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Posts posted by Shadowopal

  1. You will want a tray to carry your faction from table to table.  You will want:

    Soap and Deodorant so you don't contribute to the stereoype that all gamers are smelly

    Comfortable shoes 

    A good attitude because Malifaux people are cool.

    Lots of sleep beforehand as you won't want to sleep much during the convention.

    Money to buy cool stuff in the vendor's Hall and food.


    IN case the convention does not provide a bag....a bag to carry all the cool stuff you will buy at the vendor hall.

    Extra dry erase markers, tape measure, pen for filling forms out, fate deck rulebook......


    Other than that.....just have fun.  Cons are fantastic fun if you just take the opportunity to meet new folks and enjoy the games. Don't let the competition get in the way of the fun.

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  2. TDS: I will respond to either ;). But I do prefer badass gemstone to boy sidekick. Plus my real initials are SO. So it is just easier for me to remember when I am signing real estate documents in my superhero persona.

    Glad you had a good time. That is my goal every year. Also glad you enjoyed the sewer table. That's one of mine and I enjoy playing on it too. I have some bits to make it even better next year. See you at GenCon.

  3. This is what happens when everyone rushes for results. Let me look into things.  Again.....I am not tech savvy.  Mistakes will happen and I am going to be slow to deal with it because I have no idea what I am doing.  Patience will be required from everyone. I will take the links down. to avoid further confusion. Nothing to see here. 

  4. My personal thanks to everyone who participated and put an extra effort into this.

    SO, anyone that really popped out as going above and beyond, give me a holler and I'm sure we can get some goodies out for folks as a thank you for their time and efforts.

    I am sending Jacq a list tonight of my crew. I think most are henchers. But John Hartigan (Necarch) jumps to mind as a non bencher. Terrain peeps, I will need to check.

  5. Cheers guys. Side board will be interesting to hear the results. Random pairings could be fun as well. Let me know how that goes. Another mad concept I want to try is each player brings two masters and flips before the round to see which they are plying with. Not that I think it is a good option for AdeptiCon. Just sounds fun.

  6. Thanks. Glad to hear people had fun. My crew worked their butts off and it is good to see them praised. They deserve it.

    Yes the schedule is brutal. I tried to cram as many events as I could into the schedule with the volunteers I had without killing them. However, one does not HAVE to play in them all. Merely options to allow attendees to get as much games in as they want to and feel able to. I myself was next to useless Sunday. Fortunately, my crew can run itself well.

  7. Thanks Icemyn.

    First, I agree completely. Team tourney was handled poorly and for that I apologize. This event was the biggest thorn and all issues were my fault.

    M2E threw some big unexpected twists into how the team tourney works. The funny thing is that all the great work they put into clarifying things for M2E caused old interactions to change drastically in the team format we had so that it didn't work anymore.

    The only reason the team format worked so well previously is Nilus, Nix and many others put a lot of work into hashing out the inconsistencies of 1.5 and writing rules to address them. It took a couple years. But they got it right in the end. I haven't had the opportunity to do the same and obviously there are some growing pains that have popped up because of that.

    Rest assured that Team Tourney is high on my list of priorities to work start work on immediately and it WILL be better and more organized next year and I welcome players feedback via email if we can keep the tone civil (which you did a great job of and I thank you).

    As for last minute changes...they seemed last minute. But they honestly weren't. The trouble we have there is the process AdeptiCon uses for rules posting. They work great when there are no edition changes. They are a little challenging when there are. I am working on a system outside of AdeptiCon to address that for next year. So that too WILL be better.

    I am sorry the Team Tourney was such a failure this year. Please chalk it up to growing pains and learning curve and have good expectations for next year. We are addressing it because it has always been a great event and I want to have it continue to be. Thanks for your patience all.

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