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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. Yep the old style briefcase GW cases had dimple foam but this one I can't remember where I got it. Been looking at my old emails to find it, if I do I will update you on it. Very good but terrible customer service. Edit: Here it is - Figures In Comfort There were some extenuating circumstances as I recall (hospital treatment was mentioned) but the case is sound. D.
  2. Very carefully. I've the Battlefoam bag for my metal models but the new plastic ones I use a nice foam briefcase from a UK company - with opposing dimples on each side to keep the models secure but not damaged. D.
  3. Hi guys, Running a beginner tournament in Black Knight Gaming Centre in April: Location: The Black Knight Gaming Centre Date: 27/4/13 10am start. Format: Accumulation Points Rounds: 3 Size: 25SS Cost: £5 Type: Beginner box + 1 blister becomes your pool. You can select any models from this pool for each round in the tournament. Space is limited so please book your place in advance. Regards, D.
  4. Hi guys, I'm running some demo games at Black Knight games for International Tabletop Day. Stop by and pay us a visit: Black Knight Games Larne Northern Ireland 30th March 2013 Website - http://www.the-black-knight.co.uk/ Contact Andy Agnew. See you all on Saturday D.
  5. Nice work. Love the highlights on Jakob's trousers. D.
  6. The only difficulty lately I've had was with the Strongarm suit. His cables are just too fragile to attach - I just looked at one and it fell apart. D.
  7. Count me in. Need to smack Joel down to his place! And theJudge can get a quick game in with (assuming no more power cuts!) D. PS Just kidding Joel, please don't hurt me
  8. daemonkin

    Hanger 18

    Nice one, see you got your henchman status approved! D.
  9. Well, I tried 2 clockwork traps, 2 wastrels, 2 archers and 2 rail workers in a friendly game this week. Need more experience with placing the traps but found them very useful for placing and starting railwalk. Next game on Friday. D.
  10. Guys, trap has a 0 spell Dug In. Gives model armour +3 until it moves. Does this effect end at end of the turn? D.
  11. Yeah the main reason is to try and get some use out of my newly built archers but we will have to give it a whirl and see what happens. Will post progress. D.
  12. Problem is Metal Gamin are 5SS and I can't remember if Fire Gamin have construct ability. She can take them regardless of faction though. At 4SS and giving out burning tokens they can be handy. 2 Wastrels, 2 Archers, 3 fire gamin is 32 but not much else D.
  13. Hi All, Looking to try and Run Mei Feng in different lists and to maybe use her with Wastrels and Archers/Brothers. I just love the archer models and think some customisation of Wastrels (Im looking at the RPG models) will make for a very asian-inspired/unique looking themed force. Anyone try any of the above? D.
  14. Hi guys, Running a tournament during Dragon Slayers' 24 Hour Rampage Location: Queens University, Belfast Date: 3/3/13 Time: 1pm Contact: Me or French Mike Format: 4 rounds fixed faction accumulation 35SS, unique schemes, gaining grounds strategies Cost: £7.50 on top of entrance fee Let me know who's up for it. Regards, D.
  15. Hi guys, will be hosting a demo night at Black Knight games this Wednesday, 26th Feb at Black Knight Games in Larne, N. Irleand. Please visit their website, http://www.the-black-knight.co.uk for more info. Feel free to come down. Regards, D.
  16. Hi guys, There will be a Malifaux tournament at Encore being held March 2nd at Magee College, Derry, Northern Ireland. Format: Accumulation Rounds: 4 SS Size: 35SS Fixed Faction Registration from 9am. 1st game from 10am. Will post up a rulespack in the next few days. Regards, D.
  17. I'm gonna try using Izamu with Seamus and get the belles to lure Izamu up the board. Since the belles get +2" within Seamus' AoE they can get 12" a turn and hopefully shunt Izamu up the board a bit. D.
  18. Duet is summoned from 2 coryphees, no? Therefore you need to buy 2 coryphees in the creator first. D.
  19. Hi guys, Running another tournament for Hangar 18 on Feb 2nd at Magee College. Format: Accumulation Style Size: 30SS Rounds: 4 Master: Fixed for tournament, lists can change Time: 10am registration 11am first round. Same as last time. Fixed strategy per table, up to 2 schemes may be selected for a maximum of 8 points per round. Contact: Myself or Terry at Hangar 18 on Facebook for more details. If anyone needs a lift there will be space in my car leaving from Belfast. D.
  20. @petegreen. Sorry, been a busy Xmas. I got a response on Boxing Day so I can confirm the email address is valid and working. I can understand that he has been having problems with either his site and/or email addresses as they are linked but I will just have a caution when I deal with him until he can allay my fears. Let me reiterate I have personally never had any issues with orders not fulfilled but a guy in our group has had some Malifaux models outstanding with Square Orange for some months now. D.
  21. I used the email address above just yesterday but have yet to receive a response. Given that it is Christmas I will give a week or so for a reasonable time limit to receive a response. Let's hope. D.
  22. I first thought the Silurid had wings then I realised it was a Shikome. Nice work fella! D.
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