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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. Try Toshiro giving Willie +ve on his dynamite punches in the face ;-) D.
  2. Still a very useful model for area denial. Pop a few on squatters markers and a pathfinder in waiting to spawn more. Mei is definitely my favourite master and for upgrades I rarely leave the house without Vapormancy. The high Ca with large range with auto burning helps set up for her claws. typically I vapormancy for burning, kick to get to btb then claws with +ve. All helped by the timed use of recalled training. D.
  3. No worries but I think it was designed to stop the cheap scrap points for Mei and also for Levi to summon. D.
  4. Traps aren't constructs D.
  5. Obsidian Oni proxy, just paint black/green/whatever: http://www.firestormgames.co.uk/kano D.
  6. I was planning on using Avatar Sonnia minus Sonnia as the Shadow Emissary. D.
  7. I missed the cacklers. ps What the hell are cacklers? D.
  8. I bet Nathan NEVER gets tired of answering shipping time posts D.
  9. I double-team tengu and 10TBrothers if the schemes are right for it - 1 team each side. Typical turn is 10TBrother walks drops scheme and Eagle Style forward. Tengu uses Shooting Star to jump immediately to the maker then has 2AP to activate. This allows quick movement and hopefully in position for Turn 2. D.
  10. Oh definitely I don't think they would do that, think the flyer indicated the coryphee would be an extra buy at Black friday D.
  11. He's saying that the Dark Carnival will have special Coryphee as part of Black Friday. It was shown on as a flyer yesterday at Gencon. D.
  12. I got the Out of Stock message on Komainu yesterday at 11am (GMT) so i got a secret shopper to get me a box from the Wyrd booth instead. D.
  13. Meh @Lupercal it works both ways. Most Kickstarters now are EU Friendly meaning no customs. D.
  14. If we in the UK upgrade to FedEx shipping we attract the Eye of Sauron (UK Customs) who may slap an import duty on the items. D.
  15. I'm in the same boat - Ulix and Brewie (ordered from Firestorm) will be added to Somer and Ophelia and with Shenlong arriving it will complete my 10Thunders D.
  16. @AbsolutionBlack. Brown. It's brown. #fancywords ;-) D.
  17. Dammit didn't see the renders. Anyone got a linky? D.
  18. What are the coloured cubes at the top of the box? Strange 6-sided objects... D.
  19. Last big splurge before a new little gamer comes along later in the year. 10Thunders and Gremlins mostly. Shadow Effigy and Komainu are a must for me. D.
  20. Ah sorry, was thinking of getting slow outside or after a model's activation during a turn. So if it gets slow after it activates it will carry over. My bad. D.
  21. Slow is removed at the beginning of the next activation in which case they will generate 1 less AP. Getting slow during an activation will only impact the model the next time it activates. D.
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