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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. I know the fealing lo I have so many boxes of models I have not even put together because they had some other unit for this crew or that crew.
  2. Peacekeeper is a must. Honestly I think the steamborg ranks very high up there tho. I never liked the steamborg with ramos but being as hoffman can put up the cloud for him to give him cover I like the borg. Machine puppet has a min damage 5 as well when he copys due to crit strike.
  3. Was just a mistake. I will give you my address and you can send her back. Thanks for your honestly we will put her where she belongs.
  4. Silence you and your charging pigs. Its your damn fault he died. You killed ryle you bastard
  5. hope ryle works better for you then he does me. Last 4 games I have played him he has totaled 3 damage for me. I dont think I have had a game yet that he makes it to turn 3.
  6. Enjoy Hoffman he is a very fun master. Lots of cool things to do and tricks that I swear never end.
  7. I would realy like to see 2 things on this. First to deal with a huge range of models I would like to see all models from here out be special forces. This would let you add options and not have to worry AS much about how every model in the game interacts. Basicly that gives book 1 and 2 as mostly core models for the given factions. Because you could only hire from one group of special forces at a time it would cut down some on model bloat. Second I would like to see a year/qtr world wide story go on. They release a set of play rules that change up. Just for example The road back. As the masters return from the falling tower an assassin is hired from the Gov to pick one off. The next time you play a game with one of the masters who returned from the tower (need to provide offical list here -1 dead lady j) in a henchman organised tournamant. The winning faction gets a point. The faction with the most points gets a special new model or an updated model in the next update to represent the assassin. This could also be how players help to decide what gets a new nightmare version. They could also toss in other things for points to get more players involved art contest or some thing.
  8. Sounds like a solid tactic If the mission will let you hang back. May want to try that with a drill sargent rather then watcher.
  9. This is not right. Kelthos ruled on this a bit ago. You also round up. Normal rat hits do inflict 2 wounds on a target with blight. 1 or 2 damage rounds to 1. 1 damage becomes 1 wound blight counter makes it 2.
  10. I find a poor initiative flip combined with most all buffs ending with the previous turn can cost you a lot of models in a short period of time in Malifaux This has all ways been my personal big beef with malifaux. Drives me nuts that I can put up a defensive buff and it lasts for a long time one round and 2 seconds the next. Would love to see effects last until the model that made them activates next turn or end of turn if the model is no longer on the table.
  11. This may help you a little bit. Most of the time people who piss people off with that find things that are going to die each game. Models that are dirt cheep and often have a built in ability to die. Figure out what models he selects of yours and put one in the back field and just play keep away from him. Often its a 2 point model or some thing like that. You only need to keep one alive. If you pick right he gets jack for points. If he does not just play the game. After a bit more often then not you will pick right a few games he will lose because of it and start picking some thing else.
  12. Ah got ya. Did not realize it had that ability.
  13. Are you talking about a ramos hoffman brawl for that?
  14. I can see store owners not wanting this in PDF form for full rules. We have a local store that will not allow people to use computers after a number of players were using digital war hammer codex.
  15. Unfortunately I find the watcher in the same boat. I only take him when I have 3 points left over.
  16. That's an interesting view fear. Perhaps thats my issue with it there are just more intresting options and so I cant bring myself to take them over some thing else.
  17. I had no intended tone to any one. I have no issue with any one or even there views. I am just tossing in my 2 cents on the issue. I would like to see this go away as it comes up over and over. I honestly think if wyrd thought they could just give you the rules as you want them they would. I remember Wyrd posted in one of the closed threads stores will not carry a product line if players don't have to get the rules as a physical product. Wyrd has proven to me when players voice a major issue they will listen. They may not be able to do any thing about it but they listen. At this point players have told wyrd they had an issue with it. Wyrd knows players are not 100% happy. If they can do more they will if they cant we just have to live with the fact or move on to a product that makes you happy.
  18. I just dont think its half as bad as people are saying. Its a free teaser product. You can use it but its designed so you want the real product.
  19. Spider swarms have 2 versions. Very minor but one says this model makes a healing flip other one says spiderswarm makes a healing flip. Only reason it matters is hoffman can copy one the this model version.
  20. You put "These things combined make the PDF completely useless to me" It's not the same thing as it would be nice if they let you print it. I dont find it useless. Its handy when I want to look some thing up on the side when I dont have a book handy but have a PC close at hand. I think you can play a game from it. Is it less then ideal in its current form yes but its that way so you actualy buy the rules. It's just like takeing a test drive you get to fiddle with the thing but at the end of the day you cant take it to anywhere that would be usefull because they need you to buy it.
  21. I defend it because I think the PDF does what it should. Lets players get the rules to play a few games but not enough that they can just skip the book. My only issue is I see no reason people should not be able to print it but dont think its a major issue. I have 0 problems telling wyrd when they are not doing right. I have done so on a number of posts. End of the day I think its a usefull product given for free. If they sold it to me and I could not print and it ran like crap on any digital medium I could support people saying this is not a good product. That being said I would like to see the rules offered in a digital medium for things like Nooks and smartphones.
  22. After playing with hoffman for a bit I have come to love playing with him. He does a lot of fun stuff. I have had 0 luck gettting any worthwile results from the hunter so I am curious if any one else has had luck with them. For the most part I find they die quickly and the total lack of any sort of 3rd action has put them on the back burner for me.
  23. See my crew rocks lol. Hi Ted welcome to the boards.
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