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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. Im thinking these are the ladies I need to meet (Just a JK) Edit. So did they step in and make Z what she is today as well
  2. Jp it realy just sounds like this is not the game for you. The other option is dont buy those models or proxy. I like the idea of helldorado some parts of it look cool. I decided not to play because I have kids and a few of the models I would not want my kids to see. Malifaux has not put out any thing I worry about yet. Obviously your tastes think wyrd goes in a bad direction. If games were made so to not offend any one we would be playing checkers(even then some one would be upset its to much like war) Given your reaction it sounds like there is a market for a more family friendly wargame market perhaps you or wyrd could tap in to that if there is money in it.
  3. Eh i agree on this one one of my least fav mini in the whole line. The pup art looks cool as heck tho.
  4. I think its simple if you find it in bad taste why play. For OP just sounds like its a bad game for her
  5. Hey thats not true Warmahords has a whole army of trolls (Just a joke)
  6. Every example ever given some one says but this person cant do X. It was about options not you must do this. I will admit that the idea that it could get to complex could be an issue however.
  7. This goes to show that women are not one or the other. Lady justice is strong and willfull but looks a bit dirty. Shes in the middle like most women. Kirai on the other hand is in many ways the girl who needs some one to take care of her. In this case her spirits. Cridd is the hard core business women. What ya know wyrd is not putting all there women as sexist objects they are all over the place and its a modern view of things. Could they put some more clothes on some of them yes but does not mean thats all there is to them. As another said point her toward cridd sounds like that is a master she can relate to.
  8. As I said before. The point was not to force people to run multiple crews its to have people go for other goals. Many of them would encourage people to branch out and play more things. A goal of win a game with out killing any models would be an example. You could go for it with any crew and it is not a standard goal. Mutiple crews is an option not a requirement. For example So for an example round we play . I win and get 4 points I this is the first time I have played this crew in a tournamant 1 point I played a fully painted crew 1 point. I could have gotten 2 more points but we set a 6 point cap. You had a fully painted crew you got 1 point You played a spirit, a construct, a living model, a undead for a total of 4 different types of models in 1 game your get 1 point You killed 3 models with a totem 1 point Your game was the first one done this round 1 point. So you made 4 points. Even tho I won the round you still got points. Winning let you hit the cap. If you went in to the game with a unpainted crew that did nothing but go for the win and did nothing else even if you win you would not win the overall tournamant as you did nothing but go in and crush people.
  9. I have been trying to get my wife playing games for years. The showgirls were the first ones I could even get her to look at for more then 30 seconds. She wont play but it sparked some intrest.
  10. Box vs box is not a valid way to look at crews. Some boxes are way better then others and hardly a solid measure to go by. Hell look at nico the guy is not even playable out of the box. Levi has 1 waif no desolation engine to go with the spa. Kirai who is very good with a few extra shisin is garbage with just the 1 in the box. Some crews cant even be played for a 25 point game with out loseing points.
  11. Breaking it down in my honest opinion as I wrote this I would put this as a draw. I see this breaking down in 2 ways. What they can do through the crew and what they bring to the table by themself. Crew. Both levi and Z have tons of options for models and have options that can do any thing you want them to do. Melee range, fast, hard hitting you name it they have the crew for the job. What I find intresting in this is the models they can take have very little crossover. Master Levi. Ranged killing (Wins hands down he is a beast at at doing the job himself) Movement (levi can get where he needs to but Z is faster) Melee ( God help any thing levi gets his hands on) Summoning (only 2 options basicly totem and a low cost minion, Levi is able to make a powerhouse in the deso engine but this is more of a side effect) Crew buffing(limited here but adding a raven to some models is very very nice) Debuffs(Nothing of note) Deck manipulation (Probably single best spell in game) Big Z (AKA saggy boobs) Ranged killing (Depends on if you put obey here or else where. Over all between obey and poison every turn not bad for damage but no where close to levi) Movement (levi can get where he needs to but Z is faster) Meleee ( I dont think any one fears her in this department) Summoning (About same as levi can make a small minion and her totem. I call this a draw as desolation engine is nice when you can pull it off but her totem is better.) Crew buffing(I give this one to her Obey can basicly be used to give fast and hex can be a nice buff by removing things you dont want.) Debuffs(Wins hands down) Deck manipulation (Good but not as good as levi imho)
  12. I only ment to show he is a fast model that is all. Im curious what other crews can move it back to deployment first turn. Never sceen any one else pull it off.
  13. Take alice 3 spa and ashes Move the first spa out and give him a 10 inch jump to 0 action out to. Have alice give ashes and dust reactivate. Have him push out with a 0 action to the spa and he takes the wounds. This puts the spa 10 inches out with the 6 inch deployment zone and pushing to the far side of the 10 inch spa that is around 18 inches basicly in base contact. Pick it up and move back. reactivate and move some more 16 inches back the other way. Ashes then kills him self with the reactivation dropping it on your doorstep and he is able to reform the next turn full wounds.
  14. Shrug levi has a massive number of play styles. Hard hitting glass cannons Joss Steamborg Desolation engine Shooters Watcher Ryle Alice Board control Belles Crooked men hard to kill brutes Peacekeeper killjoy bette I all ways come back bette Ashes and dust Juju Hit and run Riders Speed Ashes and dust (I can get treasure in my deployment first turn) necropunks Riders Colladi Everything explodes Gamin Steampunk aracnid Cant shoot me Soulstone miner hooder rider Juju Rase the dead Molly Alice Mass swarm To many to list
  15. I would say levi not that Big boobs is not a great answer.
  16. The point was not to force people to run multiple crews its to have people go for other goals. Many of them would encourage people to branch out and play more things. A goal of win a game with out killing any models would be an example. You could go for it with any crew and it is not a standard goal. Think of this as tournamant schemes.
  17. Well I think winning should be a part of it so you total up VP but add additional points based on what side goals you pull off. I dont think getting more then one crew is unreasonable. This would probably not be a good option for a low level playing enviorment but for i think it would be good for an established play group.
  18. That would be good as well Rath. I like the idea of lots of small things you can do in the tournamant to get extra points. Basicly the idea is If you run a strong master like pandora all game you might not take first even if you crush every one you play because other people ran lots of intresting options. Sort of like the idea of this instead of some thing like a comp score or sportsman as people can never agree on things like that. Just a master list of point options to encourage people in a fun way. I imagine you would have to put some sort of side score cap but solid things you did or did not do not any thing that some one could dispute like how fluffy a list is. Little things like. At the end of all the rounds you had x amount of unused starting soul stones. 2vp You never used the same minion for more then one game. 2vp Play a game with at least 7 of the following durring the tournamant. Spirit, beast, goblin, construct, nightmare, living model, undead, Object, woe, neliphum, Souless, special forces. 3vp
  19. Well that is nice to hear. I would like to see reasons for people to run different crews for games. It would be nice to have encouragement for people like me to not play levi every game. The goal should not just be to win.
  20. I like the idea of goal based play. For example play a game in the tournamant with different masters each round. I think it would be great to see a tournamant format that has sub goals that will let players take a tournamant based on more then just winning games. Local area is looking to run some thing like this for a league. Any one think some thing like this could work on a tournamant level.
  21. People are assuming special forces doll is the same as just doll for him. If not the whole crew basically does not work as most of his abilities effect doll models. He is a special forces doll and thus can get targeted to be full of rocks in his head
  22. Right now he is very powerful with just 4 marionettes and spamming wicked dolls. This combo can be any where on the board they want every turn. It is by far the fastest crew in the game and can hit hard as well. They may only hit for 1 at a time but the number off attacks they can put out is crazy. He is probably better with Big boobs Z just because she can keap him stockpiled with dolls and offer obey but Does not need her.
  23. I was sad to see this was not changed to enemy model with the v2 card. Did not think they intended this to be cast on pandora herself.
  24. What he said sounds right to me. He said she puts out 4 counters. She has 2 general action points. Her first trigger is built in so she wil cast once and auto get a second cast. She does that 2x for 4 total counters and then has her casting expert for spell. With a nice hand/ss use she could put out 6 counters in a turn.
  25. I am with you sand. I have a local friend who dont like using the dreamer because my sportsmanship goes right out the window playing vs the dreamer. I have been working on trying to be more light harted with the game and just have fun with it. I think my friend was actualy impressed at how cool I was with my last arse kicking from perdita so there may be hope for me yet.
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