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About waaagh5744

  • Birthday 01/01/1996

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  1. I think understudy is a talent so you wouldn't be able to "cast" it.
  2. I don't think this will be her avatar form somehow. For a start while the other wallpapers have avatar <insert masters name> at the bottom right corner justice's says "dead justice". and I really doubt if she does come back as undead she'll be working for ressers from how I've heard avatars will work it wouldn't be ethical and on the wallpaper there is a guild watermark in the background.
  3. Thanks! Bridges and folage are next on the list of things to make along with some swamp boats and stuff to go in the water. I'll put some pics up of them when they're done.
  4. I hope this is in the right spot.
  5. Here's the board I've been working on for the last week or 2 with some terrain on it.
  6. Thanks absolution black, I'm going to do these in the same scheme:
  7. ok heres some pics of my wicked dolls. and a group shot. [url=http://i64.servimg.com/u/f64/14/64/23/02/img_3522.jpg]
  8. Thanks everyone this was a good way to start my day @pwnybownz: The blue is meredius blue from the p3 range highlighted mixing in frostbite. @supervike: Thanks! @eturns: Its the master of the puppets model from the rackham line (which unfourtunatly is out of production ) @xxXhayzelXxx: thanks! As I finnish the rest of my neverborn I'll put some more photos up. And I'll probably be picking up liliths box at some point to.
  9. hey all just figuered I'd throw some pictures up of what I've been working on over the last couple of weeks. first up is my Zoraida counts as.(dodgy pic sorry ) The voodoo doll. lelu and lilitu Teddy coppelius and an alp. Thanks
  10. I really doubt she has died for good, I have no idea at all what her avatarform will be like though :suspiciou. As for the power creep I think wyrd can make "better masters" and still keep it balanced. Maybe if your taking an avatarform you deduct a certain amount of stones from your crew size to be able to field it or some other balancing mechanic. Avatarforms will be interesting to say the least but they seem to be very far away seeing as it looks like they are coming in at book 4.
  11. Against marcus I probably wouldn't feild the cerberus because macus is able to control enemy beasts using an ability called alpha and he has abilities that specificly target beasts (same problem with hoarcats). Against any other master I'd take it though I always liked the idea of a winter sabertooth. As for your list I was using the very same list and it seems to work fine as at 30 SS it gives you a cache of 5 which is plenty. The acolite was a lot of fun to use I liked using his harpoon gun to drag things towards him or into range of rasputina's spells, the wendigo is a lot of fun to I used it qite aggresively and charged things that I thought it would be able to kill and when you cast devour on your opponents totem the look on the players face is priceless. the golem is a good deterent for anyone wanting to get to close to rasputina he's quite slow and can't keep up with the gamins. The gamins work well for taking objectives, finnishing schemes and with their trigger sub-zero and armor 1 they are good for holding things up in combat and then shattering. hope this helps. :snow:
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