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Posts posted by Shadowopal

  1. I think feedback is welcome on the forums as long as it is presented politely (which yours is).

    I am not a Wyrd employee. Just an observer. I would like to see painted minis as well in the books and on the cards. However, I understand that Wyrd has some aggressive schedules and are still small. They used to hire painting talent to paint up the minis for the books. But it seems like their development/release schedule does not get them finished models in time to have them painted, photographed, layout arranged in the book and too the printer in time. I may be off. This is just an observation. If it is true, hopefully they will grow to be able to hire the staff to make painted minis for the rulebooks and cards happen again. Until then, we just need to be very thankful of the talented people who post their models here on the forums for inspiration.

  2. What with this being a busy time of year, post GenCon, new edition release and all, I recognize that things take longer than normal, but how long should one wait for a response on a Henchman application before becoming concerned that it was not received?

    I have started running demos anyway, and we have a league starting up at the FLGS that I'll be working on, but it would be helpful to me to know what it is I DON'T know, you know?

    What Arli said. I would add that if you need help with your events before becoming an official Hechman, send me a line and I will help with information and tips and such.

  3. Joel is of course correct. The arsenal decks are nice to have. You will want arcanist for Raspy and outcast for VonSchill. You will also want to pick up the totems for both masters at some point because they are handy in a fight. But not necessary. Really all you NEED is the M2e rulebook.

  4. I was telling people for the longest time that I was only collecting Never born. Then I won a few auctions on ebaay. Then I became a henchman and was running a bunch of events. Then, I sold some war hammer stuff. Now I own:

    All the boxed crews for all the factions

    All the Never born through book four

    All the arcanists through book two and a bunch from three and four

    All the guild (except peacekeeper) through book 2 and a few from book three and four.

    A good portion of the ressers

    A good portion of the outcasts

    All the ten thunders faction models

    All of the limited edition and Nightmare models except The Carver (which I would kill for...I'm just saying')

    I am using the m2e raffle to justify purchasing three blisters a week.

    So yeah.....I understand. Now ask how many of them are assembled(75%)

    Now ask me how many are painted......no comment.

  5. My tip for eyes if you don't have a very steady hand is:

    1) paint your show tone onto the face.

    2) before painting any highlights, paint the eye vmc deck tan.

    3) paint a brown circle in the center of your eye or grey or blue or green. Just not black. Leave a bit of the deck tan showing on the edges.

    4) clean up your eye shape by painting your base color as an upper and lower eyelid. Your real eyeballs don't stare wide open all the time. So neither should your model's eyelid set the mood of the character. If you go to wide with them. All your models will be squinting. So use thin lines and make the upper lid slightly wider.

    That's all I got. If eye are still tricky....paint glasses on all your models ;).

  6. I have to say, I like both Bill and Eric a lot. I think they both are pretty fantastic people and hate to see this happening. Having said that:

    1) I hope that Wyrd has not let this situation dissuade them from working towards a fan supported 1.5 edition. I understand that you want to do right by your IP and that takes time you don't have right now. But please consider it for the future. I will play both.

    2) I agree with Eric protecting his IP.

    3) I know Bill feel personally rejected by Wyrd and I know having put as much time into the company as he has, that is easy to feel whether justified or not. I put 25 years into promoting the hell out of GW. There came a point where I felt that did not care. So I stopped. Hopefully Bill will be able to sort out his resentment/anger/whatever and find someway to enjoy a game again whether Wyrd or not as I did.

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