukes were 

    You are definitely not alone.  I've never really enjoyed the theme, or the visuals.  Fluff was OK but not enough to push me to buy, paint, and learn despite me playing NB.

  6. For human eyes, try doing the whites like in the link above, but to get the pupil use a micron pen.  Black size 005 available at Michael's for a few bucks.  Way easier to get the same sized pupils in my opinion.

  7. On 7/21/2018 at 1:49 PM, daniello_s said:

    How's Dreamer seen in current state of the game? Good? Bad? So-so?

    Everything I've read I'd say so-so at best.  The Daydream change seemed to neuter summoning pretty well (I think it could still be fine, but that's just my unproven opinion) and cricket bat Dreamer is good but not enough to make up for the competitiveness of old summoning Dreamer

  8. Consider me disappointed.  The only alts i would have been interested in were Graves & Tannen and they just are kind of blah in my opinion.  Admittedly I am partial to my Graves that I painted like Michael Clarke Duncan, and I think the original Tannen just gives the right impression of his personality.  That said, the only model on that list that I'd be interested in is Gwyneth Maddox, and I can wait.  Pretty disappointed that the models from a year ago aren't all available yet and we've been getting Monday previews for things that will come out 'sometime'.

    EDIT: I could see the alt Graves with wings and a sword make a good Nek-He-ma

    • Haha 1
  9. 10 hours ago, lusciousmccabe said:

    Maybe one of the desperate mercenaries with the weapons and hat cut off and hair sculpted on?

    I had that thought too, but it seemed like Lynch would be less modelling and sculpting.  Of course it would be a proxy for whatever model the OP wanted.

  10. That's a tough one.  Maybe Lynch with without the hat and Book's hair sculpted on top or a different head?  Or have a go with the TTB multi part kit?  That might still require some modeling for his hair, but you should be able to get something from that.  Might have to wait for some different models to come out and just have Book be on Haven or something.  

  11. 47 minutes ago, Terry Bailey Sr said:

    That is the problem I have.   I dont want to show up to a tourney and build the crew based on the strat and scenes. It takes too long. I want to show up with a built crew and play, and be at least competitive. 

    That's never been the nature of this game though.  

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  12. 5 hours ago, SoylentRobot said:

    Resurrectionists, Neverborn and Ten Thunders don't have "their own" Nightmare crew though, they either share it with another faction or don't have one at all. I'd love to see one for Oni's Wrath though, using proper yokai like the umberella thing instead of the blue monkeys. Grown Up Dreamer would be neat too.

    I'd love to have a grown up Dreamer alt sculpt.  I've been periodically searching for appropriately sized cricket bats to model onto a TTB model but I just can't seem to find one.  


    7 hours ago, wobbly_goggy said:

    See (Keenan)''s post.

    Think he only missed Sammy LaCroix = zoraida and Trixibelle (to some extent)= belles. 

    And as he mentioned the original point of most gremlins being a threat is that they're copying humans. Dangerously experimental and inventive,  and in many ways inspired by humans.

    I just don't feel this crew fits in with the look or feel of Malifaux in any way - unless that is drastically shifting. ...which judging by the Guild Goofballs recently previewed. ..it is. 

    My other major criticism of this crew is that they're just ponies. The My Little Pony theme could have been taken and gremlin-ified  more. A pig pony?  Ponies representing the different factions? Ponies being ridden? Giant biting pony? Mechanical pony? Swamp pony? 

    Literally anything other than 'just ponies'. It's just not gremlin-y  enough for my taste. 

    I can't believe I forgot Sammy and Trixiebelle! Also taxidermists are McMourning.  

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  13. On 7/3/2018 at 12:28 AM, Phinn said:

    I remember someone painting their Gremlins with human skin, @bedjy, and they looked great :) Unfortunately can't recall who that was. It was a picture of a Taxidermist if I remember correctly.

    I remember seeing that too.  One of the creepiest things I've seen in my life.  Inspired me to paint my insidious madnesses flesh colored, which were not painted to the same quality, but were pretty creepy too. 

  14. 15 minutes ago, santaclaws01 said:

    Not really. Only Ophelia really copies anyone, and that's the Oretga. Somer just has the big hat=in charge thing, Wong is basically just a weaboo, Ulix does his own thing, Zipp does his own thing, Brewmaster does his own thing, Merris does her own thing, and Zoraida isn't a gremlin so she doesn't count. Of the 7 gremlin masters only 1 actually directly mimics anyone, and the majority of the other Gremlins that actually mimic anyone fall within her box. Other than her there is what, Sparks and the Criers? 

    A lot of people seem to have their own idea of what Malifaux is, and seem to just gloss over all the rest of malifaux that doesn't align with their view of the game.

    Merris is copying Kaeris.  I feel like I read way back in 1st edition that the somer and the hat thing was copying what they thought gave humans authority.  Wrastlers and mancha roja aren't copying named characters, but copying people per the Wong story.  And the Lightning Bugs are copying Oxfordian Mages.  Zipp and his whole crew are copying the people he stole the ship from I believe.  There may be other parallels but I feel like they'd be too much of a stretch.

  15. I like it well enough, but it isn't for me.  It's fun and odd and frankly, my little pony is the stuff nightmares are made of.  It just doesn't grab me the way the Dark Carnival, Wild Ones, or Xmas Rasputina did.  

    • Agree 2
  16. Tabletop players are definitely your best bet for recruitment.  Playing games with your friend and/or having demo days when GW and PP players are there for their regular nights should get some interest, especially if your models are painted (decently, not professionally).  For demos, I like the idea of a 'Henchman softcore' game.  Teach the mechanics without overwhelming the new player with things to keep track of, and don't put a time limit on it.  

  17. Do you have players that have committed to playing in the league, or are you trying to generate interest in the game by starting a league?  If you have players already interested tell the owners, show them a sign up sheet, and maybe that would convince them to carry the product.  If the league is to generate interest in the game, I'd personally say that's really ambitious.  Demo days are a better option, or playing the game at those stores to get some attention to it.  

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