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Posts posted by Shadowopal

  1. I'll agree with most of what's been said. I'm going to be doing custom foam trays as I have display bases for almost all my figs and they are too tall to fit comfortably in the small tray. Plus I really love BF's custom cut trays. They are awesome! I have many for Warhammer.

    The two books do fit in the velcro pouch with no problem. Book three will not fit in the velcro pouch though. But, that's why you've got the other side. I have a binder full of photo sheets that carry my stat cards. So, I've got that in the zippered pouch along with 4 dry erase markers, two tape measures and 4 decks. I have the following figs in the case:


    Ramos box set

    Marcus boxed set

    Rasputina boxed set (Ice gamins double packed 2 in one slot)

    3 molemen (double packed 2 in one slot

    2 Hoarcat prides

    1 december Acolyte


    Essence of power

    Brass Arachnid

    Injun Joss


    Lady Justice Boxed Set

    Sonia Boxed Set

    Perdita Boxed Set


    The Dreamer and Lord Chompy Bits Nightmare

    Proxy models for 4 daydreams

    Proxy models for 2 stitched togethers

    Proxy models for 2 Lelu

    Proxy models for 2 lelitu

    Proxy model for collodi

    Zorida Boxed Set

    Pandora Boxed Set

    Lilith Boxed Set

    2 teddies



    Seamus Boxed Set (though Belles are very tight in the spaces

    Nicodem Boxed Set




    Convict Gunslinger

    So, not quite the full line. But, it easily gets all the boxed sets or a crapload of boxed sets plus extras. Not too shabby. Most won't have all the figs Wyrd ever produces with them at all times.

  2. Nice work. I'm in the process of this crew myself. So, I'm glad to see some other paint jobs to compare with....yours are better. It's been too long since I've painted anything. It's not like riding a bike. You stop for too long and you have to start from scratch. I've got all the techniques in my head. But, getting my brush to work with my head...not going so well. It's really frustrating.

  3. Totally agree with Kaine about the plaster being strong and not that heavy. However, if you really want to use resin, you can get some silicone, cast up one set of plaster and make a mold of the pieces you cast up. Then the silicone mold can be used to cast resin blocks. I've done this when making wall sections. I'll make one wall section out of plaster bricks, then make a mold out of silicone from Smooth On. Then I can cast up as many resin walls as I need to keep the weight down. it's not a cheap option. Resin costs quite a bit more than plaster and and silicone will be an investment as well. But, if weight is your concern....

  4. Gotta agree. Once the menagerie exceeds a single row, it's too big ... or am I just jealous? Hrm.

    Jealous. Definitely jealous. ;)

    I wish they were scaleable. I like to brag about how many crews I have and eventually, I'd like to have an owned/painted list. But, even I think that would be obnoxious. 2 lines is my cutoff. So, if i get any more crews....I can't brag about it. :(

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