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Status Updates posted by notmikehill

  1. Hmmm... It's a bummer your store closed on you dude, sorry to hear that! Right now I'm setting up a Malifaux following with a few other players in a the Bryn Mawr area (Close to Villanova College) if you're interested we usually play on Wednesdays. So shoot me a message for an address or something!

  2. Hey Sketch! Thanks for all your help Monday with the Soulstones. The messege came just in time that I could order some stuff for my tournament. I think I speak for my gaming group when I say thanks for coming through at a perfect time!

  3. Haha very nice! Enjoy your time in New York, feel free to msg me if you ever want to get a game in.

  4. That really stinks. The store I frequent has a few regulars and we get some people who breeze in here or there. We have a tournament coming up next Saturday. It is a little short notice, but if you'd like some info on it let me know!

  5. Always glad to see another Neverborn player! I usually play at the Granite Run store with most of the player there. Where do you usually play in your neck of the woods?

  6. Thanks again for the link. I finally got a set date for the Malifaux tournament at the mall, it'll be Saturday October 23rd, if you're interested. Entry is 10.00$

  7. When you came in last week with the card protectors, where did you get them from and what size? It's been killing me trying to find them on the internet. Were they 3x5" protectors?

  8. What do you think of Friday, October 29th, 2010 for the tournament? Or maybe even Saturday for the tournament.

  9. Hey man I just got in the pin! So pumped! Thanks again man!

  10. Sucks! I had a really to use tutorial around here to make Cactus for the Privateer League in the Skorne Deserts, I think I can find it for you.

  11. Awesome to hear. I have some extra Balsa wood strips I can give you, and I'd also give you a hand if you need help when I come in on Wednesdays and Mondays.

  12. Thanks for writing up the reviews on the factions dude! It helps me cope with not having a book yet :D

  13. I feel that the Peacekeeper isn't as broken as it once was in Ian's hands. I thus lift the store wide on the figure in play ;]

  14. You truly are a Lackey.... PS When are you making some Malifaux Terrain?!

  15. How dare you! NEVERBORN NEVER SLEEP!

  16. Okay, the slaughter encounter revamp clearly means anytime you or your opponent KILL an enemy model you gain the VP. Leveticus is spared, for now...

  17. The Ortega list is annoying but it's the most annoying against Pandora which was the match I was chatting about.

  18. Stop Theory-crafting ;]

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