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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. I think the old record had been set during last years gen con but I am not 100% sure on that. And I for one welcome our new rodent overlords
  2. I sort of HOPED that to be removed, but maybe it haven't been. Fixed it for ya
  3. Don't think that is going any where. Removing that would be a very major nurf for some models.
  4. Hoffman of Borg resistance is futile you will be assimilated.
  5. The most members online in one day was 506, 03-01-2011. Go wyrd note this is the day they put up hoffman spoilers
  6. Iron man depends most of his modern armor is red and gold he had a number of older suits with red and silver.
  7. I am looking to paint mine in silver with red armor bits. Friend said it will look like Ironman armor but I will like it any way.
  8. This is to much power for any one. Even women don't have this one ask them they will tell you even they don't get it
  9. I don't play new Vegas so um WTF??
  10. Ah, I see. Ya people dont discuss him much. Thanks to this tread he is going to get nurfed so my tricks don't work Should have shut up till release lol.
  11. You could as long as the trigger did not require damage or the model could do damage with those strikes.
  12. You think he needs love? Hoffman is an amazing master IMHO.
  13. Woot found some thing new. Soulstone miner Hoffman Mechanical Rider First turn Assimilate tunnel Bury hoffman Second turn Assimilate Power Cycle Bury Third turn Assimilate Power Manipulation and pick your poison Um another idea take Alice. Give hoffman Reactivate. You can take abilities 2x as fast and never go to one wound as long as you bury each turn.
  14. Hey it works one proxy game he had Steamcloud, Meliee expert, Tunneling, and healing by the end. Funny thing is he does steamcloud better then the steamborg because he can have it up at the start of the turn. Also if he makes any Disengage strikes he has to use his base combat.
  15. He can but I think he was getting at if you copy melee expert he has to use the default 4 CB.
  16. Hoffman wrecks face with Ryle. Using machine puppet you can make ryle shoot 6 times in a turn. The second 3 attacks would have 6 rather then 5 cb and adds crit strike to his shots. If you dont get 2 rams for the extra shot take the crit for extra damage. Another fun trick for hoffman is to use a soulstone miner to gather mutiple abilities at once through Assimilate. Turn one copy tunneling and bury him. Next turn when he pops back up have him assimilate a new ability. Bury him again. As long as he is not in play at the end of turn the effect will not wear off and you can grab another ability every turn. Think of the fun this causes with the following spells. Steamborg Steam Cloud up all game long Melee Expert Terrifying Arachnid Disruption field self repair Melee Master Strength in numbers Joss Take Dynamic Generator and start getting counters for a later taken forcefield
  17. Ryle Cant connect "This model never considered a friendly model to it's crew for the purpose of selecting a target for talents of spells." Targets the key word. Hoffmans ability to ignore his cant connect is bypassed as it does not target. As long as he is in range he can bypass the ability and ryle becomes a valid target. On the subject however Watchers are a lot more then support. They are fast flying and are not insignificant. You run them to grab objectives as hoffman runs around with Ryle or the Peacekeeper to smash face as needed.
  18. I think it was from george carlin but im not 100% sure. Just remember the joke from forever ago. I think its pritty damn true tho.
  19. Im 31 and I still dont know. I just work to pay bills so I can take care of my kiddos and enjoy being a gamer. I ever get to meet Eric I will have to bug him to tell me about how awsome it is to get to work in gameing. You know why adults ask little kids what they want to be when they grow up right? They are looking for ideas
  20. I think an interesting idea for a crew would be the spirits of the last group to hold out on the malifaux side of the breach when it first closed. Neverborn killed them all but the magic from the closing of the breach caused their spirits to not pass on. Could have Kirai go close to the breach and wake them up by mistake. When the spirits of dead guild become visible to everyone there is a panic and she has to run. She never really controls them so they are not directly part of her crew. Commanded by guild officer Bowie they were loyal troops in life and now spend the afterlife serving the guild.
  21. My only issue with the limited lord chompy is atm there are more limited ones then release ones (at least around here). I have sceen 4 lord chompy in the local area. 3 are the limited 1 is the standard sculpt. The guy with the standard also had the limited version.
  22. I don't have my book on me but ain't this spell target C thus she is the only thing you target? Wish I had the new book to look at.
  23. Unless the card says differently then the book I would not see why this would be ok. Tina used to say that the ice mirror target would count as the caster but they removed that. Now you just draw range and LOS from the model.
  24. Missing a big one there nil any spell with a resist is an attack per the big bear the list below. Attacks can come from multiple sources: • Attacks with the icon are melee attacks, while attacks with the icon are ranged attacks. • Spells with a :melee/:ranged icon in their Rg. • Spells that require a Resist Duel (see Magic, p.51). • Strikes with melee/ranged Weapons (see Combat, p.39). • Actions that inflict Dg or Wd on another model, or require an Opposed Duel. Each of these is considered an attack, and their initiator the attacker. The defender of an attack is either the direct target when a target is required, or any models potentially affected by the attack. A model cannot attack itself unless the attack's description states that it affects friendly models.
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