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Everything posted by sephiroa

  1. well, on youtube and on this forum you will find a LOT of painting help. if you want advice, well, lets start with what colour you would like to give your models, a bright color? or a more dark tone? it starts with your primer, black or white. and then you simple add colours. some things you have to learn is drybrushing, a very nice painting technique wich allows you to highlight without ruining your model. but what is realy important, make sure you have fun painting your models, if you paint them with the feeling "i don't want to but i have to", you will see it in your painting. take your time, and relax, they are not going to run away even if it takes 3 days for 1 model, as long as its how you want it to be. need more advice, or more detailed advice, just ask
  2. thats a nice decent list but i like to have some ranged spells that can hit very hard ramos mobile toolkit kaeris essence (either link to kearis or ramos) 4 arachnids or 3 ice gamin (i like ice gamin, they are annoying to kill and are good support) silent one or fill up with 2 (extra) arachnids
  3. well i am sure you are right expose fear is an strong version of terrifying. pandora sets the wp and you have to beat it, meaning in a tie, attacker wins, incite as an attack, so in a tie, pandoras wins. it's not that difficult, is it? edit: the above with expose fear was to make it easier to understand
  4. true,, but by the time you do this, all his soulstones are out and maybe your SA are dead, if so, well, have fun casting well yeah, problem is, i don't have colette i will have her arround september perhaps but now i have ramos and rasputina, problem is everybody gets annoyed when i take my raspy so i played ramos, but he isn't that powerfull atm (in my list) that's why i wanna try my new list
  5. well,, it certainly gave me a huge jawdropping effect these are beautiful only problem;; 28mm,, its that tiny bit to small,, i know, i tried to put a malifaux table with 28mm scenery,, when your big building is standing in the middle, and you put a ht 3 model next to it, well, it just isn't so big anymore
  6. the way i see it you both played like a new player should very eager and rush forward the december cult did something realy weird tough,, why putting up statues?? run with thos gamins, go from cover to cover. and hit those zombies, the gamins can kick some zombies in the buttocks and if they explode, well no biggie, they almost take half of the opponents crew, and rasputina should have killed seamus with 3 castings (yess its possible) with some high masks to trigger overpower. the redchapel gang, lure has an 18" range, lure the golem or a gamin to you. right into the open, he may be hard, but when he stands alone, and seamus shoots him with his gun (and the copycat ass wel) he will go down very easy. some things to remember but a very nice report i love the way how you wrote it :thumb:
  7. yes but i have never played pandora, she can also be killed with blast markers so when i know i'm gonna face her, i'm gonna use my raspy ^^ possible and then smack her down with ramos' spells problem is i had this 2 times already (only 2 times he ever charged ) so i believe my executioner has been jinxed that's why i use joss ATM
  8. well that's what edits are for isn't it :bigthumb: but now that i looked at it again it's realy easy acctually
  9. first: what he says second: off course it does breach psychosis is kinda the same as immune to influence. and it makes ryle immune to wp duels, meaning, its gone with "The box opens"
  10. well, you are right about the first part. both of the hollow waifs will come back. you can kill leveticus by killing all the waifs and leveticus in one turn. even if one of them is alive, they will all 3 return to play. thats what i think the shackled rule means.
  11. jeppa as the spells itself says; receives one of the following effects, meaning, 1 spell has 3 effects, and since we are talking about stacking effects and not spells the effect is from a spell, but the manual talks about stacking of effects with the same name from ability or spell but they are stil talking about the effects. and since with depraved tactics, you have 3 effects. sometimes the rules are easy to understand, but we have to think a bit ^^
  12. almost always i was looking at a couple of them and they all had the insignificant character so i asumed they all had it
  13. well i used it because it was funny 3 models clusstered, and the SAS was sure to die so it was better to use the 3dg self detonate. that would be possible, if i only can get to perdita with my minions. can't i just latch on and atack with the same arachnid? i will try it, and i hope that this time when i charge i won't get the black joker in my attackflip
  14. ooh, well this was a discussion i had with somebody else, and this was also clarified like this soo, this means that if the shatter kills the executioner, they both die?
  15. allright no harm done i suppose keep up the good work it's because discussions like this that i like this forum you clarify everything personally. and after that, you create a rules manual with al these discussions clarified
  16. or use your arachnids to walk as a bomb straight at them to explode?? (i already did this with a SAS with 2 wounds left. walk, hit, heal, hit again, explode, killed lilith, mature neph and young neph ) but since lilith is a melee master, and perdita is a shooty master,, well,, i can kill her only with ramos. and because she has that stupid "see the unseen" my upgraded defence won't work,, same as nino, i wan't to get him in melee, he has only 1 wound left,and what does he do, "where'd he go" it realy annoys me :censored: those ortegas are way overpowerd well, ATM
  17. well if said like this, there wouldn't be this discussion but now that sketch said it would be like this. i believe this discussion is finished @ ratty and sketch: sorry i was such a pain in the ass
  18. oooh well,, still doesn't make sense to me, but okay soo, what about the voracious rats? isn't this the same principle? they say the exact same thing, the difference is that with the rats, it would be any model, even spirits and constructs
  19. and it says that a MZ counts as. but he isn't one, to make a 40k example: some infantry can count as a jetbike for moving purposes, but it still is infantry exactly the same as here, MZ is a minion, but counts as a walking corpse counter. i can understand it with the Desolation engine, that you won't get 3 zombies because of the 2 steampunk abominations, so that only one can be placed because of its 50mm base and the rule that you can't place or summon more minions than the base allows.
  20. stil i think it would be weird, because the zombie is placed because of a model dying same as the rats with varocious rats they are summoned because of the rat bying killed. but only because the zombie has this ability that he is a walking corpse counter it does not count? so if i would follow this, that means that a constructs, nigtmares soulles and spirits cannot turn into mindless zombies? spirits i understand, and constructs as well. but then you still have special constructs that drop a corpse counter as well. would they turn into a mindless zombie as well? than the empty vessel trigger should have been different: now it says: After killing a living or Undead defender with a Teeth Strike, place a number of Mindless Zombies equal to the defender’s base size in base contact with the defender before it is removed from play. Defender does not generate Corpse Counters. (its in white, it could be possible that they won't like it me posting this, if they don't like it, i wil delete it immediatly) even here it says that the killed model won't generate corpse counters. it just saying something about the model being killed. not that they are being generated from a corpse counter. sorry if i'm being annoying right now, but the ruling isn't making any sense to me
  21. i understand why the detonation is impossible to generate the shatter, as it explodes already to do damage, but the overheat well, its not a damage pulse. its an effect pulse. and since it kills the model it is still possible to have the shatter, i think, i dunno we will see. but you still have your scrap counter lying on the ground
  22. the most trouble is perdita, i somehow can manage a lilith and a justice crew (still lose easily) but perdita and nino they just shoot my crew like they are friggin shooting some doves,, and perdite negates the cover,, (damn bullet curving,,) i tried the cover thingy,, and well,, bye bye steamborg, this was turn 2,, turn 3 it was bye bye joss, i only managed to kill a the judge because ramos was casting 3 times in him. turn 4, ramos was shot into tiny tiny bits,, not even possible to make a scrap counter out of it :stickyman and well,, i hope they don't change it it would be very funny if i could still do it
  23. well, this is very easy to answer, if you are bitten and killed by the zombie that would be the first to activate because the rats come from a further distance and are to late to eat the body because its already a zombie. get it? this would be mine answer
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