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Everything posted by Dancing

  1. Damn. Haha. I was like, "Oh, someone replied, oh it's Nathan... oh. That's a firm answer." Well... if the possibility ever comes, ya know? make it possible. Cheers
  2. Wow, it's been a long time since I have posted. I have slowly started to get into Malifaux again, and I was specifically curious to ask if Wyrd plans to offer an option at some point in the future for out of print miniatures/models? I always had a dream to collect everything malifaux, and I just didn't have the money, (and kinda still don't.) Acquiring the books, ezine, and supplements is easy via drive-thru rpg. However, not so much with physical miniatures? It's kinda hard to find 1st edition stuff on Amazon or eBay. I would love the ability at some point to be able to purchase past miniatures, even if it was more expansive.
  3. If you decompile the vassal modular it gives you access to 54 images you can use to make a custom FateMaster Deck and Twist Decks, *tedious mode activated* because you have to upload every file individually, but once it's done... it's done.
  4. So here is a rough draft character sheet for anyone who is thinking of using Roll20 to play through the breach. http://pastebin.com/TUrpMkSP and a Horrible Photoshop of what it looks like on Roll20 in the preview area http://i.imgur.com/6IrVNnC.png?1 it doesn't look like that in Roll20, that was just three screenshots in preview mode (which doesn't display it correctly.) In game if you expand the character sheet window, everything aligns up well. It's just the preview area is so small it screws up like that. If Wyrd gives me permission to upload it to the Roll20 Character Sheet Database/Collective Server I will, but for now you can just copy and paste this into the custom section on character sheets under campaign settings. You need a Mentor level account to do this. Note! You have to expand the window in game, or else all the character skills don't allign. do not touch the left column in the skills section, it will change EVERY value that is dependent on that aspect. I wanted to lock it but it wouldn't auto-calculate. If anyone wants to touch it up or add something. Please do so and repost here. * represents a skill that affects an aspect Φ represents a skill that has a choice for an aspect Derived aspects won't auto-calculate and neither will the skills with Φ... you just have to know what needs to go there. If you have the PDF's you will notice so I don't see an issue with that. Roll20 also supports CSS, but I am tired of working on this thing, and wanted just a basic function Character Sheet. All Slots contain data attributes if in the future they update deck/card mechanics to allow API Macros. I might check into it at some point but, the groundwork is set for someone else, if I never get around to it.
  5. Exactly, and that's what has annoyed me the most.
  6. I have a mixed feeling about through the breach. My players are currently 22% through our campaign they all fulfilled a destiny and stepped up their pursuits. I am waiting to finish the entire game to have an opinion. I do think that they should have given some things a little more crunch. It brings me back to Malifaux 1st edition, and how convoluted it was as a game, with 2nd edition being a much better game. one major thing I hate is the Character Sheet... who designed this thing? and why? <3 one major thing I love is the magia and immunto system, I love the stuff my players come up with, it just feels so much more personable.
  7. I did the same but with a D20 feel to it, very hack and slash.
  8. I am in the middle of making a Character Sheet for Roll20! and I have been running a group of 6 for "Through the Breach." I was in talks with Ratty about Wyrd doing the character sheet. However, I stopped getting responses and decided to do it myself. So far I have all of page 1 and 2 done. It's structured a little differently than the main books characters worksheet based on feedback from my players. I will, with Wyrds permission, than upload it to the Roll20 Character Sheet server for others to use. Until than it sits in my Custom Character Sheet spot on Roll20. Also if you need cards and terrain for roll20, decompile the Vassal module and upload the decks and terrain to Roll20. I did that for each of my players and their fate decks. We play using Mumble and Roll20. Also check out Cartographers Guilds website for good dungeons and the ilk. I play a heavily modified version of Through The Breach that allows for a more hack/slash dungeon crawl feel. If you do the same try to put your characters death wounds at -6.
  9. Anyone familiar with HTML?... I use roll20 for my group on through the breach, and while Ive been able to Micky Mouse everything to work (decompiling the vassel package and uploading all the images for terrain, cards and tokens) I wanna have their character sheets on roll20? Anyone handy enough to get one put together?
  10. I wish I did this rather than hand my people soulstones >.> w.e what is done is done...
  11. Could I have that uploaded to an excel document? I'll share what i've modified... I modified the opening talent every pursuit gets, instead of drawing a card when failing skill type A, they may re-do the initial flip. Manifested Powers are rewarded with every black joker/red joker combo in a duel total... with the player suffering both effects of a red joker flip and black joker flip. Grimoires may be created with the use of soulstone (destroying it's properties in the process) The players may pick one Magia and X - 1 number of Immunto, where X is the Lade. Any Grimoires made with a soulstone require a Tome to be added to the TN. I've also created the following types of Soulstones... Green Soulstones Your typical soulstone... Black Soulstones User suffers -1 damage and must make a succesful Horror duel of 10TN per use / this is added on to a Grimoire <- makes a great trap for greedy players.
  12. Does anyone else modify the rules for Through the Breach? I found myself modifying talents, opponents and making up my own items for my players to find? I already told my players that if and when they go to the store to pick up the fated almanac, not to be surprised about the rules being very different. I was wondering if anyone else uses homebrewed rules?
  13. BEST EMPLOYEE? OR BESTEST EMPLOYEE!?! It's hard to find good help like that...
  14. Any chance Mako, you might know when it would be done by?
  15. Not advertising, but, if you end up needing NPC's for a more unique session beyond what Wyrd has as a list Cipher Studios has it's Hell Dorado and Anima Tactics line Spartan Games has Dystopian Legions Reaper Miniatures has various lines Privateer Press has Warmachine and Hordes Megacon Games has Mercs and last, Soda Pop Miniatures has Relic Knights All these are the companies I know of that supports the same 30mm base style as Malifaux. when I was playing the Iron Kingdoms Role-Playing game with a friend, he used Freikorp Soldiers to represent a mercenary company, with Von Schills as the commander, which I found amusing. It also stopped our lore-lawyer player from knowing right off the bat what type of enemy we were dealing with because the models weren't anything from that universe but fit the style. It also helps you flesh out NPC's and PC's so not every necromancer looks like Seamus or the local arcanist villian looks like Ramos. I've been using the Hell Dorado, and Privateer Press models to play out NPC's... still a Terror Tot alt model is an impossibly hard gem to find. Just a few pennies, for ya.
  16. I honestly just can't wait to get my hands on the lore... I always had qualms about the card mechanic of the game (but I do appreciate unique things.) However, the lore to malifaux is so fun and interesting. To know that this much cannonacial lore is coming out is exciting.
  17. Hi I recently have been thinking of getting back into Malifaux... I abandoned the game shortly after the avatars came out, and was well aware of the Ten Thunders and Gremlins being thier own faction. I approve of alot of the changes that have been made and I am interested in getting back into it. One of the main reasons is the lore, and with through the breath coming out with 6 others book planned, I am most excited. I am what you would call a Lore-Whore... I love lore in any setting and Malifaux was one of my favorite settings. I have only one question... How much time has passed in universe between 1st edition, and 2nd edition? It seems... as if some time has passed.
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