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Everything posted by Deadpool

  1. Good, conversion on chompy's head.
  2. Look forward to seeing more great paint jobs.
  3. Nice, like the hard highlights in his clothes.
  4. Jeremey 1 my kung fu is strong enough to knock out black dynamite! 2 You smell!
  5. Woah, woah.....woah! My kung fu is insanely strong.
  6. Oh, the guns *sign* WebMonkey don't make her do it. Last time I got hit, trust me you won't look the same.. Even with regeneration lol
  7. Merry Christmas!.. Wait that was sunday... Awe man, I didn't get any presents again lol
  8. Yeah, sometimes It gets hard to get out of the fish tank XP
  9. *crawls in missing some limbs* Man, it's been a while playground type people! How's it going? *lets his head rest in the dirt, while his regeneration sets in*
  10. Welcome to the forums! And nice job, love the color choices.
  11. Looks great, I need to paint mine........eventually lol.
  12. *crawls in driven only by his Insomnia, while currently watching Black Dynamite* Hi all! Ha! Awesome. I personally love Deadpool #16, the pancakes had me dying with laughter.
  13. Good stuff so far let's see some paint on 'em
  14. So it looks pretty good for your third model ever. And all painters have that, "there just some thing a little off on this mini" feeling. So before I give some of my painting oppinions, can you explain how you painted this mini so far.
  15. I'm sorry about your Grandma. What's the partay for, your Birthday?
  16. Lonely you can see the italicized words to? Yay I'm not that crazy. Good to hear someone else loves Deadpool comics have good night. Hi, Fell! *waves a lot like a little kid* Why is it going to be a sad day?
  17. So far the thwarting of ramos is working! You can't kill Ramos he's your meal ticket. I mean you work for the guild to but he pays more. Shhh......they're not suposed to know about that.
  18. *walks in and starts to wave to everyone then trips on another rubber duck and falls flat on his face.* Hi All! *His words muffled due to his face in the dirt. Picks himself up then mumbles to himself* Who keeps leaving these rubber ducks on the floor? ****~\Happy Birthday Fell!/~****
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