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Everything posted by Mentat_Canis

  1. Guys just cool you jets, they received like 2000 orders of $100 or more most likely. Just give them some time they said from the get go this might take a little time I think if they get shipped next week everyone should be happy. Just relax and get some games in let the warehouse and Nathan do what they need to and stop bugging them they already closed a thread on this.
  2. Ya I have to say I am not a huge fan of bodyguard with her now maybe with her avatar coming out I would be a bigger fan of that scheme she is just to slow with no defense.
  3. Everything you Said and Sabotage, Hold Out, Frame for Murder if I am having fun, Eye For an Eye because lots is going to die including your own. Just remember build your crew with your schemes in mind. Only ones I won't really do with her is breakthrough, grudge and power ritual. Just have some fun with it.
  4. I just want mine to ship this week so I can have it by next monday. it is taking so much patience.
  5. Well thanks that gives me a good feel I am very happy with everything so far in the book and yay Fire Gamin can't wait to paint.
  6. http://twitpic.com/639edc This is the first piece of info I have seen for the Arcanists and it looks great for 4 points I will lose a gamin to get an extra spell a turn with Raspy or an extra activation with Colette. Who was a Gencon who can give us some info on Fire Gamin Decembers' new bro and the Mistress of Ceremonies I am not looking for stats or pics just general overview I am still waiting for my book please come soon.
  7. Killing a model with Magicians Duel is harder then you think. It is low damage output you have to be within 3 inches of an enemy and early-game you are using most of your one actions making soulstones. So you have to have your enemy come to you with something that is not that good if you want to get the kill. For me most of my magician dual kills are done with doves and that doesn't count. Still waiting for her normal gun attack mask trigger what is it.
  8. Doesn't really surprise me because if you look at who came out to play it was more Neverborn, and Neverborn have a good Henchmen and 3 really good masters so not that surprising. Congrats those who won.
  9. Ya anyone with the book now what does she need to do to go avatar and what is the mask trigger on her gun because she wouldn't get sublime performance without one. just want to know those 2 and I am thinking her through in my head. Also when one of the duplicates is found out what happens.
  10. I love this write up gives me info but still so much to read and figure out. If anyone can tell me what what her 2 triggers to go avatar are. I can't wait for like 2 weeks or so for me to get my book. All details are greatly appreciated.
  11. Well I posted I forget where that I was not excited with the Alt but now knowing that it is most likely the Avatar I am actually ok with them. I still would love to see smuggler Colette and she would be great with a gunsmith and Kearis crew. I have no clue about everyone else but I am thrilled about the next 4 days of spoilers and rumors coming out of gencon.
  12. As I said before I think it is Balance. I have been thinking though and I have a bigger questions. Once you are in the game do your really care if it is balanced the obvious answer is yes but I will say if it is not balanced did you have fun, if the answer is yes to that then I ask did your opponent have fun. If the answer to both those is yes then who cares if my army is 25% better which is normally the difference between top and bottom tier as it seems to be described. I guess when people say it isn't balanced I don't know if I am blind or you are but I am having fun and I hope you are too cause its a game have fun with it.
  13. The short answer yes. The long answer is this game is not balance master to master and was never meant to be Lady J will beat Nico 80% of the time. The game is balance on a faction to faction level for the most part the key thing to remember is that is balanced from factions and its about your victory points not who is best a killing. The best at killing is by far Guild and Neverborn but you can beat them by focusing on what you need to do. I agree with q'iq'el that terrain is very key it should be 18-36 pieces of small terrain. But it is up there in my opinion in general balance and its fun.
  14. Well Eric tipped his hand about the avatar. It seems like even if chompy got a hold of one there still might be 4 more out there .
  15. Ya I have to say I love the original art and this Alt is well how do I say no it might be because I like a happier face and she just looks mean and the outfit is also off don't know how to describe it I will wait for the model but um just not for me I guess.
  16. Ah I had not heard that where was the interview/ post at. 3 Distinct models could be kinda awesome it would add a challenge to gameplay.
  17. I meant the alt sculpt would be great if it was just her on one of the horses. Avatar form I don't know if it would work for her but I would like it either way. Well it must be summer so everyone it makeing sure to stay cool and the stripper comment is more cause he hate playing against her and it would be funny he does know she is not a stripper. As for the 3 model approach I didn't expect to think it was possible because everyone else is on a 50mm. If it happens it will have to be really cool models to match up with the large models that everyone else is getting.
  18. Well those are great Idea's I almost like the idea of a horse for an Alt if they didn't mind increasing base size. Made of soul-stone avatar might look so much like Raspy but I like the idea. Thanks for the new idea's I was stuck on nothing so thanks. I want Mounted Colette next to my Mechanical Rider.
  19. So we know for every mast that we are getting an alternate and the avatar. For the Alternate I am just expecting something a little different no huge change. First big question. What is her Avatar going to look like. I really have no clue I have a buddy who keeps saying if there is not a stripper pole it is a lost opportunity. Anyone who has any idea I would love to listen to them. I think maybe her with some Mannequins on the base with soulstones everywhere. Second I personally think in the new book we are going to get at least one if not two or more models for her crew. I think one generic and one unique. Generic I think a seamstress would be awesome ability to repair/heal and some buff abilities. Unique i am thinking a Comic with some melee and debuffs and I really think they will be lower point cost. There is my speculations what do you think.
  20. Hello everyone I have one question has anyone played the Black Blood Shaman without a Desperate Merc or something else to get a blood and corpse counter from. List from this past weekend. 30soulstones Lilith -Primordial Lilu Lilitu Black Blood 2 Terror Tots Desperate Merc. Any idea's for bringing the Black Blood without an early blood counter machine?
  21. It was a great time yay for forcing you to do your job as a Henchmen and run a tournament it was tons of fun that might have been because I was the Lilith player but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. It also helped that I think more people came to get a bunch of games in and see where they are with their lists, and painting. I think that for the first tournament fixed master was great.
  22. Hum being a Lilith and Raspy player I would say its not your best match up but snowstorm will help it gives you speed an a spirit takes half damage from all of Lilith and can deal out enough damage. I think your biggest friend is going to be the Silent one just to start sniping from 13-19 inches which give you a full turn or 2 of spells before they hit you. Also remember it doesn't matter if you give them a positive twist with gaimen get a book out if you can to stop activations. One overpower will make it so you kill 2-3 models and try to attack around Lilitu and blast onto her.
  23. Really Mango I don't disagree with you that everything is not balanced and I have not played Infinity to know how balanced a game it really is. I have to say tournaments are a great time to get many games in, but I have to say I think the game is better relaxed. If you could make it more story driven for those of us who don't write the story in our heads as we play would be great. I do have to say you seem a bit defensive so you should lighten up a little bit to the best of my knowledge no one is going to lynch you. My only problem is as someone who love Malifaux and WM/H and has a just fine 40k army I personally disagree with you that Mali and WM/H are that similar. Your Points -Both have a powerful leader -Both have Combo's that are game breaking -Both have resources to be spent. I think those were your big ones. Rebuttal -Every Game I have seen has powerful leaders because its fun to have someone over the top be that your HQ's in 40k to Casters to Masters, Also the compared power level and game deciding factor that Casters have makes them feel very different to Masters, that and if they die you lose. have one more powerful guy/girl leading a force makes similar games then everything I have seen is the same. -I don't know how much WM/H you have played but the combo's make that game if you can't think of a good one you lose in malifaux the combo's are very subtle and not direct but just pieces that work well to compliment and maybe buff a little bit. It is such a different combo system because of the differences in turn sequence that I don't seem them being the same at all. -Having Resources to spend is what we do in these games, Focus/Fury, To Soulstones and a card hand, to Power dice, to what unit you can use as a roadblock are all just resources every game that I know has them. Yes Focus and Soulstones are a bit closer for what they do boost you killing power for your leader but one is finite and one is every turn, I would say of all your arguments on similarity this is closest to me believing. This is my personal opinion and reading through your posts on the infinity forum makes me want to get 3-5 demo games of Infinity in just to see how the game works. I think your biggest problem on any game forum is the die hard fans who don't want to see anyone's opinions or acknowledge someone's game might be better then yours, I have always said play what you find fun and don't put other games down which I don't think you have I just think you are wrong in some things, but I may be too. Well happy gaming I just wanted to put in my 2 cents.
  24. That might be the best thing I have seen in a long time you win an Internets
  25. So we have been given the names of some of the Avatars I want to hear guesses on what they others are going to be called. Oh and Pardon my spelling. The Law Sonnia, Avatar of Conflagration - $40.00 (Sep) IMAGE Justice, Avatar of Balance - $35.00 (Nov) Perdita, Avatar of Aggression Hoffmen, Avatar of Assembly The Dead Kirai, Avatar of Vengeance - TBD (Feb 2012) Seamus, Avatar of Dread - $35.00 (Oct) McMorning, Avatar of Pain Nicadiem, Avatar of Resurection The Wizards Marcus, Avatar of Instinct - $30.00 (Feb 2012) Rasputina, Avatar of Frost/December Ramos, Avatar of the Machine Colette, Avatar of Lust The Home Team Pandora, Avatar of Insanity (includes Candy) - $40.00 (Nov) Zoraida, Avatar of Fate - $35.00 (Jan 2012) Lilith, Avatar of Destruction The Dreamer, Avatar of Innocence The Other guys Victoria's, Avatars of Slaughter(Known)(Edited for Dyslexia) Leveticus, Avatar of Necessity Hamlen, Avatar of the Plague Mr. Teeth Jones, Avatar of Bayou Rate what I have and give what you think works better all the ones with prices are known for sure.
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