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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. Android EPIC win. Start has an honourable mention though as far as I'm concerned. D.
  2. Nice looking crew. Shaping up well D.
  3. That's a pretty sweet conversion. Got my lil cogs twirling. Maybe I could use some skaven bits for an Epic Nurgle titan of some description. Mmmmh D.
  4. Nicely done Guru! Very cohesive force you have. D.
  5. Hey Er1k, nice to see more UK players joining up. D.
  6. Slight typo on Deadslinger: The Hunter: Before the iniative Flip on turn 1, this model's controller must nominate an ememy model in play as this model's Prey. This model may not attack another model or use a a spell that does not target this models Prey. while within 6' of it's Prey, this model receives Fast and to it's attack and damage flips, if the prey is removed Nice rules, will have another look at home. D.
  7. Cheap bases can be found at: Ramshackle Games UK Fast delivery and excellent quality. D.
  8. Just got Lucius at the weekend and haven't had a game with him yet. Looking forward to seeing what I can do with him. Any other tips are most welcome. Also should probably post in the Tactica: Lucius thread. D.
  9. Nice work. Trapper looks fantastic! D.
  10. The kobolds look really cute and the Heroes are very nicely painted. Nice dungeon too! D.
  11. ^^ Now that's a nice trick! D.
  12. Really impressive work there. Show us the rest... D.
  13. Very nice Ice Golem. Almost like frozen stone D.
  14. @Wodschow: Cheers for the quick response. Any info on Austringer being a guard? Not at home so no access to his stat card. Maybe I'll swap out Ryle for Austringer if he is available or else drop a guard for my Soul Stones. D.
  15. BTW thanks for the Tactica. Hopefully I will be able to contribute something very soon. D.
  16. Ordered the Lucius box and should be here tomorrow or the weekend. Just curious to see that not many people are using Ryle. Any reason for this? Also, maybe I missed it but is the Austringer listed as a 'Guardsman' for hiring purposes for Lucius? Looking forward to getting some games with him. Without the austringer my 30ss list was going to be: Lucius Ryle Guild Guard captain 3 x Guild Guard Lawyer (if I am reading correctly Lucius gets another 4ss to hire if he is the 'Master'?) D.
  17. Thanks. The MDF boards are probably large enough for me to get the 9 tiles at exactly the right size and some leftover pieces. Will see what the guys say when I ask for exactly 12" lengths. D.
  18. @Sholto: Thanks. My current boards are MDF also (prob 12mm) so I know the weights are different. I also have the Himmelveil and some other stuff from WWG downloaded (last year before the Terraclips announcemnet) so I'll be set once the labels arrive. B&Q are pretty good with their cutting service. I think you get a number of free cuts but I'll only need a few to get my 9 12" square tiles D.
  19. @Sholto: I hate you! I have taken the plunge, ordered the labels from ebay and went to Wickes' site for cork tiles but they have none in stock and won't have for a few weeks. So now (tomorrow probably) will head down to B&Q and get some MDF cut to size. Going for 6mm thickness unless you suggest a thicker (9mm) option? So I'll probably start a log to document my progress. Getting tired of playing on the same surface - it is 3 4'x2' sections so need to mark out a 3'x3' playing area each time. 1 side is all grassed (GW old static grass mat, PVA'd down) and the other is textured and sprayed to resemble a road pattern that is modular. It works well for 40K or Epic and looks OK for Malifaux and other games but I want (need?) something like what you have done so I'll be asking lots of questions in my thread once it's started. Would definitely appreciate any comments you have. D.
  20. Absolutely lovely Sigur! Nice work. And I'm :inlove: the Nightbringer! D.
  21. I was planning on using the Heresy Miniatures as mindless zombies: Zombies Has anyone had any joy using necropunks with Nico? D.
  22. Very nice follow through of your colour palette. Loving the group shot. D.
  23. Very nice work on the Guild masters. Loving the purple colours on Sonnia, very aetheric. Like the white alternate for Lady J and your death marshal colour scheme looks spot on! D.
  24. Love the soft palette you have used for Seamus. very nice work. D.
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