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Posts posted by Shadowopal

  1. I can say that all events other than the achievement event is single faction. Other than that, you will unfortunately have to wait for quite a while. With M2E being mostly in beta, it is hard yo play test and get a good idea of what makes sense yet. I will have a better idea in January of where things are going. Sorry. Wish I had a better answer.

    ---------- Post added at 04:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 PM ----------

    Actually, Story Encounter may also be multi faction. But we won't know for a while. Patience will be required.

  2. Weddings are temporary. Master of Malifaux....that's forever man.

    Numbers are coming along nicely. But, we still have slots open. All you people beefing about no 1.5 events.....better sign up for the 1.5 Story Encounter. Lots of spaces there. On that note, if you signed up for the M2E Story Encounter and wanted to play in the 1.5 Story Encounter, no worries. We will take care of you at the convention.

  3. [TABLE=width: 100%]


    [TD=colspan: 1]AdeptiCon 2014 Preregistration Opens on Nov. 14![/TD]



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    Preregistration for AdeptiCon 2014 opens this Thursday, November 14th at 7:00 PM CST. Head on over to the AdeptiCon 2013 Webcart and see what events we have in store for you this year!

    We suggest you do the following in order to make your registration process go as smoothly as possible:

    • Make sure you whitelist the info@adepticon.org email address. All of your cart confirmations will be coming from this address and they can very easily get caught in spam/junk filters.
    • Log into the AdeptiCon Webcart to make sure you know what email address your account is under and what your password is. Trying to figure this out the day registration opens will be a nightmare. You can request a password reset by clicking here. Please note that if you use a different email address for PayPal, your webcart account might be under that email address. It just depends on how you registered last year.

    Last year, our most popular events sold out within hours, so make sure to act quickly in order to reserve your spot in the events of your choice!




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    [TD=colspan: 1]New for 2014: The AdeptiClubs Program!




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    Is your club attending AdeptiCon in force? AdeptiCon is offering a perfect opportunity for your club to set up an event through AdeptiClubs. For the past few years, AdeptiCon has coordinated with the 40K Freebootas to create Bootatown as a club program for their members. With the success of this program, AdeptiCon is providing this same opportunity for all clubs attending the convention.

    During registration, a club member will be able to reserve two table blocks for the entire day on Friday, April 4, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Enjoy friendly wagers, drinks and rivalries with the introduction of AdeptiClubs. Quantities are limited, so make your reservation at AdeptiClubs Registration before all the AdeptiClubs tables are gone!




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    [TD=colspan: 1]Help Make AdeptiCon 2014 a Success!




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    From the beginning, AdeptiCon's motto was "For Gamers, By Gamers." AdeptiCon wouldn't happen without hundreds of hours of volunteering by people like yourselves. Our volunteers offer an evening, a day, or a whole weekend to do the work needed to make the AdeptiCon weekend a success.

    We're always looking for more people to join our team. Whether you can volunteer for a few hours, a day, or a whole weekend, there are plenty of ways in which you can contribute. At a minimum, volunteers will receive a free Weekend Badge and an invitation to the After Con Mixer.

    Here's some of the ways you can volunteer:

    • Wednesday setup
    • Swag bag sorting/stuffing
    • Thursday setup
    • Sunday teardown
    • Registration booth (Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday)
    • Terrain building (pre-convention)
    • Event staff (data entry, judges, etc.)

    Email us at volunteer@adepticon.org with your name, phone number, availability, and ways in which you're interested in volunteering.


    This year, we have our own room. That's right. No sharing. 36 tables of awesome!

    Malifaux Cake Match - We will be starting at noon this year! Come hang out and get some pick up games in before the hard core gaming starts. This event is the best way to start out your convention experience. Plus there's cake!!!! That's right, bring your A game and your A cake. The only prizes here are for the yummies. Also a great time to get some Kings of Artiface, Puppet Wars or Showdown action in too.

    Malifaux 1.5 & 2 Edition Story Encounters - Feeling a little nostalgic for 1.5? This is your event. Totally sold on M2E or new to the game? We've got YOU covered too. Two separate events. Same time. Same Room. Same Scenarios. Whichever way you want to play, you can.

    Malifaux Team Tourney - Grab your bestest buddy and throw down against two crews each round. These are always fun matches and put a cool twist on Malifaux.

    Malifaux Achievement Event - This is the event for those who want to get as much gaming in as they can. You sign up. We give you a rules packet with a list of Achievements to try and....well achieve over the weekend. You go out and challenge everyone you can find and try to score as many points as you can. We also throw in some fun challenges that one can achieve without playing a game. My personal favorite being "Buy a Malifaux Marshal a drink".

    Masters of Malifaux Tourney - The big daddy of Adepticon. Think you've got what it takes to take the mantle of Master? This monster has gotten so much demand, we turned it into a two day event. Get your rest.....you'll need it.

    Demos - Want to introduce your friend to the world of Wyrd? bring em by. Our awesome staff of Henchmen will show them the ropes of any or all of the Wyrd line of games.

    Open Gaming - While we fully expect to sell out, there may be some open space for pick up games and such. So, bring your crew and if there's a spot....claim it for your faction!

    We have some terrific sponsors this year and the prizes are always fun. But, even better is the chance to get together with old friends and make new ones from across the globe. Come hang out with us this April. Plan your family vacation and spend some time in Chicago while you're there. You won't be sorry.




  4. Howdy. I am the one heading up the Wyrd section of AdeptiCon. Let me start by saying that the event list that is up is far from correct. I will contact them again tomorrowto try and get it straightened out. If nothing tomorrow, then there is a big meeting on Sunday and I will get it straight there. Anyway, here is what is happening (detailed rules will be much later as we are still play testing tourney formats for 2.0):

    Cake Match 4 hours.*Thursday. Have fun and eat cake. Our annual convention opener.

    Team Tournament - Friday - 12 hours 4 rounds 50 teams ( 2.5 hour rounds, two 15 minute breaks, one hour lunch and 30 minutes for registration).* Its a long day but people like the event

    Saturday and Sunday - Adepticon GT - 7 rounds over Saturday and Sunday during the day(4 rounds Saturday, 3 sunday).* 64 slots * 9 AM to 5 PM Saturday,* Sunday 10 AM to 4 PM.* (1.5 hours rounds with breaks and registration time)

    Story Encounter - Saturday night - 3 rounds 6 hours.* 7 PM to 1 AM - With costume party * (1.5 hours rounds with breaks and registration time). Two events at the same time. One for 1.5 run by Dan (Nilus) Sulin and one for 2.0. This will be the only 1.5 event. But if you are new or prefer 2.0, we got you covered.

    ---------- Post added at 11:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 PM ----------

    BTW: thanks to those who tried to answer questions before I saw this. You guys rock.

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