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Everything posted by xxXhayzelXxx

  1. Seriously now, all i draw is stick men... :S lol
  2. ooh talking of cake... has anyone had smartie cereal?? basically, its smarties and milk.... EPIC start to your day...
  3. HEY!!! greetings! i hope you enjoy the neverborns! they are awesome!! xxx
  4. lol! take me off of there! I may be a bit of a wally from time to time but i aint a puppet!! lol xx
  5. :s sorry *puts head down and walks off*
  6. mwhahaha! I remembered my password! *giggles* i can be sooooooo thick sometimes. Anyhoo! 1, I WANT TEDDY! 2, bete noir 3, ZORAIDA! gooooooo me!
  7. thats a sexy looking table dude!!! nice one!
  8. xxXhayzelXxx


    AHA! i see you found my lollypops! I wonder where i had left them! I'd forget my head if it wasnt stitched on by Zoraida bless her! Well if your not feeling the guild (and who could blame you, they arent very nice) then why not join the Neverborn! We are the most fun you could ever ask for, Why just the other day, dear dreamer was just wanting a new friend to play with! Why not start with him? Or if you was after someone who liked to play with her hands a bit more, then Lilith is the one! She is swell! Oh dear ive gone on far too long, must dash! But welcome, WELCOME! to Malifaux.
  9. awesome awesome AWESOME! loved the report, loved the terrain, dude you are AWESOME!!! more please!
  10. They are amazing Stern, i love them!!! cannot wait to see what you do with the neverborns!
  11. good man come and teach me how to paint!!! xx
  12. You should Stern! the dreamer is AWESOME! xx
  13. http://uk.ign.com/videos/2008/12/11/marios-feet this is brilliant, just felt that everyone who loves the little italian man like i do should watch this. it made me smile.
  14. *speechless* they are amazing katcher!!
  15. I want a beard! *strokes imaginary beard* ahh thats better! hello dear rage welcome to the mad house!
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