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Everything posted by studderingdave

  1. i swapped my list a bit to fit in the avatar: Neverborn Crew - 35 - Scrap Zoraida, the Hag -- 5 Pool Convict Gunslinger [6ss] Doppelganger [8ss] Insidious Madness [4ss] Mature Nephilim [10ss] Stitched Together [5ss] -Avatar Attached [2ss] swapped the 2 tots for insidious, who will be on objective duty.
  2. i might be breaking into ressers for a painting project and would like some general advic on who synergizes well with bete noir, since i have her model already i would like to use her. thanks dave
  3. yeah we play with set crews currently because most of my opponents only have one crew and i want to keep it pretty even. thanks for the advice.
  4. ok, so barring my list error, is it safe to assume that reflipping contain power with a Lady Z list is a good option? I knew Seamus was hard to take down but i totally did not account for his healing abilities.
  5. Doh! too good to be true perhaps. still wrapping my head around avatars.
  6. ran this yesterday for the first time, i got beat pretty bad but i enjoyed the synergy of the list. Zoraida Mature Neph Tot Tot Stitched Doppleganger Convict Gunslinger -Avatar Attached 3 SS pool i played against a seamus heavy bell list and had contain power as a strategy and should have reflipped it, because i couldnt touch seamus. i tend to play avoidance with heavy use of obey to knock out key targets. i usually take reclaim malifaux and bodyguard as scheme, but also enjoy kidnap. thoughts?
  7. that sounds pretty interesting. i am hesitant to drop the mature neph though, his offensive skills are really on point.
  8. can you elaborate on the puppet usage? the silurid are pretty fast with a leap and than double move. i usually take "reclaim malifaux" as a scheme and they can hit the back portions of the board fast. But i am always looking for improvement. thanks.
  9. I have been running a stock Z list for 25/35 for a while and i am interested in adding in Stitched for a change, here is my idea: 25ss Zoraida silurid silurid stitched mature neph 35ss Zoraida silurid silurid stitched mature neph convict gunslinger arcane effigy - avatar attached i tend to use the silurids as objectve grabbers, while keeping the rest of the crew close together for obey shenanigans. im hoping to use stitched late in the turn for gamble/gamble your life abuse. thought?
  10. well essence seems like the easist target for me to kill with an obeyed target so i can manifest zoraida's avatar.
  11. do you see the essence of power as a worthwhile investment in the average game? i mean plus flips on her damage spells are nice but it is quite fragile.
  12. mature neph works best for me. even weak damage is rough to deal with for a lot of models, and the extra obey swing later in the round usually causes serious issues
  13. can someone elaborate on possible schemes for a Raspy crew? like i said he likes power ritual, but the inherit slowness of his crew stops his stuff from gettng to my side of the board. i normally take schemes that work against him like kidnap and grudge, as well as reclaim malifaux, which i usually handle quickly then race back to my table edge to block any incoming models going for power ritual. thanks
  14. Malifaux has very small influence in our LGS, and me and the store manager are the only regular players. we play every friday and he has one crew, Rasputina. I take a variety of crews but mostly i play with Dreamer and Zoraida. most games are 25ss with a few 35ss ones creeping in. He is usually strapped for time so i thought i would ask for some general pointers for him. he has: Rasputina essence of power 3x gamit ice golem silent one snow storm and he will soon be buying a cerberus. he usually takes the power ritual scheme and likes to sit on his soulstones. for reference i usually play this: 25ss zoraida silurid x3 mature neph 35ss adds convict gunslinger insidious madness any help for my friend?
  15. so what is the major change to alps than?
  16. on the same note, can neverborn masters connect with a totem AND have an effigy?
  17. Warhammer fantasy - lizardmen and dwarfs Warmachine - Khador, Mercs Malifaux - Neverborn mainly sprinkle in some MtG (draft mostly) and some random specialist games action and im solid. Warmachine is my main, Malifaux and WHFB are my secondaries.
  18. ok so its specifically for "tiny" models? not just ht1 and insignifigant than?
  19. I was watching a game a while back where one player (using hamelin) said that Ht1/insignifigant models incur a negative attack flip against anyone attacking them. I tried to find the rule in the book later but could not. any assistance on this? thanks
  20. i played a single game with zoraida and im hooked. i ran the 3 silurids and a mature neph and i really had a good time. whatever you plan on taking make sure you have a solid melee beatstick.
  21. companies actually making washes instead of me having to make them
  22. painting most of a von schill crew. so far done: von schill friekcorpsman x2 librarian will be done today: trapper x2 specialist student of conflict
  23. I am wrapping my head around Dreamer/LCB. Karn's tactica was very informative as well. I understand how daydreams are used to bring the dreamer back after LCB mauls something to death if needed, but im interested in seeing other tricks other Dreamer players use to maximize damage output while minimizing retaliation. any input is appreciated.
  24. the coryphee duet has been giving me alot of grief, it looks like its very solid once it is created, any weaknesses of note?
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