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Posts posted by Shadowopal

  1. Teddies were limited release pieces for the original version. You had a random chance of finding them in the game and expansions, they were also tournament prizes, if you were wearing a puppet wars tee shirt at gen con and Nathan or Eric saw you, they might have given you one, and they had a limited supply of the available in one of their special "Clean out the Warehouse sales".

    The nasty part of the Teddies was that there are fives versions of the stat card. One for each faction at the time and each did something different in game.

  2. You all don't know how cool the Lucius' Logbook software is. Chris has a true work of genius there. Yes there were hitches. But Chris was s a trooper and got them worked out quickly. The best part was the wireless networking that allowed us judges to walk the room and enter scores from the tables as we saw games wrapping up. No big lines at the judges tables and quick turn around for table pairings. It is awesome.

  3. I am:

    -helping with whatever Nilus has got me working

    -setting up and tearing down

    -building terrain so he have enough tables for Nilus' mad schemes

    -playing in the cake match

    -beating Nilus and his poor teammate in the team tourney.

    -trying to coerce Nix into a game

    -marveling at how much Vanessa actually looks like Vanessa

    -hopefully get some Evil Baby orphanage games in

    - sleeping for the week after

  4. I like the limited editions. I enjoy seeing models that not everyone has, especially when there is a nice paint job and base on them. If the model fits in my army/faction, i am willing to pay a little more for the model. I appreciate the fact that Wyrd is nice enough to put the limited figs on their website for the period they are available so when I can't make an event, I am still able to obtain one. I can't tell you how frustrating Games Day models were to me when I was still a GW follower.

  5. What Finnegan said. There is actually a fluff piece in Book 2, I believe, where Collette is kidnapped by a Mechanical Horse pulled carriage. That's about as close to a car as we've seen in the fluff. But, I would assume roads and paving would make that ride a lot smoother too.

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