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Everything posted by monkeyboy30672

  1. I would like to add my local game store onto the store listings on Pullmyfinger... How can I do that?
  2. Great looking models!! I really like your painting style, and I think it especially suits these models. Photos are still a bit on the dark side... Just remember that the closer you put your camera to a subject, the more light you have to pump onto them. When your camera is right on top of the models, you'll basically need to cook those puppies. Spending more than an hour photographing miniatures should make you sweat. Also... are you using Manual Mode? If so (and, honestly, it should be the same for every mode), there should be an "in-camera light meter that tells you when the shutter speed and aperture are balanced to allow enough light for a properly lighted image. if the indicator is not centered, then you probably need more light (or a longer shutter speed... which would necessitate a tripod). Hope that helps!
  3. Thanks, guys! I am taking a bit of a hiatus from the Poltergeist, because he is doing his job correctly and driving me mad... Sigh... And I still have 2 Sorrows to go!! Ayyy... So I started to revisit my Sonnia crew for the Guild. I know that, like Pandora's hair, Sonnia's hair is going to be a pain to paint, simply because the detail in the strands is so shallow. I will need to just paint it on "freehand", so to speak, and try to best follow the grooves. Once I can get her done, I think my enthusiasm for painting her crew will return quickly. She's a beautiful model, so having her painted will motivate me lots! You're welcome, SC, about the bit of history on me. It just explains a little about why I am the way I am.
  4. They're brilliant! I don't think they've been "defiled" at all, Jen! I love the new poses and the new conversions/additions/fiddly bits! You truly made these your own, with your own style and flair, and that's what conversion is all about. I rarely make conversions, because I am so terrible at it. But you've really made these models unique, and haven't detracted from the strength of the original sculpts in the slightest. Well done!!
  5. I tend to prefer cartoony, or very vibrant models, but that stems from a photographic standpoint. Some of the most beautiful models I've ever seen have used a very muted, almost dark, monochromatic color palette. While they look amazing on the table and even under close scrutiny, they are maddening to photograph. The camera lens doesn't pick up as much subtlety as the human eye does. For my own models., I try to paint as vibrant as possible, when I can, in order to make the colors and details visible form afar. I like to see them on the table and think, "Wow... those look great! I painted all that!" Yeah, it's an ego boost and purely self-gratifying, but I like it. hahaha! That being said, they don't all look good under close scrutiny. I definitely need to push myself to take the highlighting higher than I normally do, as while I'm painting them, they look great right in my face... but on the table they sometimes look a bit flat. Just my own shortcomings.
  6. Absolutely brilliant! I love the painting style and the color choices, too! Definitely one of the best painted McMourning crews I've seen. Makes me almost want to pick up my own set...
  7. Syb... with the utmost respect... I hate you. You are just TOO damn good with a brush! You're doing Ice Gamin next...? You'll probably paint them in such a way as to make them actually BE translucent, like actual ice... Sigh... You're an inspiration, Syb. Honestly. I've photographed some of the most beautiful miniatures in the world, and yours are definitely of that caliber.
  8. They are all truly amazing! I love the very unique style, too. After mentioning that you're an illustrator, I can absolutely see that influence in your miniature work now. It makes so much sense! I think my favorite of the Sonnia crew is Sonnia herself. I LOVE the subtle OSL from the flame of her sword on the legs, and on the edge of the floorboards just below it, and on the sword itself. I think it's beautiful. I was thinking of painting my Sonnia crew after my Pandora crew is (finally) finished, and I will most certainly be taking inspiration from your crew here! Thank you for posting them!
  9. I've never tried using an airbrush to paint minis, though now I can see, after painting layer after layer on the Poltergeist's body, how wonderful a tool one might be! Maybe I should look into that... I can't wait to see more of your models painted!!!
  10. For Pandora's hair... I think I started with a Heavy Red from Acrílicos Vallejo, then went to Blood Red, then a Fiery (?) Orange, I think. They have 2 Oranges, and I chose the one closer to yellow (I think). Sorry... I am not very good with remembering my paint recipes! Thank for the compliments, MrG!! Yeah, I still want to experiment with those rugs and see what I can do to spruce them up a bit. Odd that you say your eye is distracted by them. Hmm... I'll have to be more careful about that. Thanks for pointing that out! No, I'm sorry, Wings, I haven't bought the pen yet. I need to do that soon. I've been trying to get this damn Poltergeist done... Speaking of which... no, it's not done. But a WIP shot: The green glowy body is just SO MUCH surface area, so it's taking forever to do each thin layer I'm doing. It's about halfway done now, and I need to keep bringing the color up. But I settled for the purple hair, which I think is going to work out well. Yeah, everything is very flat-looking. It's a WIP, I promise! Did I mention how horribly slowly I paint..? Still photographing on the ironing board, and still using my phone, just because it's late and I wanna go to bed, rather than pull out the camera... And for consistency throughout the thread, if nothing else. Besides... the ironing board is becoming somewhat of a celebrity... heehee... But at least there's proof that I did SOME painting this weekend.
  11. So... epic fail. I didn't finish the Poltergeist this weekend, like I had planned. A day of board gaming and beer and bad horror movies ensured that. Let's just say that if anyone ever sees the movie "Dagon" for free, you didn't get your money's worth...! Thank god for the beer... In other news, I decided, since the Poltergeist takes up so much acreage on his 50mm base, leaving little room for anything purple, that I will forego the artist rendition of black hair in favor of purple. This will keep with my schele, and it's enough that I don't have to paint his eyes purple, too. I think that would look silly. AND it also leaves the billowy bits of the lower body green and glowy, to go along with the other Sorrows. HOPEFULLY I will have him done by the end of the week. Hopefully. No promises, people. In other, other news, I am also considering to become a Henchman for the Maryland, USA area. That means I'll need to paint up another crew. Yikes. I am so SLOW in painting..! I have some colors on a Sonnia crew box, and I already have 3 of the metal Witchling Stalkers painted. I hope Wyrd wouldn't mind the metal ones. I like how they've turned out. Then again, maybe I should really bite the bullet and truly paint the box contents. Seems more in the spirit of things. It all just means I have more and more on my plate...!
  12. Wow... then Langston Hughes' "Decapitation" trigger is exceptionally nasty! Thanks for the clarification, guys!
  13. Hey, folks, Maybe this is evident in the RB, but I couldn't find it anywhere, and it wasn't addressed by the FAQ. It seems rather an important distinction, so maybe I'm just being thick about it... Not unheard of... So if a duel has a starting Stat value that includes a suit, and a Trigger has the same suit on it, does that mean that the flip needs to include 2 of that suit to trigger? Example: Baby Kade - (1) Carving Knife (Ml 7*Mask* / Rst: Df / Rng: melee 1): Target suffers 1/2/4 damage. If the target is engaged with at least one other friendly model, deal +2 damage. *Mask* *Mask* Flay: The damage flip resulting from this attack may be cheated if it suffers from one or more minus flips. In this example, the Ml stat has a value of 7 Mask to start. In order to trigger Flay, does the controller only need to flip one more Mask, in order to meet the double Mask trigger value, or does the controller need two more Masks on top of the one listed in the Ml value? Thanks!
  14. These are REALLY cool!!! WELL done!! I had not seen the new Cerberus model, and I like it TONS better than the old one. And the Jackalope and Razorspine Rattler, too. Great color choices and detail work! Like BigKid, I'm now tempted to turn an eye towards Marcus, and that is definitely helped by these paint jobs! Bravo!
  15. I agree!!! This is a HELL of a first model!!!! Don't touch the model itself, it is brilliant as is, though maybe paint the base a bit, just to give it a bit of context in which the model will exist. I am currently painting the same model, so I know for a fact that it is not an easy one!! You can check out my other models here to see some other models for Pandora's crew. Well done, MrG, and I can't wait to see more of your beautiful work!!!
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