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Everything posted by shahryar

  1. Having read a post below would you say maybe a better option would be levi, jd, and the crossroad 7 box? Levi and jd are the two i am most interested in out if outcasts
  2. So i see a lot of info about him using out of faction tormented models but how well does he work with outcasts? I have set a sort of rule for myself instead of buying everything I will focus on just three masters in any given faction (for my gremlins it is mah, wong, and ophie) i might by other boxes later for the non master stuff but they are not a priority(and it avoids "distractions"). So i would mostly be building lists from the three crew boxes and the stuff i can buy not from crew boxes. I know this limits me somewhat but i rather focus on being great with three masters at first rather then being overwhelmed with options. I am leaning mostly towards jack daw, viktorias, and levi. So I was wondering people's opinions on how best to focus On these three without fiddling with other crew boxes to much (preferably at all)
  3. Actually, what about nail polish? Something like: or
  4. I was looking at this one since it was pre cut(and the sizes are similar to what I was using to store some in already(so snug without touching the sides? Does any gremlin player use something like this? http://us.battlefoam.com/a-malifaux-bag-standard-load-out/
  5. I tend to hate foam transport because I have been very unlucky about paint rubbing off. My warmhordes are slowly being magnetized and put into faction specific tubs but I am worried about doing that with my plastic malifaux, a lot are gremlins that are glued to wood with a bit of miliput so held on the base by prayer mostly (seriously the female lightning bug was me attempting to give the middle finger to physics and gravity) Right now they are kind of in one older GW foam tray because if I put them in juuuust right the base will be wedged and they will be precisely between it. The problem is as my collection grows I am quickly running out of room and if I have to expand to another tray this system will not work. So I am trying to figure out what a good transport would be has anyone used those Xboards by battle foam or others like them? Or has anyone found a type of foam tray that works well without touching the model too much?
  6. shahryar

    card draw

    What is our best card draw preferably i have been burning through cards lately i do have merris and sammy but that really isnt draw
  7. Is there a matter who would rock at running just a horde of gamin? The image of an imp horde amuses me.
  8. I would so paint Mancha Roja fan club on the gremlins shirt......because I like puns.
  9. ,So i was trying to come up worn a way to base my lovely assistant i didnt want to do another stage so i devices to put her on a soap box. ...then i thought where would a gremlin get that, a fireworks box would make more sense. Then i thought that is still to plain i need to make her more flashy. So i was thinking put two of those "fountain" style fireworks behind her. Making the base for that is easy cylinder on a square the effect however might be hard to pull off workout looking too cheesy and i was wondering If anyone had any ideas. I was thinking making some tall grass bunches and them painting them in a metallic come color some how. Sadly i don't own air brush so i might have to resort to a can of spray paint.
  10. Rather not start another new post so i will ask it here my friend might be buying some minis from me so i will have some money come Jan. I plan to get zoraida and Levi. Levi doesn't look like he would do great out of the box so i am thinking of being a third crew box just not sure what to get. Vik or von schill and just have alyce summon abominations for their crew while i build up a levi crew Or getting hoffman, molly, seamus or something like that and jump right into making a levi crew.
  11. Yep for the oil leak that was my plan was to use some thin wire and mix some black or nuln oil with water effects and put that on the wire, forming it on a non stick surface would leave a section flat and odd looking.
  12. True, trying to find goods gremlin alternatives since i plan to stay mostly gremlin. I know merris and sammy are good for this.
  13. Would it be wrong to have moon shinobi in a zoraida crew all just dogpile a voodoo doll? lol I know it probably wouldnt work but the image is funny. Sadly I dont own zoraida yet so I guess this is sortof a rules question as well, Does the voodoo doll only transfer certain conditions or does it literally transfer anything labeled condition? Planning for her to be the next gremlin master to get and trying to sort of plan early.
  14. Yea sadly that was my one worry with outcasts I love the scheme marker concept of this game so anything to mitigate that.
  15. This is probably an odd question but I actually like molly imo she is the res master with the most character especially phillip and the nanny, I know he is a very niche model but would he work well with levi as well(at least for the times when something like phillip is needed) The only ressers I was ever really interested in for the most part were molly and maybe seamus lol
  16. Hmm with the oil drum i could have oil leaking out, is there an iridescent additive that works with black paint? Also considering I just got wong I miiiight make one of the running piglets carrying boxes of fireworks trying to decide teh best way to have them carry teh crates, thinking to small crates like saddle bags, do you think thing fishing line(maybe run through something to simulate leather straps) would work, worry about my green stuff skills lol
  17. Since they do not exist I plan on making some so I ordered a box of piglets and I am trying to find either some stuff online to buy to add to them(was actually looking at some bombs from model airplane kits but none looked abomish enough) Or some guides for making explosives that would look well enough.
  18. Are there any specific gremlin generalist cards I should have on hand? I know liquid bravery when I am going up against wp heavy armies such as pandora but wasnt sure what else.
  19. Been really fighting the urge to buy him the problem i am noticing with most outcasts is they seem very killing at least killing in a straight forward way, rush up and punch it, blast it, etc. But levi however while being blasty by himself has an insane hiring pool so i was wondering if that let's him essentially handle all strats and schemes fairly well? edit: Fighting not footbridge....swype needs to be destroyed XD thank you everyone for not calling me out on it I would have felt worse
  20. I am trying to figure out if I need one or both
  21. I was a horrible human being and tried giving her a wet t shirt.....
  22. About how many stuffed piggies does she need going to order some piglets for conversions soon.
  23. Then I demand errata to Sammy that to add that she can alwasy be hired by zoraida XD
  24. Yea it is weird I like hoffman and his constructs but I really only like two guild masters him and lucius so looking for ways to use the hoffman bots in other things.
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