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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. I was a dyed in the wool testament player so was generally double dipping by taking the souls and resurrecting knights in the backline etc. I kind of agree with your point though in that the popular casters though having advantages elsewhere really do tend to use those synergies for defence only. Of course there is always amon who's very feat is called synergy but that's a different matter.
  2. If you are looking at the building of synergies then I feel Menoth is the faction for you. I have just switched from them to legion but wouldn't have a bad word to say. Menoth have some of the best support units in the game and a lot of their units receive buffs from the deaths of grunts in their units etc. Will try to put together a more functional post when not in work, and if you do end up going menoth feel free to pm
  3. Agreed. I can't believe the testers let this through! I'm quitting the hobby!
  4. Mark me down as interested although I may end up on the dating list...
  5. Such a thread exists as a sticky in the main Malifaux matters section. I would post a link for you but posting via phone. Hopefully you Should find it though. It's entitled find a game/opponent
  6. What other colour would a gremlin throw up? Nah, get well soon!
  7. Not content with just the original/alternate/avatar Zoraida, I also wanted to put together a slightly more colourful crew for friendly play. This has been a wip project of mine for an age so I thought a log may be the final impetus needed. It also marks the first foray into this section of the forums for me since the very early days. Any comments/critique welcome as would love to improve my painting. First up is Zoraida herself. and from behind This is Gabrielle Lunardiente from Tale of War. The Collodi for the crew is Lisette, also a Tale of War miniature. and a Marionette Thanks to Ratty for pointing me in the direction of this Freebooter miniature many months ago. And the obligitary list of to do miniatures 1 Stitched 3 more Marionettes Wicked Dolls (Not yet sourced for this crew) and Lilitu which will be this miniature https://store.sodapopminiatures.com/popup_image.php?pID=71&osCsid=h0jsjckkqsqtpj2elg2v2va9t6 but will be replaced by a doppelganger in Real games. Anyway, thanks for looking.
  8. It was along Ozz's line of thought that I was going but the points made about the doppelganger are fair. I imagine I may end up playing this as a friendly list and then switching in the doppelganger as appropriate. She is a model I have never tried as of yet. Thanks
  9. Firstly welcome to the game and the forums. In answer to Your questions 1. Some models can grant suits to others. Nekima's nephilI'm heart is an example. 2. No you can't unless you are using a Henchman as your crew leader. Hope that helps.
  10. About to set off on my Zoraida adventure and wondered what would be made of my first proposed list. Zoraida Collodi Marionette x 4 Stitched Lilitu 2 or 3 wicked dolls My thinking is to hex off the ability that makes Lil take wounds without her twin and then allowing her to take up the brunt of board control, allowing z to create more wicked dolls for the front line. The stitched I am viewing as a bodyguard for Lil as she is likely to be isolated to pull things away from Collodi or provide him with extra moves. I would welcome any feedback provided.
  11. I am rather of the opinion the OP is a spambot
  12. Hi there Go to the User CP, then edit signature, then they are in with the Smilies. Just be aware that there is a signature size limit of one row of such pictures I think.
  13. True. Whilst I do not play any masters that use Snowstorm or Duets I have to admit that whilst I really want to like Nekima and include her, I don't. Strangely enough I think the comparison that would be most relevant would actually be her against Lelu/Lilitu. At 14 points I think they offer far more on a practical level, although if you went through the full comparison process i'm not sure who would come out on top. I may try that myself later (it's way too early for it at the mo).
  14. This is my favourite 'Live for the trade' so far (although I have a good few early ones still to work through). I love your use of Metaphor and you have a very unique way of describing the surroundings and creating the atmosphere of the piece that I have never seen before in fan fiction. An example being: '"The doors to the Archive, massive in their weight and wide in their swing" Such a wonderful way of saying big, heavy doors. I agree with Cambrius, it really feels like you have found a rhythm that is making it very easy to enjoy these.
  15. A really nice review. It certainly sounds like a well thought out game. Whilst not enough to make me actually buy it, if someone I know picks it up I would now be more than willing to gve it a try.
  16. The two men sat in deep, worn-green leather armchairs by a roaring fireplace in a private club of which they were both members. Between them was a low mahogany table, polished to the point where the reflection of their respective brandy glasses could be clearly seen. Neither would describe the other man as a friend. Despite this, they were however work colleagues and as such it aroused the suspicions of no-one in the club that they should be seen together warming themselves and sharing some words of wisdom at the end of another long working day. Of course if the casual observer were to delve a little deeper into the social dynamics taking place before them they would see an entirely different picture. Indeed one was deeply fearful of his companion; the corresponding emotion returned was something akin to contempt, and neither emotion was hidden particularly far behind the civilised facade. The thinner of the two men, who was garbed in the crimson red uniform of only the most senior guild officer, sat, very aware of his body language, with his back firmly against the rear of his chair as he softly asked the question he had been dancing around since they had entered nearly ten minutes previously. As he had thought, his companion, a portly man wearing the royal blue uniform of what essentially amounted to the Guild civil service together with a pair of horn-rimmed spectacles, had to lean forward in order to try to keep himself within earshot. “I’m sorry sir, I didn’t quite catch that.” “What I said was that I suppose, as usual, you have very little explanation for your complete level of incompetence?” The bespectacled man lowered his head until only his reflection from the drinking tale remained in his field of vision, but before he could utter a word of apology the more senior of the two – at least in terms of rank – continued speaking. “I am so very disappointed in you. Granted, my expectations from the start were not particularly high, but considering your position, together with what I assumed was a relatively easy assignment, I did rather think you would be able to carry it out to a satisfactory level. What in the Governor’s name happened last night?” “Well sir, I’m not entirely sure, the whole operation went slightly off-piste” came the reply; without eye contact. “If I needed someone to state the bloody obvious, then that would have been in our contract would it not? What I need is someone with the ability to keep an operation on track, with skills such as leadership, flexibility and intelligence. So far, you are coming up short on all counts and I feel that I am already showing you a great deal of patience. It is lucky for you that when we made you the handler a bond seems to have developed or I would have you replaced in an instant.” “Yes sir, I understand that completely sir. I can assure you that no such thing will happen again, lessons will be learnt. When the job is done we’ll make the snatch immediately to prevent such out of school activities.” “See that you do Thompson. Still, if there was one plus point to last night at least the original re-mit was carried out. Our asset does seem quite capable all things considered?” “Very capable sir”, replied Thompson quickly. Thompson, although he could never admit it to anyone had in the few months he had been in place on this operation had already grown quite fond of his charge, and against all of his logical judgements he felt a swell of pride at the compliment given. The superior officer continued to address Thompson “I think, given last night’s events we will need to hasten our timescale somewhat, there is still plenty of work to be done after all” At that point he withdrew a manila envelope from his inside pocket and threw it down on the table where it slid over the waxed veneer, Thompson only just managing to catch it before it fell. “As usual everything that you need to know and do is clear. I would rather the operation goes exactly to plan this time. There will be consequences otherwise.” “Yes sir, no further problems will be encountered, I can assure you of that.” Thompson replied. “Somehow Thompson your assurance fills me with less confidence than I would like. Now please leave and get yourself familiar with the task at hand. I would rather enjoy sitting here drinking more if I did not have to look at you further.” “Of course sir, I’ll be on my way.” With that Thompson raised himself from his chair, an action that seemed to take more and more effort with each passing week he thought to himself, and made his way towards the exit, which from the outside appeared as one of the many ordinary houses in this part of town. .................................................................. The day had gone well for Edward Chapman, first year guard. Not only had he completed his latest assignment to the satisfaction of his instructing officer, but he also knew that the work he was carrying out was not standard procedure. After carefully working the conversation around with his superior, it had become clear that his assignment was of the highest importance, and that he would be personally ear-marked for great things should he manage to continue the quality of work he was carrying out. Granted, he was not permitted to discuss these assignments with the friends he had gone through training with, but it was surely a small price to pay when he considered that success would surely mean he would become their superior officer double quick. He had carefully placed the documents he had been provided with in his leather satchel when his shift ended and decided that tonight would be a good evening to meet with those same friends in what had become their regular drinking haunt. Just because he had made his first steps onto the ladder, didn’t mean he had to abandon them all just yet.
  17. Definitely soli. She's my favourite so far. Think I would also go with arias.
  18. I have to agree, it's nice to have so much action in here. It has me desperate to leave work everyday to see what other stories have been written or commented on.
  19. Firstly I just want to clarify I'm coming at this from the perspective of someone who does not read sf/f stuff at all so have no idea of the conventions of the genre etc. The world you've created is nicely done and generally feels consistent. There were one or two occasions where the language seemed too casual, but they were rare enough considering how much you have written. I'm liking the characters though and you kept me reading which, given my lack of exposure to the genre, is meant as a compliment.
  20. Your drawings are tremendous Evernight. You Should post them up in either the writing room or the main Malifaux matters section to give more people a chance to see them.
  21. Really enjoying this story so far. You have a nice line of gentle humour running through things. I also like the character, a lot. My only slight criticism, and it probably says more about me than the quality of the writing was I felt the shooting of the beggar was slightly out of character from the way he was presented prior to that point. Already looking forward to more.
  22. I had known Balthazar for years; or at least I thought I had. Standing with him now at the back of St Michaels it became clear how much he had changed. I had neglected our friendship, and now, seeing the fearful, frail old man before me, I was truly regretful. It also made me realise how selfish I had been over the last few months, since my last job had ended so disastrously. It had taken me weeks to even leave the house following the funerals, and even then I have not been particularly good company; I found even Rosie my housekeeper had become increasingly short tempered with me. Through it all though one person had stood by me and it was for that very reason – and the fact that Balthazar’s name had come up in conversation – that I stood here now. When Jackson had come calling at the door, my first instinct, and one I usually followed these days, had been to simply ignore it, but when he shouted that he had left the pub to come and fetch me then I knew that, at least for him, it had to be serious,. So it would turn out to be. He had told me that he had been in the Lion and Lamb and had been rudely interrupted by Henry, his department’s messenger and after hearing the reason he was being summoned on his day off, had raced to over to enquire if I was interested in getting back in the saddle. His pleadings and the mention of the witness had, as already detailed, caught my attention and so here I was, carefully watching what was taking place before me. It was fairly clear that something had put the frighteners on the Guild. As we had arrived Jackson had been surprised to find his Captain and at least four rank and file guards on scene and had passed me the look that this must be important. He and the Captain were surveying the scene and in truth, I was surprised at how efficiently the pair seemed to be working and decided that I would get all the information I needed when Jackson returned. Taking a back-seat also allowed me to gently question Balthazar about what had occurred. “And you definitely didn’t see the intruders face or anything that may help you identify him?” I prodded. “I’m afraid not Stryder, as much as it shames me to admit, I was near paralysed by fear and I passed out before I could see anything” came the weary response. “You mentioned that the figure started to make its way towards you, I take it he stood in order to do so?” He took a moment to consider this. “Yes, indeed so.” “And could you tell how tall the intruder was?” I continued, “Well, i’m not good with guessing heights but not tall. Certainly smaller than me, and I’m not very tall, what with the stoop.” At that point Jackson interrupted. “Thanks you for staying so long and answering our questions Mr Johnson, you can go now.” As Balthazar left I told him I would call in on him soon, the smile that was returned, while pleasant enough, indicated he believed no such thing would happen. I turned back and addressed Jackson, “so what do we have?” “An absolute bloody mess is what we have. Thank god I lined my stomach with Guinness” he chuckled. “The dead guy is the preacher, goes... or rather went...by the name of Creber. He’s been split clean in two. Buzzkill is trying to line it up as a nephilim attack, but I don’t think so.” Buzzkill was the rather less than complimentary name he used to describe his Captain. “Why not?” I asked. “Well, lots of reasons really. It looks like a saw did the job to me. Not a clean cut but it looks like the same tool was used the whole time. There certainly isn’t the mangled flesh you would expect with a beast attack.” I let myself smile inwardly. “What the hell are you laughing at Stryder?” Evidently the smile had escaped. No matter how stupid Jackson pretended to be, it was clear he was learning, and learning fast. I was proud of that. “No reason. Anyway, why is this guy so important that it brought your good friend the Captain down here.” “Well, that’s the interesting part. Creber seems to be just an ordinary preacher, nothing particularly noteworthy about him.” I’m not sure what made him so happy at this point but a grin had spread across his face. “What is interesting is the fact that he seems to be the third or fourth victim of this Nephilim, the others all being at least moderately ranked members of my very own Guild.” He stated. “Why hadn’t we heard about it till now?” I asked. “No wait; that much is obvious I suppose, can’t have the populous knowing that your Guild superiors are as vulnerable as anyone else in this hell-hole. Anyway, why are you smiling about this?” Jackson’s grin grew wider still. “Well, I’ve never chased a serial killer before and besides, we are about to go and visit another victim, barely a block from here. He went by the name of Mo.” With that Jackson left the church whistling as he made his way to my horse and carriage. I had a feeling it was going to be a long night.
  23. Lelu and Lilitu are woes also. He does seem like he would fit nicely in the woe category.
  24. For a ranged attack how about an acid spraying flower? Maybe range 6. It allows for you to keep his hands free for cleavers etc and still have a thematic and sinister ranged attack.
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