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Posts posted by Shadowopal

  1. They are.challenging. basically they made a few appearances. Prize support for gen con, nathan was handing them out at gen con, there was a special sale where they made an appearance,and Adepticon and a few other convention got a very small number (1-2 sets) for prize support. So, basically ebay is the only hope right now.

  2. Okay. So, now that I've shown you what I've done, Here's what I have to finish. I decided to give the world a chance to end. Since that has not happened, I guess I have to get serious. Here is what I brought with me to Texas to work on. Sorry for the upside down pics. When I get home, I will repost with correct alignment. I'm not at my own computer and don't really understand what the hell is going on here.

    Neverborn "To Do" models




  3. Dreamer's Crew

    I'm not sure which company makes these bases. I think they are called Sppoky or Creepy or Nighmare or something similar. They are not Round sided. I had to sand them down to get them to sit on the Malifaux Chamfered bases. I would not recommend these to people not ready to pin thin bases. It was a pain. but, when I bought them, there was not as many RS bases as there are now. I have switched to Secret Weapon bases as they match pretty well and require no sanding.






  4. Pandora's Crew

    These bases are from Scibor Miniatures. They are the Ancient Ruins I believe. I bought these before he started producing the RS line. So, I had to sand them down and pin them to Malifaux bases. I'm glad he has started doing RS versions of his bases.







  5. Lilith's Crew

    These bases are from Scibor Miniatures. They are the Straight From Hell line. I ordered these before he had started producing bases with rounded sides. So, I had to sand them down and pin them to Malifaux bases.







  6. Okay. Lots of photos and unfortunately, they suck. Sorry, I only have my Iphone 3GS with me. But, you'll have to trust me when I tell you that the figs are not great. They are definitely tabletop quality. But, I am still improving my few skills. So, here are my crappy photos of what I have painted to date for Malifaux

    Zorida's Crew

    These bases are the Wyrd Byjou base inserts.







  7. Remember to look at all the strategy and schemes before settling on a plan. Things like needing to interact with a terrain piece on each quarter, needing a straight line to the center of the table for supply wagon, etc. I have a sewer table that had to be worked after my first playtest because I didn't think of supply wagon.

  8. So, after two long days I have made some respectable progress I think. I have assembled with all joints pinned and primed:

    -Seamus box crew

    -so'mer teeth box crew

    -Mei Feng box crew

    -Bette noire

    -nightmare teddy

    -convict gunslinger


    -egg hauler

    -drill sergeant

    -3 alps

    -avatar dreamer

    -avatar lilith

    -avatar pandora

    -avatar zorida

    -alt zorida

    -brutal effigy

    -carrion effigy

    -spawn mother




    -widow weaver

    -mysterious effigy

    -hodgepodge effigy

    -bases for collodi's crew, and extra marionettes

    -iron golem

    I've also assembled but run out of primer :P.

    -Jacob's crew (though I still need to put poker table pieces on them)

    -alternate Lilith

    -alternate pandora

    -alternate pandora avatar

    -mechanical doves

    -injun joss

    -union miners

    -insidious madness

    -black blood shaman

    -nightmare hanging trees


    -rusty Alice

    -mobile toolkit

    -miss demeanor

    -perdita alt

    -war rooster


    Those will have to wait until I get back as I don't have time to get primer before I leave. So, my to do list for the trip is what I primed above plus:

    -young nephilim x2

    -waldgeist x2

    -perdita boxed set

    -Sonia boxed set

    -lady j boxed set

    - collette boxed set

    - Ramos boxed set

    -Marcus boxed set

    -nicodem boxed set

    -so'mer boxed set

    -2 teddies

    -primordial magic



    And I think a few more neverborn. But I'm too tied to think right now. Pics soon.

  9. @evilbleachman: I have different bases for each master. But they all loosely tie together. I have drawings for my display trays that I will work on after I finish painting everything. They will help to tie everything in the faction together. Paint scheme wise, I include the faction color somewhere on every model to tie them together visually. So, purple for neverborn, green for resserectionists, red for guild, yellow for outcasts, orange for ten thunders, and blue for arcanists. It may be a small area, but it's there. I also make sure to paint crews all at once. That way the shading styles will match with the crew. It's kind of hard to explain. I'm taking pics this weekend. Hopefully that will help show what I'm talking about.

    ---------- Post added at 12:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 AM ----------

    Oh and as for dan's ability to inflict wounds on himself.....he's just talented that way. If the wife won't let you touch tools this year, you'd better hope we have enough terrain.

    ---------- Post added at 12:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 AM ----------

    @linus mcmold: thanks. I can use all the luck I can get. Fortunately, I have three weeks in Texas at the in-laws house to work on stuff. The wife and in-laws usually spend the time catching up and let me just paint and talk while in the same room. So, it's a pretty awesome time to get work done. So, I think I have a good chance of making my goal.

  10. Let me start by saying that I am not a golden demon worthy painter. I do okay. Now that that is out of the way, the reason for this thread. I'm a chronic procrastinator. There. I said it. However, my gaming situation has changed recently and it has inspired me to get stuff done. So, to make me accountable, I am posting my progress here. I have been collectin Malifaux for a few years now and have amassed a large stockpile of unassembled and obviously Unpainted minis. I work better with deadlines. So, I have given myself the challenge of painting all the neverborn models and all the crew box sets I have before adepticon 2013, which takes place April 18-21, 2013. At this time I have the following painted (pics to follow soon so you know what quality to expect):

    -zorida box set

    -lelith box set

    -dreamer box set

    -pandora box set

    -Collodi box set (although I just received resin bases for these. So,I will have to paint those up)

    -totems for the above

    -lelitu and lelu


    -4 additional marionettes

    -rasputina Box crew(although I am not happy with the bases and will probably rebase them.)

    I also have assembled and primed:

    -all neverborn thru book 2

    -lady justice box crew

    -Sonia criid box crew

    -pereira Ortega box crew

    -all arcanists through book 2

    -nicodem boxed crew

    -a few odds and ends from the guild

    I have acquired since last adepticon (and have not even opened them):

    -The rest of the neverborn thru book 4

    -mc mourning box crew

    -Seamus box crew

    -so'mer teeth box crew

    -Ophelia lacroix box crew

    -Hamlin box crew

    -Mei Feng box crew

    -a number of odds and ends

    Its my goal to have all the crews I own painted to use for demos if necessary as I'll be volunteering most of the con. I also want to get all the neverborn done as it is my primary faction. I will post pics this weekend and update the progress. I have three weeks of break starting Wednesday. So, my goal is to have everything assembled and primed by then to take with me to get some painting done. Wish me luck.

  11. I bought plastic I beams for my rails and got a little smaller than o scale rails and they look great.

    As for Mei Feng, I based her on wood floor boards. I envision her eithe busting through the roof of a train platform or through the platform's floor. So this works for either. I'll decide when I build my display base. The rest of the crew are on rail bases. So I can arrange it all so it works together on the display base.

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