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Everything posted by maxvon_d

  1. Heh, I know that feeling! I've not tried the Wyrd inserts but have been using pre-cast resin bases on all of my Malifaux minis. I particularly liked the dockside ones I used on my McMourning crew, from Kerr&King in the UK.
  2. Agree. One of the nice things about Malifaux is that there are individual sculpts for most things and they even have specific stat cards. I could do with an alternative Flesh Construct sculpt though.
  3. I'm hoping they'll do this as well. I did my own paper-printed inserts but would rather have some sculpted ones. It is a mini game not a boardgame after all
  4. The thing with just using water is that you can get tide marks, where, as the wash dries, the paint pigment gets drawn out of the recesses - the opposite of what you want to happen. Another thing to try is adding some PVA glue to the water. Sounds crazy but that gets you closer to the GW style of wash and keeps the pigment in the recesses where you want it.
  5. I edited the first thread post with an updated counter set
  6. Good call. The accidentally elliptical ones didn't stand out against the black bases when I did it but it certainly wouldn't hurt to do them against a white background for guidance. I shall distinguish the corpse and body part tokens a little also.
  7. Nice scrap tokens DG. I'd love to have some sculpted ones but was in a hurry to get stuff ready for the game so knocked them up quickly. Wonder if I can maul some plastic zombie minis for body parts and corpses...
  8. Yeah really like that. The monochrome works very nicely and it's expertly realised. Look forward to seeing more of your minis.
  9. Oh yes, you guys should definitely start making plans for Salute next year
  10. While I patiently await some nice sculpted counters from the lovely (and twisted) folks at Wyrd, I decided to make some homemade counters for a recent game. It was McMourning vs Ramos so I knew we needed plenty of corpse, body part and scrap tokens. Here's what I knocked up for the task: I just printed, carefully cut them out and glued them into standard 30mm lipped bases and they worked out nicely. I may go back and distinguish the body parts from the corpses a bit more but they'll do for now. You can see them in action over on my recent battle report Hope I'm not infringing on any IP/Copyright by sharing them for you all on here. If the image sizing is off I may go back and re-do them as a PDF. They were correctly sized at 300dpi but the Flickr hosting may have messed things up a bit. EDIT: Revised the counters a bit. White background with black outline to make it easier to cut them out. Also changed the body part counters to differentiate them from the corpse counters. And I added some blast counters. Not tried them yet so hopefully they'll work alright in 50mm lipped bases.
  11. Cool. Always good to see more UK players. If you ever get the chance to get to London there's a bit of momentum building here for the game. Look forward to seeing some 'o them painted minis
  12. Ah thanks for that clarification. It's how we played it during the game as I think I may have checked up front. Then re-reading it after the game I guess I changed my mind - it seemed odd that the arachnids would be bothered by a seduction attempt! The Lures failed anyhow but it's good to know.
  13. Hi all, I just put up a battle report on my blog of my first tryout with McMourning - against Ramos and his Steam Arachnids. http://maxvond.wordpress.com/2010/07/27/malifaux-battle-report-mcmourning-vs-ramos-25ss/ We're still pretty much learning the game so could well have got things wrong - rules-wise and tactically. We had a lot of fun though which is the main thing Oh and we both learned pretty quickly how much of a melee monster McM can be!
  14. Yep, really nice. My faves are Rasputina and the Doppelganger. Their fleshtones are particularly nice and I love the sheer effect on Tina's stockings.
  15. These are nice. But it's kinda weird, like watching Turkish Spiderman (youtube him!)
  16. Excellent. Great paintjobs and I love those shacks
  17. Thanks for the nice comments all Now here's a couple of pooches for McMourning. I love these little fellas!
  18. Superb. Love the skintones on the Executioner. And the bases are great.
  19. How weird. I coincidentally stumbled across his site last night while searching for scenery inspiration
  20. So here's McMourning and those Belles finished up and based. Hope you like 'em I've got a Canine Remains and McMourning's Chihuahua painted and ready for basing. I'll see if I can get that done this week. The bases are from the Kerr & King dockside range and work quite nicely for Malifaux I think. I intend to get a little bit of resin water in there at some point too.
  21. It's building up momentum here in London. Dark Sphere games (by Waterloo station) are starting to carry the line. They have the rulebook and plenty of starter boxes, and are happy to order stuff in. Also Talishko (Ish) is doing a great job of spreading the word at the Cross Gaming Club which meets every Tuesday by London Bridge. He has organised an intro night this coming week so hopefully we'll get some new recruits from that. Anyone in the area with an interest should come down!
  22. No more progress on McMourning but I have started slapping paint on a couple 'o Belles: Someone is organising a Malifaux intro night at our local wargames club (Cross Gaming Club) in London on Tuesday night and I've committed to getting a small Resurrectionist crew prepped. It's good to have the deadline and I'm trying to really up my painting speed here. Pic's not the best but hopefully tomorrow night I should have a lot more done and I'll focus on the photography a little more. These aren't Batman themed I'm afraid. But I did pick up the Nurses pack today and one of them is going to be a Harley-a-like for sure.
  23. Lovely crew. I'm digging the homogeneity with the bases and colour schemes.
  24. Oh now that's great. Those wallowing hogs are excellent. Lovely paintjobs all round +
  25. Hey thanks for the comments everyone I really must get back and finish him off, though a 40K Blood Angels army muscled in a bit! @Melnibonean: I got a hardback 1st edition of Arkham Asylum, plus Sandman Preludes & Nocturnes TPB from a secondhand shop back in like 1990. That set my comic collection off to a pretty high standard I'd say! Like you, McKean's Joker rendition has stuck with me (haunted me?) to this day. @baylock: oops, sorry! s'funny I wasn't going to do a full Batman themed crew but the idea is really growing on me now!
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