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Posts posted by Shadowopal

  1. Okay. So, I know these are quick throw together things. But, they may help someone figure something out for their own crews. So, try to be gentle. I did all these in about 4 hours. Here's my nightmares and daydreams:

    Stitched Togethers




    Simply Sculpy and some paper clips and some lance tips cut in half. Oh...and a lantern.





    Some Celt models I had from a swag bag at Adepticon, some greenstuff tails and horns. That's it.





    A plastic zombie from a swag bag at Adepticon and a tendril feeder from a metal genestealer head I had in a bits box.

    Insideous Madness


    A bunch of random bits I had all glued together. I may add a greenstuff body later if I'm bored or if the real model takes too long to come out.







    Sculpey and some wing bits I had in my bits box. I know they are goofy looking. But, I think they're funny.

  2. No schemes announced, whether chosen or not would give your opponent (Greg I assume) 1 VP.

    Thanks WS. I'm not revealing anybody involved other than myself. The person wasn't trying to be shifty. We both just misread the scheme. No harm No foul no need to embarrass anyone.

    @ Xango: As I stated. I'm pretty new and have been just trying out a bunch of different crews. So, I hadn't even wanted to look at schemes yet. My opponent didn't realize that I was not choosing schemes or he would have suggested I do or he did not. We just didn't talk about it until after the game. From now on, I will be using schemes if appropriate. Although the extra soulstones are nice too.

  3. Nice job. I love the spotlight theme. You do realize you need to make a display board now to showcase the base theme with the spots going outside the bases onto the stage around them.

    Also would be fun to add a little moonlight/source lighting in the spotlight color. It would help the effect along.

    Even without though, nice work.

  4. LET'S GO VOLTRON FORCE! Da Da Da Dah Da dah Daaaah!

    Love that show.

    Ahem...back tot he topic. Excellent work there. I love the colors. I'll go with the rest of the herd and say some closeups would be awesome if you can swing it. But, overall....I'm impressed.

  5. Nice pics and good work for your first figs. Practice...practice...practice. That's the only way to improve. I pick up any cheap/free figs I find and paint them and give them away to kids at the LGS. It's a great way to try new techniques and the kids are always please with free painted stuff.

  6. I'm going to mount the magnet in a piece of the basing that will be removeable. The Showgirls and coryphees will have a stage theme for the bases. So, I will pin the coryphees to a plank of flooring and sink te magnet into the bottom of the plank to give more to attach it to. Then another magnet in the base. The 50mm base will have the same size plank sections missing. It will take me a while. but, I'll post when done.

  7. Agree with Hman. Only things I would add about Green stuff:

    -Called Green stuff because it used to come in a ribbon that had a blue side and a yellow side. You would mix the two sides in equal proportion. You;d know it was mixed when it was a solid green. It available in many colors no and some companies sell them in tubes instead of ribbons.

    -When sculpting or spreading the epoxy with your fingers or a tool. you will want to keep your fingers and tools wet. Otherwise the epoxy will stick horribly and you'll end up pulling off what you just applied. Just dip them in a cup of water when you feel the epoxy starting to stick.

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