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Everything posted by studderingdave

  1. thanks for the advice. ill look into blasts for sure. i normally play perdita, with a smattering of lilith/LCB.
  2. I am looking for tips from Colette players on what gives them trouble in games. I face her regularly and my results are mixed at best. I am looking for general information regarding crews/models that give her a hard time. thanks dave
  3. after reading karn's tactica, im rather intrigued by LCB. so im thinking about lists: 25 LCB/Dreamer Daydream Daydream Coppelius Madness Alp Alp 2 SS spare or a third Daydream? 35 Teddy Alp thoughts?
  4. sweet tactica for dreamer. as a primarily meat and potatoes player i wanted someone wiht a bit more finesse, looks like i foud him. thanks!
  5. can i get LCB tactica? i stumbled into the nightmare edition and figured i would start his crew thanks
  6. thanks for the advice. i never really looked at the viktorias, she seems simple enough for my "lack of finesse" needs.
  7. let me say first that Malifaux is a very rules bloat game, in my opinion. I have learned quickly that going nuts with alot of crews doesnt help me win games when i only play 1-2 games a week. That being said i tend to go for less finesse and more straight forward crews. I play Perdita primarily, but I have been liking the Friekorps since RP came out. I finally broke down and picked up the box, plus another trapper and a student of conflict totem. i see Von Schill as a toolbox master, sort of like perdita, but moreso even. The rest of the crew is pretty specialized but on the whole they seem pretty well rounded. thoughts?
  8. ive been running the family now exclusivly for my past few games and i find the entire force getting to companion and go to be pretty devestating. any suggestions within the family that people like to use?
  9. wow that family business is pretty interesting. ill have to get santiago and fransisco painted up.
  10. can you give me an example of how to use the familiy companion ability? i have never used it before.
  11. so basically i should stick with the family?
  12. I am still fresh to Malifaux, with half a dozen games under my belt, i have found that the game is in depth to the point where i cannot give enough time to focus on more then a single master, so ive gone with Perdita since the beginning and havent stopped. So far i am 3-3 with her, getting the basocs down, but im looking for input on my lists. we play 25ss and recently started larger 35ss games. 25ss Perdita -Neph Nino Papa Stalker Stalker 2 spare ss 35ss (only one game so far) adds Ryle 2 spare ss I understand the neph/perdita "obey" trick with papa, and in fact that has one me one of my games alone. i tend to play perdita defensivly, as a gun platform to handle stuff that gets into my lines. my lists are shooty and i tend to play avoidace more then confronting enemies toe to toe. Ryle is very new to me and I am wondering if he is a fit or should i get something else in their instead.
  13. thanks for the input, im glad to see im not missing anything glaring.
  14. So I have about a dozen games under my belt, and everything seems to be running smoothly, but i just wanna post a sample turn from a game of mine just to make sure i didn,t miss anything, since i am teaching the game to others i don,t want to be teaching the wrong thing. here we go. in the case of context here i what is on the table: Perdita Papa Loco Nino Stalker Stalker Nephilim Lilith Tot Tot Tot Young Mature top of the round we keep the cards in our hand that we want, discard the rest, shuffle the discard pile into the deck, draw up to 6 cards then initiative flip. guild (G) player flips an 11 mask, never born (NB) player flips 6 tome, the G player gets the first activation. the NB player has the option to reflip his result if he burns a soul stone right? the G player activates nino. he uses on action point to walk 4 inches, he uses the second AP to take a shot at a terror tot in the open. nino flips an 11 crows, the tot flips a 2 mask. the NB player opts to not cheat fate, but he could have used any cards from his hand. instead of dealing damage, nino opts to use his "headshot" trigger since he has goat/crows in his attack total. dealing no damage the NB player needs to pitch 2 soul stones or drop two cards from his hand. after some thought the NB player pitches 2 cards and the tot survives. NB player activates a tot to walk twice. the G player activates a witchling stalker to shoot at the tot that just moved. gauging the distance, the G player decides not to move, so he used his first AP to take a shot at the tot, flipping a 7 goat, the NB player flips a 9 tome. the G player cheats by replacing his 7 goat with an 11 mask. the NB player also decides to cheat and throws down a 10 crows. considering the new totals are G has 15 total and ther NB has a 16 total, the shot misses. the witchling decides to use his second AP to shoot him again, flipping a 13 tome, the NB player flips a 4 crows. the NB player decides to not cheat. his total is 10, the G total is 17. being in the 7 difference range , the damage flip is a non modified damage flip. flipping the 12 goat the G player deals severe damage to the tot, killing it. the NB player activates his young nephilim, which is in charge range of papa loco. he uses 2 AP to charge papa loco. since he charged he flips 2 cards and takes the highest, he flips a 4 crows and 9 mask. taking the 9 mask he has a 15 mask mask total. papa flips a 3 crows, giving him an 8 crows total. thinking a bit the G player opts to cheat, throwing down an 11 goat, giving him a 15 goat. the NB player then decides to cheat and throw a 10 tome to make him a 16 total. the hit is in the 1-5 bracket so its a minus damage flip. the NB player frlips a 4 goat and a 7 crows, taking the lower one he inflicts weak damage on papa, which is 2. since he is a melee expert, the nephilim takes another swing at papa. he flips an 13 goat, while papa flips a 5 crows. the G player opts to not cheat, being a difference of 8 the flip is unmodified for damage. the NB player flips the RED JOKER, which automatically inflicts severe damage and lets the NB player flip another card and add that to the damage, the next card being a 3 crows. papa takes a severe hit (5) followed by a weak hit (2) which is enough to kill him. Papa loco dies, so everything within 3 inches of him takes 5 damage. the young nephilim is in the blast, as is the G players enslaved nephilim, since their is no resist flip for this, the enslaved nephilim dies. the G player activates his second witchling stalker, who is in charge range of the young nephilim. he charges the nephilim and flips a 8 mask and a 13 mask, taking the 13 mask he has a total of 19, the NB player flips a 2 goat, opts to cheat a 12 goat, which still gets him hit, but its a weak hit, the stalker flips a 6 goat and a 9 mask, taking the 6 goat, the moderate damage is still enough to kill the wounded young nephilim. upon killing the young nephilim the stalker takes a point of damage from black blood. the NB player activates a terror tot for a walk action twice, moving into some soft cover. the G player activates Perdita for a shoot action, targeting the tot that just moved into cover. perdita flips a 9 crows, the tot flips a 4 goat. the NB player opts not to chat, and the damage flip is a -1 damage flip since the tot is in soft cover. perdita flips an 8 crows, moderate damage, then uses her critical strike trigger to add 1 to the damage for having a goat in her Cb. killing the tot. the G player uses perditas second action to take a shot at Lilith, flipping an 8 tome, lilith flips a 5 tome. perdita cheats with an 11 mask, and lilith does not cheat. lilith does opt to burn a soulstone, since she has the use soulstone ability, to add a flip result to her current result, she flips a 2 mask, making her total 18, seeing that perdita matches her, she also decides to burn a soulstone, flipping a 6 crows. an unmodified damage flip follows dealing moderate damage (8 crows) lilith takes 3 damage. the G player uses perditas last AP, since she has fast, to move away from lilith and the mature nephilim looking near. the G player is out of models to activate, so the NB player finishes up his activations. the NB player activates his last terror tot, walking it twice, toward perdita. the NB player then actiivates Lilith/ lilith casts trasposition, she flips a 4 crows to cast and fails, but cheats with a 9 mask, making the casting cost, she switches the mature and the tot, the mature is now a few inches away from perdita. lilith's second action is a walk action. lilith's third action is casting earthquake, needing a 7 she flips a 4, but uses a second sou lstone to add another 4 to that, making the spell a success. she elects a far board edge and the direction chosen moves the mature nephilim into nearly base to base with perdita. the mature activates next, and is already in melee range fo perdita, so he swings, flipping the BLACK JOKER, the attack fails. he uses his second AP to swing again, flipping a 9 mask, perdita flips a 3 crows. perdita cheats a 9 crows, the mature cheats with a 12 mask. with the mature up by 1, perdita elects to burn a soulstone to add a 3 to her total, the attack barely misses. the mature uses his melee expert AP to swing for a third time, flipping a 13 tome, perdita flips a 7 mask, she opts to cheat with an 8 mask, she is still hit but the damage will be a minus flip. the mature flips a 9 crows and an 11 mask, taking the moderate damage, perdita suffers 5 damage. that ends the round. please note this is a fictitious round, just to see if i was doing everything correctly. please let me know if i missed anything. thanks
  15. i would like to see all book 2 models released before a 3rd book drops. i mean there is still no hooded rider and we have some book 2 crews released, but that is only a single model and is being a bit nit picky. i understand a revenue boost for book releases, but i personally dislike proxy playing because i enjoy playing fully painted, representative crews, and secondly the proxy cost really degrades the price point of this game, which is a huge draw for me.
  16. i would rather see the existing rules realized in pewter form before we get resculpts. my main gripe of this game is the "40k syndrome" of rules before models.
  17. i started with Pandora and quickly found her rules to be overbearing, so i switched to Perdita and never looked back. I have Perdita, Lilith and Seamus for demo games and new players never get frustrated with these 3 masters, they are all pretty straight forward. I am adding Rasputina and the Victorias to my demo crew collection, as i think they are both very straight forward as well. to me i would avoid leveticus and the gremlins, from a passive standpoint leveticus looks very confusing to me, and the gremlins are more of a comical force.
  18. Guild. When i demo games i always use Perdita.
  19. 4, even though i dont play with Lady Justice. My end goal is a master from each faction so i can demo for up to 5 players at once. right now i have Perdita, Lilith and seamus, with rasputina and vikkie to finish off my collection.
  20. after trying both for a few games i like the stalkers more for my aggressive playstyle. in a gun heavy force i find thier CC skills to be a good counter weight, and their 2 point explosion when they die also help lot.
  21. thanks for the reply, ill take a look into it. i sort of want to keep mercs with mercs for the demo games, so how about this: Rasputina Essence of Power Gamin Gamin Cerberus Rattler
  22. I demo Malifaux at my LGS alot, alot of people are interested in the game but like to use my demo crews for now so i want to have one from each group. so far i have guild, neverborn and ressurectionists covered, so i want to get an arcanist crew in there as well. the other 3 groups were easy pics for me, but i am drawing a blank on an arcanist pick. Marcus seems interesting and i like the beasts but he seems inferior to the other 2. ramos seems the strongest to me and is on top of the pile so far, but his low ss count is a low point. Rasputina is also decent but i dont like the gamins and golem, can she be used decently with the rattler and cerbrus? im looking for a solid 25 ss crew. straigth from the box isnt an issue considering the other 3 crews i have arnt strictly box crews. thoughts?
  23. i lived off of it for a year when i was a teenager, and i hated it in retrospect. contracts, deadlines and things of that nature really sour the experience for me. now i paint my friends models for free, paint them how i want, in my own time frame and its stress free.
  24. i think ill run that list but swap fransisco for papa.
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