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Everything posted by Xango

  1. great, thks in advance, you are becoming the zoraida`s guru!
  2. Thks grim, probably my chstmas present, have you played ron&bones?
  3. hi rath, a quick question that i post elsewhere, i want to expand my zoraida`s crew but i am very thematic, i was waiting for models more bayou voodoo oriented and finally stitched together came along, do you think they are a good addition for her? thks in advance bro.
  4. i am ok with the stitched together for now, and i love to play with my bad juju, after all i understand that bad juju is zoraida`s house.
  5. Conduit is a very powerfull spell, the 2 poison counters are a bonus!
  6. Joker, great choice, zoraida is my favorite, i have won every single treasure hunt with her, 3 tactics... 1.-raven her every turn, go for the treasure and retrurn, hopefully you`ll win on turn 3. 2.-summon bad juju for the treasure. 3.- use your silurids as a tag team (like rugby) pass the treasure to one another and finish obeying them for the win. Zoraida is the perfect master for treasure hunt.
  7. as i stated before, my favorite master! i have lady justice and ramos, but every time i just want to play zoraida, good choice. Rathnard, i have been waiting a lot to buy some more models for her, mostly because i wanted to stick to a bayou voodoo feeling, so finally i think stitched together are perfect for zoraida, do you think is a good addition? thks zoraida`s boobs = frightened opponent =)
  8. what a great choice you made, zoraida is by far my favorite master, voodo doll is a must, and i am waiting to buy stitch together for her, and remember my moto... zoraida`s boobs=frightened opponent.
  9. yup, is official, no more rackham.
  10. i live in mexico so i do not have a FLGS, i buy from the warstore and MM and neither of them have it, so, does anyone know a place that sell ron & bones and ships international? thks.
  11. this game caught my attention thanks, where can i buy it?
  12. you can throw some primer and repaint them, the models are really nice, i`ve seen some sites that shows repainted at-43 models yo can check them out
  13. yes clousseau, i agree, in the war store they have a lot of new releases in preorder, elves for age of ragnarok, a bunch of army boxes for the 2 games, but as you said, who knows when, the store in the oficial rackham site is down several days ago.
  14. @Nilus, handsome dan, i am not refering to the general dark eldar design, i played 40k from 1992 to 2004, of course i know dark eldar!, but if you see the design of the wych, you`ll notice the resemblance to the infinity ninja and the body motion sculpt has never been GW signature and this is the main characteristic of CB, that`s all, no more fuzz, was not my intention to create a discusion. @hoarcat snuggler, you don`t have to be sarcastic, read and understand before comment.
  15. Rush`n crush is a great game, i am building my custom made board with micromachines like the movie deathrace, rackham is in a strange mood since the new management arrive, but they have new releases constantly, they announced a new army called Krygs and a new rulebook, but they do not specify release dates or any other info.
  16. Osoi, i can only talk about experience, i have played with and against 9 masters, at the end, i can tell you without doubts that Zoraida is my favorite master by far, she`s independent, fast, hard to hit and have a huge bag of tricks, i discover something new every time i play her. On the other side, pandora is great too, the damned kid is a nightmare and if you add a teddy, unstoppable! i highly recommend this 2 masters, greetings.
  17. Hi everyone, besides the fact that i know that a lot of gamers hate the pre-painted minis, i still like the at-43 game. There is a ton of new releases announced for the next 6 months, army boxes, new rulebook and other stuff, does anyone have info on the new Krygs army and release dates? thanks in advance.
  18. Sorry to all the GW players, and i say this in the must humble way, but those designs are IMHO a cheap imitation of the infinity miniatures or at least inspired by them, this time i wont applaude GW, cheers guys.
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