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Everything posted by Rage

  1. So I'm looking for the following masters (and their boxes): Perdita Sonnia McMourning Seamus Kirai Rasputina Marcus I'm also looking for a bunch of other Malifaux models, but it would probably work best if you just PM me what you have available. Here's what I have to trade or sell. The prices shown are the price I'm selling them for. Army book ($12) Converted Witch Elf BSB (Painted) ($10) Cauldron of Blood + 2 Attendants (WiP) ($25) 35 Witch Elves (Unpainted) ($75) 9 Shades (6 painted, 3 unpainted) ($22) 1 Assassin (Unpainted) ($5) 2 Morathi on Pegasus (1 assembled, 1 NiB) ($13 each) 15 Harpies (10 painted, 3 assembled, 2 NiB) ($40) Reaper Bolt Thrower + 2 Crew (Assembled and primed) ($15) 85 Dark Elf Spearmen (Mostly painted, most converted, some with other paint schemes) ($90) 54 Repeater Crossbowmen (Half painted and based, half primed) ($70) 9 Plastic Corsairs (Half primed, half bare) ($12) 8 Converted Dark Riders (Wild Rider horses, plethora of bits for riders, painted) ($35) 8 Wild Rider Horses (6 painted poorly, 2 unassembled) ($12) 1 War Hydra (Crew primed, Hydra is in a slight state of disarray, but all pieces are there) 15 Converted Black Guard (Corsair legs, CoK torsos, various weapons and heads. I haven't added the blades to the shafts yet) ($35) 3 Black Guard Command (Unassembled) ($8) 24 Cold Ones (8 assembled, 24 unassembled) ($2 each) 5 Cold One Knights ($18) 15 Unassembled SpearElves/RXB's (bits) ($18) 8 OOP RXBs (Make offer) 16 OOP Executioners (or Black Guard? See pictures) (Make offer) Orcs & Goblins Lot: $165 57 Orcs (Regiment Orcs, assembled and primed) 1 Goblin Spear Chukka (NiB) 23 Arrer Boyz (Assembled, some primed) 10 6th Edition Black Orcs (Bare) Orc Chariot (Mid-conversion, switching out the old Boars with new boars) 3 New Fanatics 15 OOP Night Goblins (on sprue) 16 Orc Boyz (on sprue) Random Stuff: Dwarf Quarreler/Thunderer Box ($18) Beastman Chariot (NiB) ($18) 1 Cannon (no crew) ($10) 9 + 2 Headless Marauders (2 40mm fillers) ($12) Olaf_Ironfoot ( 18 ) Journeyman Trader Posts: 102 Joined: Tue Nov 18, 2003 11:56 pm Location: Washington
  2. That Von Schill puppet is brilliant
  3. I'm glad to see such a great representation of bearded gentlemen! Now I'll begin pushing for more Malifaux models with beards. Von Shill is an excellent start, but I demand more!
  4. I was pretty surprised to find that picture on the internet. The actual puppet is at home, and from what I know, not many were made. I'll try to find a picture of the court jester when I can. Constructing marionettes has been an interest of mine for a while, one of these days I might actually get around to trying it out.
  5. Man, lately whenever I think of puppets, I keep thinking of Cee Lo Green's performance at the Emmys.
  6. Got this lil fella years ago when my cousin traveled to the Czech Republic. My brother got a court jester, but I think this particular marionette is much better.
  7. +1 One of the main reasons I shaved the large beard was due to the moustache. While it is nice to have at times, especially if you wax it, eating most food just becomes too much of a hassle. Same with kissing (not food). I also began having issues when I kept getting it stuck in the zipper of my jacket, or in the window of my car. It was time.
  8. I was torn as a wee lad over what I wanted to be. I think it came down to the garbage truck guy or the Easter Bunny. Pretty sure the latter is still my #1 favorite.
  9. That's a pretty amusing question, actually I play practically everything, save most of the Arcanists. I'm one of the WHFB 8th ed converts who went ape-shite over Malifaux. The medium-term goal is to have the entire range. The only issue with this is that now I have to paint everything. I was rocking an eight-inch mountain man beard for a while, though recently I trimmed it down to a three inch boxer.
  10. I've been lurking for some time now, posting every once in a while. Thought I might as well say hey to everyone! About me: I have a beard.
  11. Som'er Papa Loco Kaeris Didn't get chosen to playtest!
  12. If it helps my chances, I could mail you cookies..
  13. I'm complaining! 200% implied two puppets, but I have only seen one!
  14. I'll third the call for plushies. I know my nieces and nephews would get a kick out of them. ...As well as me.
  15. +1 Cherie Priest really gave a kick start to my interest in steampunk.
  16. In cases where there are a group of people who entered to be playtesters, and only one is chosen, will the chosen one have sole access to the playtesting boards? I know of at least three other Warhamsters in Bellingham that have also put their names on the list
  17. Got a game in against Hamelin last night. It ended poorly (again, but this time we didn't expect it). Went for a relatively unorthodox list at 35SS. Pandora, 2x Terror Tots, Blood Shaman, 2 Desperate Mercs, Primordial Magic, Lelu, and Lelittu. He brought Hamelin, 2 Rat Catchers, 2 Desperate Mercs, an Obedient Wretch, a Stolen (or one of the two, can't recall), and a few rats. I had to activate dynamite, he had to disarm it. I went for Pandy's sheme and Kidnap (on original three rats). It's an odd choice, with the obvious setup to bring in Mature Neph, but I needed the Wing Buffet (1) to keep his guys away from the dynamite counters. He brought Holdout and Thwart. Game started off relatively smoothly, with Lelittu Luring in Rat Catchers and Pandora sending them running off with her trigger. This is when everything went to hell. The rats finally got close enough to engage my models, and we realized that I had black blood. By now he had 7-9 rats. He figured out that his rats could 0-action the push into another rat (while in CC with Neph), 0-action the + to flips, and use the action to melee. While I could *usually* defend the Neph, he had so many rats that eventually something would get through. Once it did, Black Blood would kill off all the rats, and the entire process would repeat. We spent about an hour with him doing his activations (mine were completely finished by then) to kill Lelu and Lelittu, and with 3 more Nephelim on the board and all of his rats with full activations, we just called it there. At that point, he didn't have Thwart, but had the other. I had 4VP from my schemes, but had no chance of arming the dynamite due to the rats. While there are things I would have done differently, I'm not sure if it would have made a huge difference. The black blood working against me was definitely a massive oversight to be sure, but the reactivations on the new rats is just obscene. Along with this, while I was able to keep the Rat-Catchers running off at a relatively reasonable pace, I had absolutely no chance of killing them or Hamelin off. Hamelin's bubble of failsauce was very frustrating for me. Not being able to keep anything dead near him was devastating for me, as well as his trump over RoE. The best option I've come up with so far is if I had dropped the Neph for Insidious Madnesses to arm and dash, but again, with so many Rats and only 3wd on the Madni (Spirits aside), I'm not sure if it could have worked in my favor. It was definitely a weird move to bring in the combat models with Pandy's scheme, but again, I needed to keep his stuff (Rat-Catchers and Hamelin) away from the counters. The rats were not a worry, as Slow (-1) made it impossible for them to deactivate them. I think my biggest complaints against Hamelin are the rats and his bubble effects. I'll wait for JMGraham (my opponent) to post his thoughts as well.
  18. Hey Sandwich, are we talking about the Game Matrix here? I'm surprised that you think it's dying- every time I have stopped by, there have been 6+ people playing games. I've got a couple suggestions- 1. Set up a forum or a mailing list to organize yourselves. The first few years I started gaming (40k and WHFB), I would just cross my fingers and show up on the designated gaming night. Being able to organize your games in advance helps a great deal, especially if there are conflicting schedules and you want to play on different days of the week. 2. Try a tournament or a campaign. We've been running a campaign over the past few weeks up in Bellingham. Each person picks a master/henchmen, and we try to defend/attack territories that have been allocated to each faction. If you want me to elaborate, drop me a PM. 3. Hit up other gaming stores. Spread the word. There might be other groups meeting on other nights, and if you show up and put in a good word, I bet a couple people might show up to play you folks.
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