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Everything posted by Blank

  1. Very nice! I like what you did with the Cerberus. I never would of thought of that.
  2. Interesting. I like the look, the feel, and the gameplay of this. There is definitely some potential in this type of game. I, honestly, like that the computer handles all that info, especially with that many models. However, I can see a few problems with it: 1. All plastic models 2. I have to paint all said plastic models 3. Because of the technology, you are somewhat restricted in being creative with models and the game itself. 4. The models are very unappealing and need to have more variety, more creatures, animals, demons, etc. In other words, not enough fantasy for my tastes. So I agree with all of you, I like the concept, but it's just not enough.
  3. Awesome. I was hoping we'd get more options. Don't get me wrong, I love getting new masters, but I'd rather have a bunch of models to choose from for my crew than having a whole new one. And yeah, as long as these new masters and models are balanced and not overpowering the original masters, so much the better. It's that scheme that makes Malifaux a fun game to play.
  4. So, wait, does this mean she's the one on the card? Does that mean that we could soon see more models of the ones on the cards? :pray:
  5. YES! My fav model is becoming a master, how exciting! I can't wait! He sounds fun. It is interesting that the new Guild master is a construct person. I guess that's good because it means new options for Levi lol Can't wait to hear about Henchman too. This is definitely an exciting time for Malifaux. :party:
  6. Marcus isn't weak by any means. I chose him as my first master, and am very satisfied. That said, I assume people don't go with him right off the bat because he doesn't exactly have much choice in the way of hiring crews. You have few primo models to chose from: Slurids Waldgeists Molemen Hoarcats Even with those, he's more or less a situational character. You know how it goes, good against some, bad against others. Compared to someone like Leveticus, Marcus' choices for crews are slim to none. But again, just because he isn't played, don't assume he's weak. I rarely see people play Som'er Teeth but that doesn't mean he's weak by any means. Quite the opposite. Some masters just take time to get the hang of or understand. If you're suggesting he's not very good in melee, imho that can be argued. Yes against someone like Lilith, melee is a stupid idea, but he can use Wild Heart to buff his Dg and if you have a tome (any tome, really) you can get another effect which could be a free strike or give his attacks a I don't know, but I think he's a pretty good master, myself. My next master will be Levi, if that tells you anything. I personally like the challenging and confusing masters. I like figuring them out. Just my thoughts.
  7. I'm glad you're so supportive in my creative thinking. :laughing:
  8. Indiana is the place to be when GenCon rolls around! Used to live there. Glad you two got me into this game!
  9. I have this crazy theory about our Hooded friend. Has anyone else noticed that he is the only model yet to be released? Of course you have. My point is this though, I would love to see "Time of Day" characteristics added to Malifaux. I mean, he is a bit out there for being a Neverborn, or any faction for that matter, and when he does come out, we'll be upon Book 2 anyway. It just seems like there is more purpose for him than what we know right now. Even Pandora has an avatar form. (She's the only one who has a second sculpt, or I should Master with one.) Just my opinions, but I could be completely wrong about it all.
  10. Great job! I personally like the Viks original color scheme. Some people change it but I love her big red coat.
  11. Thas alotta green! I like them. I like the tree and rock addition to the one. Nicely done.
  12. Wow. That's really cool. A little expensive but cool. Could create a lot of interesting ideas.
  13. Yeah I figured since it had more to do with the mercs it was better suited here, but I see your point. Crap. Meh, minor details.... I see what you mean. Well I guess that means back to the drawing board. It's interesting because I've read the Hans thread, and it seems that he is just broken. Maybe it's just the Outcast. It seems like if you find a good model there, you can find a better one in a different faction. Hm...
  14. Please, do! I think I have decided to go with some basic felt since it is so cheap and still looks great. All I really have to make is terrain pieces, which, in my opinion, is the best part of terrain. What exactly is "anti-pill coating"?
  15. I came up with this list last night and I've ran in through my head a couple times to see if I could spot any kinks in it. So, as always, when I come up with a new crew idea, I go to the one place to get input on it, here: 25ss Perdita Student of Conflict - 4ss Hans - 9ss Hamelin - 10ss or 30ss Perdita Student of Conflict Judge Hans Hamelin Now the reason I came up with this crew was that so far, Hamelin, is my favorite model. I like his sculpt and the way he plays is fun. I wanted to abuse his obey since the errata claims it can't kill anyone anymore. I decided obeying Hans might work since he has such a long range and some decent damage. Student of Conflict will give Hans Fast meaning he can take a 3rd shot provided he doesn't move. Perdita is more or less the only Master I found appealing with Obey (Z doesn't really fit.) Ideally, Hans takes 4-5 shots per turn. All this does is abuse Hans' sniper shot, and with the Judge and Perdita thrown in for extra gunfire, this seemed like a decent crew. Expensive as heck, but decent. And yes, I know there are only 3 significant characters in the 25 but I would hopefully use them on Slaughter or Assassinate. This is why I thought about the Judge in the 30. Any thoughts?
  16. This explains it all. She works very well her box set, but she also has a few models that work nicely with her: Doppelganger Malifaux Cherub (Totem) Teddy Waldgeist As you said, she's practically a brute force, herself. She has a Df of 8:masks which is ridiculous and you'll find out why when you put her into melee. Most of the Neverborn models work well with her, however, I personally recommend taking Terror Tots. They grow into Young Nephilim, then into Mature Nephilim, which are beastly. That said, I also tell people to take the Doppelganger as she can mimic many of Lilith's abilites, which basically creates a second Lilith. Teddy is practically as deadly as a Mature Nephilim, if not more so. He's very good with Baby Kade who also might be a nice addition to Lilith's crew, but expensive if the two are together. The Waldgeist aren't exactly heavy hitters, but they love Lilith's imaginary forest. They can pick it up and move it and are able to Wk towards it and hit anything in it. Phew. I know that's a bit much but once you start playing, everything I just said will become common knowledge and second nature. Glad to have you aboard and can't wait to see/hear about your crews! EDIT: I forgot about you saying you didn't have the rulebook yet. Put simply, always have Terror Tots, and play around with the models I mentioned previously.
  17. This was an awesome report! It makes me want to be there to witness it first hand lol Twiz, you gotta do this type of report when we play. It's very cool.
  18. Oh. I forgot about them being insignificant. Guess that kind of ruins the list. Oh well, it was a neat idea.
  19. Does anyone know where I can find good gaming mats? I don't necessarily need buildings and pieces, but I'd like to find a couple 3' by 3' mats. Maybe one green for grass and another tan-ish, for desert purposes. I figured this would be simple solutions before I dive into building a full game table. Thanks.
  20. So I've been thinking. Maybe you guys could give me your opinion on this list: Pandora Baby Kade - 6ss Candy - 8ss Sorrow x 5 - 15ss I know it's crazy but just think about this for a second. It is possible to switch a Sorrow out for the Poltergeist (or Primordial Magic), and I know that Kade without Teddy is a bit risky, but this seems like something I want to try. You could link 3 Sorrows to Pandora as normal but then link 1 to Candy and Kade. They all have Martyr and this kind of "protects" Kade and Candy for a few hits. Plus, this allows the Sorrows to use Kade's Lure and Candy's Self-Loathing (though I don't think they can use Charm). The Wp duels will fly all over the place and as long as those Sorrows are close enough, you could do some painful damage. Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?
  21. Blank

    Jack Daw

    So you know how to play Jack? I didn't think it was entirely possible since we (or maybe it's just me) aren't sure on how to use him. What do his stars mean? and he has no wounds. I've been thinking of adding him and the Hanged to Pandora for awhile as well.
  22. Agreed. For Treasure Hunt, a Cerberus is absolutely ideal. Leap allows you "jump" 9" and leaves you with his 2AP to walk another 10" for a crazy total of 19". Consider the fact that most Malifaux boards are 3' by 3', this means on the next turn, ideally you will be able to move once and pick up the treasure. The only problem is you'll be stranded in the middle for one whole turn so make sure you bring some help along with him if he gets into trouble. You could try this list: Ramos Brass Arachnid Sabertooth Cerberus Ice Gamin x2 Steampunk Arachnid x3 The total comes to 27 SS, which means you get 5 SS. Though, it really is dependent on what your strategy is, this one looks like it would work Treasure Hunt, Assassinate, and possibly Claim Jump. Slaughter is difficult no matter what faction you are using and Reconnoiter, well, you would need some decent fighting models to hold their ground in the 4 corners. If you wanted to, you could play around with the Ice Gamin and Arachnids in order to put in some other preferred models such as Joss, Johan or maybe even Hans.
  23. Hey thanks for finding Blood Crow, I had Bleeding Cowboys for awhile and wondered what the other one was. I'd say it is Blood Crow, only maybe take a stretching tool in say, Illustrator or Photoshop, and stretch the letters a bit. Otherwise, a font is a font and its more or less free for personal use. Just don't type out "Lilith, Mother of Monsters" and start selling it. :top:
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