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Posts posted by Shadowopal

  1. 11 minutes ago, Victoria said:

    I need more people in my Enforcer Brawl tournaments!  If you've never tried this format, come give it a try for some quick, lighthearted fun that is easy to pick up and understand!

    Also, you could possibly win one of the chibi fate decks that we gave away at Fauxmaha 2015!  Adepticon is the only place you will be able to get these!


    Thanks for that Victoria! She is awesome! 

  2. 3 minutes ago, prof_bycid said:

    Amazing lineup of events.  Well done, shadow!  Wish I could get there before Friday Eve.  Still, it'll be great!

    Cheers. I can't take all the credit. In fact I just edited the post to give credit to the To's who are helping me. But, I also have an awesome staff of physical labor at the convention, demo staff, judges, terrain volunteers and technical support. It is a huge convention and I am only one man. Fortunately, I have a fantastic Crew of Henchmen and Minions :).

  3. Howdy Folks. Figrued it was about time to give a break down of all the events and answer any questions that may have popped up. So, here is the list:

    Wednesday March 30th 3pm - ????

    SetUp the tables this always goes faster with more people. So, if you are in town with nothing to do and want to help, send me an email at adepticonsean@gmail.com with yor name, cell number and a note that says you want to help. Once we are setup, We can have some pick up games and hang out and chat and such.


    Thursday March 31st 9:00am - Sunday April 3rd 3:00pm 

    Gaslight Achievement League (Event Organizer Sean Overton): All the games you play over the weekend count towards this. Whether it is a tournament game or a pick up game. Try to collect as many achievements from thelong list as you can while playing Wyrd Games. A list will be provided in your packet. But, you can always check out last year's list for a pretty good idea of what will be there this year http://www.adepticon.org/14rules/2014malifauxscorecard.pdf 


    Thursday March 31st 9:00am- Sunday April 3rd 4:00pm

    Wyrd Costume Contest (Event Organizer Sean Overton): Come dress as your favorite Wyrd Character. Malifaux, Evil Baby Orphanage, Darkness Comes Rattling, Shodwon Icons, JetPack Unicorn, Puppet Wars....it's all good. Every day, I will select the best costume I see and invite you to come back Sunday in character for final judging. So, you have four opportunities to impress me.


    Thursday March 31st 9:00am- Sunday April 3rd 4:00pm

    Open Gaming (Event Organizer Sean Overton): Not into the fast paced action of tournaments and just want to get a few games in? No problem. Any open table can be used for pick up games. Come game on our glorious terrain and check out terrain from companies like Knuckleduster Miniatures, Angry Mojo, PlastCraft, Konflict Gaming, Gadzooks Gaming among others.


    Thursday March 31st 9:00am- Sunday April 3rd 4:00pm

    Demos (Many Henchmen running demos throughout the weekend): Tried Darkness Comes Rattling yet? What about Evil Baby Orphange? Jetpack Unicorn? Showdown Icons? Through the Breach?Puppet Wars? Or just want to show your friends what they are missing out on with Malifaux? Stop by and request a demo. We will have the full range of games available to demo.


    Thursday March 31st 12:00pm - 4:00pm

    Henchman Hardcore Session 1 of 2 (Event Organizer Justin Dexter) : This is the first year AdeptiCon is having Henchman Hardcore format events. We have two sessions so you can be sure to get a chance to try it out if you haven't.


    Thursday March 31st 12:00pm - 4:00pm

    Enforcer Battle Session 1 of 2 (Event Organizer Victoria Myer Hrenda): That's right! We are also giving the Enforcer Battle format a try this year. Again, there will be two sessions to give everyone a chance to get in on the fun.


    Thursday March 31st 4:30pm

    Cake Match: An AdeptiCon tradition. Stirring it up a bit this year again. This time everyone brings cake that wants to enter the competition and share some delicious goodies with the group. No gaming event is tied to it. But, we will judge based on flavor, complexity and of course Wyrd theme. Show us your delicious skillz.


    Thursday March 31st 6:00pm - 10:00pm

    Henchman Hardcore Session 2 of 2 (Event Organizer Justin Dexter) : This is the first year AdeptiCon is having Henchman Hardcore format events. We have two sessions so you can be sure to get a chance to try it out if you haven't.


    Thursday March 31st 6:00pm - 10:00pm

    Enforcer Battle Session 2 of 2 (Event Organizer Victoria Myer Hrenda): That's right! We are also giving the Enforcer Battle format a try this year. Again, there will be two sessions to give everyone a chance to get in on the fun.


    Friday April 1st 9:00am - 9:00pm

    Team Tournament (Event Organizer Bret Rice): Are you fool enough to team up with one of your friends and take on the madness that other teams have to throw at you? Come up with the craziest single faction pairing you can come up with and battle for dominance of the absurdity that is Team Tournament.


    Saturday April 2nd 9:00am - 12:00 am

    Master of Malifaux (Event Organizer Sean Overton): An Iron Man competition if there ever was one. Compete against the best of the best in this endurance test. This event is a qualifier for the NOVA Open Nationals. So, bring your A game.


    Sunday April 3rd 9:00am - 4:00pm

    Story Encounter (Event Organizer: Sean Overton and Storyteller: Joe Deheve): Another set of three Wyrd tales have been woven for your enjoyment. This event is always a fun one to try original Strategies by our local storyteller Joe Deheve ( Master of Malifaux for AdeptiCon 2015). Plus every entrant will receive a free custom mini sculpted and produced by Forrest Harris of KnuckleDuster Miniatures. This year is Steampunk Tightrope walker that will be right at home in our continuing Circus storyline or a Dark Carnival Crew.


    Also this year is a banner year as:

    1) Wyrd will have their own booth for you to buy their latest goodies

    2) once again some of the staff will be joining us to hang out and talk all things Wyrd 

    3) Wyrd is a sponsor of the Swag Bag. I hear there will be Mystery Boxes in some of the bags and a Penny Dreadful in others

    4) Wyrd is donating minis to the painting area for people to try out new skills on

    5) Wyrd is donating a copy of all of their Board Games to the open play Board Game Library. So, once you demo it in the hall, you and your family can check one or more of the games and play it in the open play area.

    6) Of course Wyrd is also the major sponsor of all things Malifaux at AdeptiCon and this year is no exception. I don't have the details yet. But, their prize support is always phenomenal and I expect this year to follow suit.

    If you want to check out the rules packets for the events, just click the name and it should take you right there. Enforcer Brawl is not up yet. But it follows the Organized Play Rules Format found in the Resources section of the Wyrd Website. If you have questions, email me at adepticonsean@gmail.com . 

    More details on the convention and how to register for events can be found at www.adepticon.org and the event is held at:

    Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel
    1551 N. Thoreau Drive
    Schaumburg, IL 60173
    Phone: 1-847-303-4100


    Hope to see you all there. Come by the Hall and say hey.

    • Like 2
  4. Howdy folks! Just wanted to drop a reminder here that pre-registration for AdeptiCon 2016 ends on Monday. So if you are planning on arriving Wednesday and picking up badges and tickets, you should register before Monday.

    Numbers are down a little the year which makes me sad. So, let's talk about the cool things going on this year. 
    1) My team has added 4 events this year happening on Thursday. The cake match is is a cake only event this year. We will have open play and demos going on. But Victoria Myer Hrenda has agreed to run two sessions of Enforcer brawl and Justin Dexter has agreed to run two sessions of Henchman Hardcore. Spots are still open for all four events. 
    2) Team Tournament is happening again. This time Bret Rice is going to be the TO. Bret has done a great job of breaking the system every year and helping me find weird interactions before the event so I could head those off in the rules packets. I know he will do a great job. I am sure many will be glad to not have to go against him and and his teammate Victor (though I think Victor will find a new teammate). There are tickets available. 
    3) Masters has 100 slots to fill. There are still tickets available. This is a qualifier for the NOVA North American Nationals. The winner gets a free ticket to the Nationals. It is an all day event that will test the metal of the players. But you can't be weak and be a Master! 
    4) Story Encounter has tickets available. We have fun with this every year. Joe Deheve has taken the reigns of storyteller this year and has some terrifically fun strategies in store for you. Also, Forrest Harris from Knuckleduster Miniatures is once again sculpting an original fig to give to all the story encounter players. I will post more images down the. But here is an image to whet the appetite. We are continuing with the circus theme we began three years ago and the tightrope Walker will be a fun addition to the Dark Carnival crew.
    4) the Gaslight Achievement League returns this year as does the costume contest. So plenty of ways to get your Wyrd on. 
    5) Wyrd will have a booth at the vendor hall. I have no details yet on what they plan to bring with them. But if I get any info, I will fill everyone in. 
    6) Wyrd is a sponsor of the Swag Bag this year. MYSTERY boxes in some and Penny Dreadful in others. 
    7) folks from Wyrd (no names confirmed yet) will be in the hall talking Malifaux and hopefully playing games. I know we had a blast hanging out with Aaron and Mason last year. 
    8) Wyrd is of course a major sponsor every year for the event prizes and this year is no different. 
    9) come play on cool terrain from a bunch of different companies and plan your purchases. Mats By Mars, Angry Mojo, Plastcraft, Knuckleduster, Renaissance, and Paul Piotrowski's kickstarter and Gadzooks Gaming are a few of the companies helping us out by donating terrain. Minisby Zach is also painting up some awesome demo crews for people to get introduced to the game with
    10) We will have all the Wyrd games available to try out. So if you have been waiting to get a demo of Darkness Comes Rattling or Puppet wars or the rest, stop by and check out the Hall. Wyrd is also donating a copy of each of their boardgames to the board game open play library. So once you learn to play, you can go check out the game and play a few rounds with the family.

    Whew! We have a BUNCH going on. Go get registered!


  5. 12 minutes ago, Yvarre said:

    This makes me seriously want to try to contract another head chef for that weekend and go, but it's one of 7 weekends a year that I have to cater a specific group and can't really get away.  The money I make that weekend is probably getting saved for the big Nova roadtrip, anyways; so I'll see Wyrd there.

    But I really like that they're branching out to more cons.

    Yeah. Wyrd has sent reps last year and prize support the last 7 years. this is the first they will have a booth too. Sorry you can't make it. But, money is important.

  6. 2 hours ago, Guslado said:

    Right now it's mostly the time off that I'm lacking; too many friends getting married in too many cool places.

    Stupid job, it allows me to afford my hobbies but gets in the way of my participating in them...

    Stupid real life getting in the way of our fun ones. 

    • Like 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, Guslado said:

    Very cool development, sadly I can't make it out to Adepticon this year (only room in the budget for one Con trip this year and Gen Con takes priority). Hopefully I'll be able to make it out in 2017.

    You better.  I see your Facebook.  I know what you spend on road trips. Next year Chicago. ;)

  8. 12 minutes ago, Artiee said:

    I really want a Adepticon Fate Deck.   :)   But this is great news!!

    You and me both. If I were independently wealthy, I would churn them out and give them to everyone. But finding someone to sponsor thousands of dollars is challenging. Big thanks againto Through the Breach Podcast and Malifools for past decks. 

    • Like 2
  9. 59 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    Well I'm just being optimistic, of course. Like I say, either way its exciting they're going to have a booth to buy stuff at. That alone is big news. Thx

    I understand completely.  I have to stop myself from digging holes for them by imagining all the cool things they could bring. 

  10. Please do not make assumptions on Easter. Unfortunately we could not give Wyrd the space they asked for. The vendor hall will be tweaked next year. But they will have prime spot next to the ticket area I believe. Just not as much space as they would have preferred. So... I cannot guess what they will or will not be bringing. 

  11. I know what you are thinking... "Duh! C'mon Sean. There have been Wyrd events at AdeptiCon for 7 years now."

    No.....Wyrd will BE at AdeptiCon! Let that sink in a bit..... Yep. You get it now.  There will be a freaking Wyrd Booth at AdeptiCon! You have asked for it every year and we finally pulled it off.  So make sure you come out to AdeptiCon and buy stuff at the booth so they know it is worth it. Don't make me look bad. 

    As part of their stepping into the world of AdeptiCon awesomeness, Wyrd is going be be one of the swag bag sponsors again. We are also discussing having some minis at the hobby area for painting clinics. Also we are working on getting some (if not all)  of Wyrd's board games into the board game library. So if there is a Wyrd board game you have wanted to try,  check out the library when you get there. 

    And last,  but certainly not the least, Wyrd is once again providing some great prize support for the eight Malifaux events we have this year! Plus the Masters of Malifaux event is a Nationals qualifier event. 

    This is an awesome year for Wyrd at AdeptiCon. Get your tickets and be a part of it. 

    • Like 7
  12. 6 hours ago, -Loki- said:

    Any chance of custom cards in the future, like being able to print off a card with a different name and picture, but the disclaimer that it counts as another model?

    As a TO,  this would make things messy for any kind of specific wording in Gaining Grounds on proxies. I hope not. There are a few custom card creators out there already for Malifaux. But getting them thru drive thru RPG just opens up problems at tourneys. 

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, MetaphoricDragn said:

    Thanks Aaron, I would love to get the erratad cards, lest i forget about the changes.  


    Any word of Crossroads 7?  Those don't appear to be up either, though Have been out for awhile.

    Crossroads are officially Wave 3. So, they will probably be included with the release of those cards would be my guess.

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