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Everything posted by Aberration

  1. I agree with that. I'd much rather prefer...anything really.
  2. I agree that slaughter is tough, but as they say... sometimes you just gotta play with the hand you're dealt. I've completed slaughter before because my opponent got Claim Jump. I camped in the middle of the board with my entire force so in order to win he HAD to bring everything to me...Bodyguard on my master and stake a claim on something near to center...both announced. Recon would be harder to counter, given the amount of terrain on most boards to hide behind. Slaughter/Slaughter would be a fun bloodshed game. So would Slaughter/Assassinate...
  3. My feelings in a dynamic flowchart format: :puppy: ----> :damnit: ----->:yield:
  4. Terrible times ahead for us non-neverborn...fuzzy brown death is upon us twofold
  5. Maybe we'll get lucky and one of them will be a construct henchman too haha.Cyborg Freikorps? Edit: Neverborn henchmen may be constructs actually, due to being dolls and all....
  6. I've never actually played with/against her, but I want to guess Zoraida. Mainly because she doesn't do damage like most masters can...but instead uses the enemy's force to deal damage to each other through obey and the like. Of the masters that I've used I want to say McMourning. I know he's a savage melee monster...but he has low willpower and even lower defense. This means that he can be scared away from terrifying models or shot to pieces from range. He has no special movement characteristics (Has to use a counter to gain fast) and most of his spells are melee range only. Sure he has a ton of soulstones, but he has to use them for defense for the most part. I still love using McMourning but since I mainly play against a Lady J crew....he can get cut up pretty easily if he doesn't get the jump on them.
  7. It sounds like it will be a refreshing change of pace...and fun to boot! I've never actually use Bete but I intend on getting the model soon to try out. Gonna be a tough couple weeks though...
  8. Maybe she can pull some Viktoria-esque shenanigans with the Ikiryo...that would be neat-o...
  9. Well... if you ended up killing the wrong Hamelin you would have to exclaim "Rats!"
  10. I'm sure the "Unique" trait would prevent this from happening. Though 2 Hamelins running around together would be funny to see...
  11. Neat stuff! I'm pretty pumped about Kirai and the spirit crew...definitely getting them first! Hamelin as a master...very cool...and unexpected as I too was expecting Ophelia as the new Outcast master.
  12. The hopping vampires would be awesome. Also...making Leveticus look simple sounds like challenge to me
  13. Ice Golem: 9ss Pros: Armor 2, Shatter 3dmg (2" Pulse on death), Construct for burnout. With Blessings it can trigger december's sigh automatically, potentially slowing bunched up models by 2/4 wk/cg via ranged icy burst blast dmg. Cons: Slower than other options, Ht 3 can be a disadvantage, Df is laughable
  14. Steamborg wouldn't be too bad, though both he and alyce need rams for their headshot/decap. Killjoy can use masks for onslaught though...
  15. Not a bad idea, I've been pondering this combination myself. Fast for grabbing treasures and solid enough to hold a corner by itself...and powerful enough to destroy most anything.
  16. Extra Soulstones can't ever hurt and the dog is more of a luxury, not really a necessity.
  17. I personally like to add a canine remains to my list, solely for it having the graverobber trait so leve can waif his own corpse on second turn (should you kill yourself first turn and not have another graverobber on the board). Or if you don't feel like doing that...hell just kill the dog for a waif. 2SS well spent in my book, either way.
  18. Ecch ended up getting caught at work and then something came up at home. Maybe I can get there tomorrow though, if you'll be there haha
  19. I've been mulling over a levi list with Crooked Men. If they have blessings on them they can insta paralyze anyone they hit, which is pretty nice...and for only 4 points they arent a bad deal I don't think! they also provide a little board control with Shafted. This list would suffer a bit with recon but otherwise seems decent I think: 30ss Levi Alyce: 8ss Crooked Men x2: 8ss SPA's x4: 12ss Cache: 2ss
  20. tough break, 4 damage is still dandy I suppose
  21. Ice Gamin are constructs and therefore can be the target of controlled detonation, when they have (0) Bite of Winter up they deal 3 damage to unarmored targets with their Shatter ability on top of the 2 damage from the detonation itself. All for 1 more point than a spider and they are not insignificant
  22. The sabertooth does look pretty nice, lots of potential actions! I was thinking on keeping alyce around for the rams, masks go to cerb for movement, crows for ramos/alyce defense..I suppose... And tomes for summons. Let's see... Ramos Brass Arachnid: 2ss Ice Gamin x2: 8ss Sabertooth: 8ss Alyce: 10ss 2ss Leftover
  23. Arachnids are nice, but I find that I always seem to get Reconnoiter and have very little to contest table corners with, especially if I start losing spiders to make the swarms with...
  24. Hmm...I see your reasoning. It has been a big cluster around Ramos and treasure hunt games were indeed difficult... I've never played Myranda, but if anyone has maybe they could give input on if it would be worth taking her for shapeshifting versatility over say a cerberus (and save a soulstone, in the process!). Maybe sub out Alyce (Although having a use for Rams and the +2 card draws is incredible) for Myranda or a Beast... or maybe just sub out Johan and a Gamin instead?
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