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Posts posted by Shadowopal

  1. It is a board game. The board is 12x12 folds in half to fit in the box it comes in. The really sweet thing is that ALL the supplies including models fit in the box. The models are a little tight in the box if you put all the expansions in. But, there is a foam divider that does a great job of holding the two decks and character cards separate. I would try to keep the box as level as possible to prevent the minis bouncing around too much. I will probably get a figure case eventually to better protect the few multi piece models.

    The one critique I would give the game is that the models are all held to the base with very fragile post legs. So, I envision a case that has single slots for each mini being a necessity if you're going to be taking them places frequently. and capping out at 50 models currently, it'll be a pretty good sized case. also the multi piece models will need to be pinned (difficult as the limbs are thin) or handled with case once glued.

    Otherwise, I love it. Spent last night assembled and priming. Hope to get some painting done this weekend.

  2. If you want to make sure they fit the setting, Wyrd sells inserts.

    I also prefer Wyrd's bases for the weight they add to the base. Making some of the figs less top heavy and less likely to get knocked over.

    Having said that, the fantastic thing about Malifaux is that really ANY base fits the setting. The only ones that fall short are things like space ships and alien type bases. But, you can even explain those as deck plating used in the mining shafts and some Neverborn or Containment zone or Dreamer-warped section of the world.

    I use bases from Scibor a lot. The only challenge I've had is that not all of the lines use the lipped bases. So they can be a little small. But, I picked up a table mounted belt sander and sand the bottoms off and then pin the to the Wyrd base and it works fine.

  3. Two are on ebay right now.

    One at a resonable price and one that appears to be posted by someone smoking a large amount of crack



    Starting bid $300, buy it now of $450. And they are still charging shipping!! I will eat my hat if it sells.

    Not my listing. but, I would not be surprised if it sells. Might want to invest in a bacon hat.

  4. Yeah. It's unfortunate for new comers that it's a limited edition. It is a fantastic sculpt. But, it's worth it to keep an eye on ebay. You may luck out and get it for it's original asking price of $65. I managed to sneak mine that way. Just an auto search and a sniper program. I don't use snipes often. I can count the number of times I've done it on one hand. But, some items are necessary.

  5. I'm surprised no one else has mentioned it. But, resin is coming. Snowstorm is part resin. I'll be curious to what kind of resin.

    Plastics is not the way to go. The molding process is more expensive to start and with the price of petroleum going the way it is, plastics will not be cheap for long. Plus as stated above, the detail is far inferior to resin and metal. Metal is still tops for detail.

    I hope metal stays at Wyrd for most of the minis. I have a number of resin pieces from various companies. And have broken most of them. Plus a few melted in my car on a hot day. Metal is also a stronger pin. Resin and plastic will not help the "fiddly bits". Only a stronger metal blend will help that.

    Besides, the price of Malifaux is not bad. It's hard to find any game system where one can start for under $70 and get pretty much everything they would need for under $300. I know book three is coming out eventually. But, I'm not thinking we'll see THAT many figures released.

  6. Neverborn definately. Actually I think any faction could be done with some conversions


    -Lady J the tighrope walker: Not much needed. Just base on a tightrope

    -Perdita lead acrobat

    -Sonia the magician

    -C. Hoffman the Juggler ( with that many hands how could he miss?)

    -Lucius the Ringleader (add a tophat from the hats booster)

    -Executioner the Strongman (add barbells)

    -the ortegas could be acrobats (Nino is already in a flying flip position

    -Witchling Stalkers the $$$$$$$$$$$$

    -Death Marshalls Trapees Artists (some artistic posing on trapeeses)

    -Samael the Lion Tamer (he's got a whip already)


    -Seamus the Ringleader (What needs to be done?)

    -Belles tighrope Walkers

    -Sybelle Animal wrangler maybe?

    -McMorning ($$$$$$$$$$)

    -Sebastian ($$$$$$$$$$)

    -Flesh construct (Strongman)

    -Nurses (Beautiful assistants)

    -Nicodem (Psychic or Ringleader if Seamus goes somewhere else)

    -Mortimer (worker)

    -Samurai punk Zombies (sword dancers)

    -Kirai (Fan Dancer)


    -Lelith the Ringleader (Top Hat addition and replace the sword with something)

    -Terror Tots Freakshow Creature

    -Adult Nephilim Freakshow creature

    -Pandora Animal Funhouse Carnie

    -Candy midget $$$$$$$$$$

    -Baby Cade midget $$$$$$$$$$

    -Woes $$$$$$$$$$$$

    -Zorida Gypsy Fortune Teller

    -Silurids Freakshow Creatures

    -Bad JuJu Freakshow Creature

    -Dreamer and Lord Chompy Funhouse Monsters

    -Collodi Puppet show stage Master obviously


    -Ramos Juggler

    -Spiders tighrope Walkers...I know..it's the best I got right now.

    -Steamborg Food and Drink Vendor

    -Rasputina Knife thrower

    -Ice Golem $$$$$$$$$$ (cause it's funny)

    -Ice Gamin $$$$$$$$$$$$ (again)

    -Marcus The beastmaster...Duh!

    -Sabertooth Cerebus...Lion

    -Razerspine Rattler another dangerous beast

    -Myranda model a chair and whip into her hands for beast tamer two

    -Colette the Ringleader


    -SoMer Teeth and the gremlins $$$$$$$$$$$$

    -Victorias Jugglers

    -Johan that's a toughy...I'll think about it

    -Bishop carnie (calling to the crowds to sucker them into a game)

    -Lady Hammerstrike (ring the Bell Carnie)

    -Leveticus Ringleader (with a top hat)

    -Rusty Alice sharpshooter

    -Steampunk abomination Freakshow

    -Hollow Waif Alice's target

    -Hamlin tighrope walker (standing on the platform with his balance pole)

    That's with five minutes of thought. I could do better with more time.

    Forgot about the Coulrophobia. All the $$$$$$$ are the scary guys with white face paint and smiles.

  7. Neverborn definately. Actually I think any faction could be done with some conversions


    -Lady J the tighrope walker: Not much needed. Just base on a tightrope

    -Perdita lead acrobat

    -Sonia the magician

    -C. Hoffman the Juggler ( with that many hands how could he miss?)

    -Lucius the Ringleader (add a tophat from the hats booster)

    -Executioner the Strongman (add barbells)

    -the ortegas could be acrobats (Nino is already in a flying flip position

    -Witchling Stalkers the $$$$$$$$$$$$

    -Death Marshalls Trapees Artists (some artistic posing on trapeeses)

    -Samael the Lion Tamer (he's got a whip already)


    -Seamus the Ringleader (What needs to be done?)

    -Belles tighrope Walkers

    -Sybelle Animal wrangler maybe?

    -McMorning ($$$$$$$$$$)

    -Sebastian ($$$$$$$$$$)

    -Flesh construct (Strongman)

    -Nurses (Beautiful assistants)

    -Nicodem (Psychic or Ringleader if Seamus goes somewhere else)

    -Mortimer (worker)

    -Samurai punk Zombies (sword dancers)

    -Kirai (Fan Dancer)


    -Lelith the Ringleader (Top Hat addition and replace the sword with something)

    -Terror Tots Freakshow Creature

    -Adult Nephilim Freakshow creature

    -Pandora Animal Funhouse Carnie

    -Candy midget $$$$$$$$$$

    -Baby Cade midget $$$$$$$$$$

    -Woes $$$$$$$$$$$$

    -Zorida Gypsy Fortune Teller

    -Silurids Freakshow Creatures

    -Bad JuJu Freakshow Creature

    -Dreamer and Lord Chompy Funhouse Monsters

    -Collodi Puppet show stage Master obviously


    -Ramos Juggler

    -Spiders tighrope Walkers...I know..it's the best I got right now.

    -Steamborg Food and Drink Vendor

    -Rasputina Knife thrower

    -Ice Golem $$$$$$$$$$ (cause it's funny)

    -Ice Gamin $$$$$$$$$$$$ (again)

    -Marcus The beastmaster...Duh!

    -Sabertooth Cerebus...Lion

    -Razerspine Rattler another dangerous beast

    -Myranda model a chair and whip into her hands for beast tamer two

    -Colette the Ringleader


    -SoMer Teeth and the gremlins $$$$$$$$$$$$

    -Victorias Jugglers

    -Johan that's a toughy...I'll think about it

    -Bishop carnie (calling to the crowds to sucker them into a game)

    -Lady Hammerstrike (ring the Bell Carnie)

    -Leveticus Ringleader (with a top hat)

    -Rusty Alice sharpshooter

    -Steampunk abomination Freakshow

    -Hollow Waif Alice's target

    -Hamlin tighrope walker (standing on the platform with his balance pole)

    That's with five minutes of thought. I could do better with more time.

  8. So if Dan and Sean played a game. Dan scores 8 VP and Sean scores 4 VP. Dans VP would be 8, his TP would be 3(for the win and his Diff would be 4(8-4). Sean score in shorthand would be 4/0/-4.

    Ummmm, I think you entered the scores incorrectly in that madeup scenario. Maybe got them backwards ;). Actually, I'm hoping next year the two of us can play each other in one of the tourneys. Hopefully we can get enough Henchmen to volunteer where you and I can both play in one.

  9. -also would love for you guys to run a team event next year. ;)

    I'd like to see a Team event. Nilus and I and the other local henchmen will be getting together soon I hope to start planning for next year.

    - I like the idea of having a separate "newb" event, but would NOT have it on the same day as the main tourney. 28 people was already pretty small, I'd hate to see it divided further by 2 brackets or events on the same day.

    The Newb event we are thinking of will not detract from the tourney. It's for people who get a crew at the con or a few weeks before the con and don't feel like getting pounded by people who've been playing for years or who don't want to slow down the experienced. We had quite a few Demo people who would have participated if they hadn't been so new. So, this is one event that will definitely happen somehow next year.

  10. I use a small hot laminator and I order pouches from these guys


    I order the 3.5"x5.5" size pouches and trim to suit after they're sealed. $7.99 plus shipping per box of 100 with buy 2 boxes get one free = 5 cents a card plus shipping charge. for me it comes out to 7 cents a card and that for the thick 7mil which is very solid. the 5mil are $5.99 which is plenty thick. I'm just over protective. But, the cost for the 5mil comes out to 4 cents each plus shipping. I order the 3 boxes and offer to laminate for people for 10 cents a card.

  11. Howdy all. So, with one round under our belts, we've reset the League at Black Sun Games in Chicago. So, it's a great time to come in and get started.

    What: Weekly Malifaux League

    Where: Black Sun Games, 5426 N. Kedzie, Chicago, Illinois, 60625, 773-588-1065

    When: Starting Tuesday March 1 and going thru to April 25th with a big 40SS Brawl tourney on the 23rd of April to close it out for the reset. Tuesdays are league nights. But you can register on the forums and set up games for whenever. I'm there by 5pm. Others arrive after that. The store officially closes at 9. But, there are usually people playing till 10pm.


    We start at 25SS and work our way up every so often. I will post what dates the Soulstones increase soon. But, figure about every two weeks and you shouldn't be too far off. Special Scenarios for the week will be posted at the store and on the forums every once in a while when the mood grips me. The league is a map league. Factions fight to control the map and whichever faction has the most control will influence the special scenarios.

    Painting is encouraged. But, not required. However, painting will increase your league standing.

    More info can be found here ignore the dates. I'll change them tonight:


  12. I'm the guy with the spiders. I used barrels and pieces of gothic architecture from Warhammer 40K sprue, pots and sandbags from a campground blister I think from Reaper Minis. But, I bought it so long ago. I put rare earth magnets from forcefieldmagnets.com . I then attached the spiders and pinned their bodies to the item. Then I bought the wrecked warjack base inserts from Warmachine for my swarmed version and stuck magnets at random points that looked good for the junk pieces to be on. So it looks like a junk pile that the swarm is crawling over. I drilled the magnet holes just deep enough for the magnets to sit flush. If you need more info, let me know. I'm doing the same concept for the copyphees using the plank method above. But, I prefer magnets to pins.

    Here's pics of what I did. Sorry they aren't the best quality. My cell phone was all I had and it sucks.:

    Swarm 1





    Swarm 2





  13. I would actually go a different route as Alps I think have a better place in larger games and I'm starting to favor the big Nightmares more and more over the smaller ones.

    I would suggest:

    Dreamer (5 cache)

    Day Dream x2 (-4pnts)

    Teddy (-9pnts) or Coppelius (-9pnts)

    Stitched Together x2 (-10pnts)

    Total: 23 with 7 Cache

    Its a bit leaner, but meaner and Teddy could be swapped out for Coppelius. My preference for this list is that it has a more powerful activation. Alps are fine and all, but once your opponents learn how to deal with their tricks and danger they generally become 1 turn models. They will drop, do their thing, then get smeared :/

    I prefer to leave them to bigger games so I have more support for them and can tie them in with Teddy/Coppy/the Twins. So for the smaller, I prefer the extreme hitting power of Teddy or the utility and Paralyze of Coppy depending on what Im up against. They are both melee, but do it in different ways with Teddy being tougher and harder hitting and Coppy being more utility and insidious.

    I think it comes down to play style. But that list you have right now, will certainly work. This is just what I would prefer to play =)

    I also have a very long and in-depth Tactica for the Dreamer, just follow the link in my Signature. It should give you a great walk-through of him and his units and prove useful to you.

    I'd go with this choice. Plus if you have the Alp models and take Copellius, they are pretty easy to summon I find. I take the above with Copellius and usually have three Alps out by the end of the game to finish off any bruisers that may be left.

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