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Posts posted by Shadowopal

  1. See....now I need to put a model train smokestack in both cliff pieces so opponents can use smoke signals. I knew those were going to be trouble. Guess ID better head to the model shop ;).

    Glad you had a good time. Anyone who enjoyed the Knuckleduster tables, please visit his site and let him know that you enjoyed the tables. He donated $650 worth of terrain to make the two tables. I can't wait for the next piece Forrest told me about for the ghost town line. I will be buying it for sure.

  2. People left once they were not in the bracket. What you are talking about has been done. Didn't play out like you are thinking it will. Talking from experience. Empty room. People will always choose going home to sleep over playing games that will not get them in the top brackets. Plus the system you speak of doesn't allow for the skill of the player vs an unlucky game.

  3. It is indeed time consuming. That is why I am so grateful to my volunteers. The terraclips was not the only one that was not conducive to my story strats. So, don't beat yourself up. Heck my sewer board proved to be a pain that I hadn't accounted for when chossing/designing the story strats. I am sorry my terrain issues caused your Latigos to suffer. Next year I will be better prepared. I cleaned my game room today in preparation to start organizing supplies for next year's table additions.

  4. I agree completely on all accounts. There is fantastic terrain at AdeptiCon. But the terrain in the Wyrd room was nicely varied and attractive which made the whole room pop every time I walked in. That made me proud.

    I am also the type that blames terrain until I think about the game more down the road. Then I realize other choices I could have made that would have changed the outcome. Usually I even find options afterwards that would have helped me due to terrain. Hindsight 20/20 and all. Lol.

    It was great to see you there by the way.

  5. Forgot to add that I get comments on the terrain from both positive and negative viewpoints.  So, I love the positives and take the negatives into account. I did want to address one thing.


    I view AdeptiCon as one of the premiere events for Malifaux as well as the other games at the con. Therefore as TO, I try to make the events special and different than anything people can find at their local stores. That includes unusual terrain. When I go to a tournament, I go for the challenge. If every board is a few hills, maybe  some trees and a rock or two, that doesn't challenge me. Now if I walk into a room and see December's Maw blasting snow across a plinth adorned with frozen bodies of ritual casters from long ago or a sewers with channels of muck water leading under a grated room that Collette and her showgirls use to load skiffs full of soulstones to deliver to Ramos or a large tree in the center of bowl shaped cemetery......that's variance.  That's what makes me play differently. That's what challenges me as a player.


    Do all the tables work for my crew?  Hell no. The forest table that I thought would help my pandora crew in the team tourney ended up lulling me into complacency that ended up with three of my crew dead on turn two (no I'm not bitter). But, I welcome that challenge. It makes me a better player when I have to think outside my comfort zone. I hope you all agree. But, that is naive. I will never please everyone. That is not my goal. My goal is to craft variety to there is chance that everyone will have the opportunity to approach a battle on favorable terrain.  But, that is not ALWAYS possible. My terrain volunteers did a fantastic job of providing the events with stunning variety of terrain and challenges and I am grateful for every one of them.


    That about sums up my stance on the matter.  I still encourage and welcome constructive feedback and opinions. I will consider them and try to work something if it works in the best interest of everyone. But, terrain will be random at AdeptiCon because it comes from multiple sources it is the only way I could achieve the awesome feat of organizing this event for you fantastic folk.  So, I hope you will embrace the challenges as strategy growing.

    • Like 7
  6. Howdy all. I am finally a little more rested today.  So, I thought I would talk a bit about my observations from AdeptiCon 2014 from a TO standpoint. I do not yet have the data from the con or my awesome Tech Guru so I will get those posted later this week.  But, I wanted to get some notes down before I lost track of them in my head.


    First of all thanks to all of you who made it out to AdeptiCon this year and made it FANTASTIC for me.  I had a great time meeting everyone and chatting with you and admiring your minis. So, thanks for making my efforts worthwhile.


    Second, thank you to everyone who brought the awesome terrain for the attendees to play on. There are too many to list here. But, you know who you are and you all are the awesome in my book.


    Third, Thank you to Mike Marshall and the Malifools, Victoria Myer Hrenda, Tim Korklewski, Chris Bowers and Dennis Graziano without whom the AWESOME Fate/Scheme/Strategy deck would not have happened. Mike made the whole thing possible by funding the project and the rest volunteered to send me the wonderful artwork that adorns the cards. We put a deck in the hands of 147 players which is beyond cool. OldManMyke has the details as to how many he has left available.  But, is was approximately 80 when I gave the remainder to him.


    Things were not all peaches and cream and rainbow farting unicorns. We had our snags.  But, you guys and gals handled them and I am grateful for that. The computer software worked well. Unfortunately, my Tech Henchman is (contrary to my belief) not actually a construct and had to go eat, sleep and be a husband at times. So, he left me the Luddite with his program and I of course screwed it up once or twice.  So, I apologize for that. But, otherwise, it worked awesome and I know Chris already has some plans for improvements. So, Gen Con and next year will be even better.


    My demo Minions knocked themselves out and we brought a few new people into the game. If you are one of them, WELCOME!


    My Judge Minions handled things smoothly for the most part.  We have some interesting happenings that were difficult to work out that we plan to bring to Wyrd's attention once we gather the notes to something legible. Nothing major.  Just random things that were hard to figure the timing on. For the most part, you all handled most of the issues you had though.  So, rules clarity is obviously much improved over last year.


    The cake Match was terrific. I will post pics soon. A Pig Bomb Cake won best cake and was delicious and included Twix, pretzels and chocolate. The other cakes were good as well. But, this one stood out on flavor as well as presentation.


    Team Tourney was the one event I participated in. So, I can't go into the behind the scenes as I wasn't there. But, My teammate and I enjoyed our games and I learned a lot about how my teammate's crew interacts with our opponent's Hungering Darkness....my teammate's Stitched Together kills my Candy, Primordial Magic (Which I was planning on using to Plant Explosives) and a sorrow. Lesson learned.


    Story Encounter was a little messy. I think some had to do with the lateness of the event and I need to work on the for next year. But, most seemed to enjoy the encounters. The good news is that the Circus has arrived and the tents are up. So, next year attendees will be able to partake of the magic that is the Circus!


    Masters was a monster. The first three rounds went well on Saturday. However, the last three rounds on Sunday were a little tough. Quite a few had stayed up the night before to participate in the Story Encounter and I think were regretting it on Sunday.  little before the end of turn five, I stopped the clock and took a poll to see how many had flights to make and was met with applause when I asked if anyone minded if I ended the tournament after round 5. Again, I will look into plans for next year to not have that happen again. But, everyone seemed to enjoy the prizes that Wyrd, AdeptiCon and various other stores, companies and individuals donated for the MAsters. So, everyone left on a good note.


    The Achievement league was a huge success. Tons of games were played and many achievements were checked off sheets. The participants were extremely fun and did a lot of demoing for us to achieve points and came up with all kinds of wacky ways to achieve objectives. So, my hat is tipped to them.


    Prize support was excellent this year. Wyrd stepped up to the plate as always and gave us a number of crews, support boxes, Miss Steps Transparent and dayglow boxes to use for the various events. Local Henchmen approached their stores (Games Plus in Mount Prospect really pitched in)and received support as well as dipped into their personal stashes to pull some choice pieces out as well (thanks guys. You know I love you.) UrbanLasercraft donated set of their Laser cut markers for the events as well as a bunch of zip lock baggies full of scheme markers to hand out to the participants at each event. Two special prizes were donated to the Achievement League from Two Crystal Brush Entrants (unfortunately, I was a zombie on Sunday and I did not write down the name of the first. But, the second was Mario from Voice of Mars. Hopefully Mario can help me out here). The unnamed Crystal Brush Entrant donated his stunning Viktorias Crew to the Wooden Spoon Entrant of the Achievement League (who then won a raffle pull for a box of Ronin from Wyrd). That'll be a nice crew to bring to the table and should help his achievements next year. Mario donated his time and skills to the winner of the Achievement League in the form of MArio painting a box of support models to his award winning standard with a display base to show them off. What a way to remember one's achievements (BTW.....the winner should email me to work out the details). Thanks to both of the donors for their really special contributions.


    So, fun was had by all I hope.  Improvements will be made for next year and I hope we can get more registrants so I can make a push for a larger room with windows maybe. If you were there, I hope you had a blast and welcome your constructive feedback via my email adepticonsean AT Gmail DOT com. If you weren't there, we will look forward to handing you cake next year opening day.


    • Like 5
  7. Nathan,


    You have no idea how much that pleases me to hear you say that.  I would love to have you guys there not only to make some cash. But, to hang out and chat with and catch up. AdeptiCon is very worthwhile for Wyrd to be there.  This year was huge.  I will be posting stats this week as I need to receive final numbers from my awesome tech guru and the AdeptiCon staff. However, we had record numbers both in AdeptiCon general Attendees and Malifaux attendees as well as demos I know. I would love to have you guys see that in person. And I know the attendees would love the chance to talk/game with any/all of you.  It's a fantastic group of people. Let me know what I can do to help make this happen.

    • Like 3
  8. Here are links to the final rules and scenarios updates. Everything is gone to the printers.  So, anything that comes up will have to be addressed at the con.


     Here are the links:
    Gaslight Achievement League
    Rules http://www.adepticon.org/14rules/2014malifauxachievement.pdf
    Achievement Listhttp://www.adepticon.org/14rules/2014malifauxscorecard.pdf

    Cake Match
    Rules http://www.adepticon.org/14rules/2014malifauxcake.pdf

    Team Tourney
    Rules http://www.adepticon.org/14rules/2014malifauxteam.pdf

    Rules http://www.adepticon.org/14rules/2014malifauxmaster.pdf

    1.5 Story Encounter
    Rules http://www.adepticon.org/14rules/2014malifauxstory1.5.pdf

    2.0 Story Encounter
    Rules http://www.adepticon.org/14rules/2014malifauxstory2.0.pdf

    Plus there is a link to all the event rules at adepticon


    Sorry folks. I don't know what's up with the highlight. It has something to do with the copy/paste.

    • Like 1
  9. The web cart will be closing in less than a week. Better get your tickets while you can before the con. Points to be aware of:

    -You may buy tickets for the 1.5 story encounter and still choose M2e at the event registration table.

    -the cake match is officially sold out. But you may still come and play games throughout the day.

    -masters is six rounds over two days.

    Other questions, email adepticonsean AT gmail.com

  10. Howdy all. With AdeptiCon less than a month away, we have the finalized rules up on the website for the Malifaux events. You can register for events and find the new rulesets below:


    Achievement League http://cart.adepticon.org/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=39&products_id=852


    Cake Match http://cart.adepticon.org/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=40&products_id=858 I know it says that it's sold out.  But, stop by anytime Thursday to get some games in and cake.


    Team Tournament http://cart.adepticon.org/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=41&products_id=853


    Masters of Malifaux http://cart.adepticon.org/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=42&products_id=854


    1.5 Story Encounter and costume contest http://cart.adepticon.org/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=42&products_id=854 Strategies are coming soon.


    2.0 Story Encounter and cotume contest http://cart.adepticon.org/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=42&products_id=856 I know it is sold out.  If you still want to register for it, register for the 1.5 Story event. You will be able to choose the format you wish to play at the registration table. You can find the strategies below

    All of the Strategies and scheme pools are in the rules packet now. Come join us for a hell of a good time. Tickets for events are selling out fast.  So, if you haven't registered, do so now so you don't miss out!
    Questions? adepticonsean@gmail.com .


    • Like 1
  11. Actually, a few facts have been brought to my attention that has make me rethink the switching crews between rounds for the team tourney. So that has changed back to the traditional static crew from past years. No switching between rounds.

    Also, schemes for the team tourney will be chosen from the card flip as normal. Only differences are each player on a team chooses one and no duplication of a scheme in the same team.

    Sorry for the changes.

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