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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. He is the lowest willpower master. Like I say I have had fun games with him getting lured by Belle's etc and I know every model has to be different etc It's just what I would change about him.
  2. Now firstly can I just say that I am not a Rasputina player so I would hope some more experienced posters will offer some assistance. In saying that I do love the model so had paid some attention to her rules and potential choices. Do you have the December Acolyte and Molemen? Both of these seem very difficult to target with ranged shots giving you an opportunity to maneuver your faction befor moving in for the kill. Also, the Acolyte's Harpoon Fate trigger and icy fate spell (although difficult to activate) would cause headache's for defending.
  3. All I would like is for McMourning's Willpower to be increased, even if only by 1 point. 5 is way low for a master and I'm tired of him getting lured by Belles or danced off the table by Hamelin. In saying all of that, it has made for some fun games.
  4. It would all tie in well with Wookie's original idea. He could be the ultimate Buffer master with all his potions and such.
  5. I refuse to buy some of my favourite Wyrd mini's because I know my painting skills are not up to the task.
  6. Yes, I meant to say good work on the sculpt in my previous post. Very remiss of me. Also, a cherry blossom tree would also fit the samurai aesthetic.
  7. I think taking the Neverborn Que from the Nephilim & Doppelganger could mean more in the line of further types of demons and evil religous spirits. Maybe something like Loki the Trickster from Norse mythology. I personally would find this direction more interesting than archetypal horror creatures, but I do understand that would just be a personal preference.
  8. A total guess, but I imagine the M & S union will probably get some serious love in Book 2. They definately seem like they could be expanded upon. I do love how this thread has devolved from Book 2 Facts to total wishlisting and Chuck Norrissism's though!
  9. I'm quite a Hans fan, although I haven't seen much chat about him on here so can only assume not many people have/play him.
  10. Perhaps something along the line of a Kabuki Theatre stage, or have a Shinto Torii gate over the model. http://www.traveladdicts.connectfree.co.uk/Japan/Images/Miyajima_torii_gate_postcard.jpg Just throwing some ideas out there.
  11. I hadn't heard of Beats Antique before. I like it a lot!
  12. Still like the carnival possibilities. Bearded ladies, escapologists etc Possibly a master of ceremonies like my avatar but less cat based! I have succesfully avoided saying the c-word. To be honest I could live without the c's. Whilst I understand why the idea excites some people it doesn't do it for me. And if Wyrd come out with some sort of character creation system I'm sure we'll see plenty of them on tables. Possibly using some Eden miniatures. If you haven't seen them, check them out.
  13. He is not there, and I have to say that is a cracking idea for a new master. Others have mentioned a travelling carnie crew previously. Didn't see how it would work till your post and now it seems obvious how that whole theme could be exploited.
  14. Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy the game as much as the rest of us here after you get those first games under your belt.
  15. Completely agree. I love the imagination all those at Wyrd have pumped into this game and trust they have plenty more to keep it fresh. Would hate to see anything that pushes Malifaux towards the more generic tabletop miniature games.
  16. Controversial around these parts I would say. I don't dislike the Seamus model but I must admit I don't understand the love either. In addition to Misaki I don't love the Taelor, Bishop or Johan Models. Have to wait till I build up all the outcasts I do like prior to buying the viki's outside of their starter box.
  17. That is my favourite movie scene ever!!!
  18. Ok, self explanatory really. We had a favourite mini thread a few weeks back, and whilst I like the vast majority of Wyrd miniatures I was just wondering what models people don't like. I would vote for Misaki, not because I dislike the model, but I simply don't feel she fits in with the rest.
  19. Very nice, I like it a lot. Have just finished my teddy and still deciding what to put on the stomach.
  20. I have found myself at the point where I am determined to build up a very nice terrain table and want to particularly go for an Old London town, Victorian Whitechapel kind of feel. I am struggling to find suitable buildings on my internet searches, does anyone have any knowledge of where 28mm Victorian buildings could be picked up? Thanks in advance for any assistance provided.
  21. All depends what you like really. I tend to find myself drawn to Resurrectionists and Neverborn but even within the factions the specific masters have a fairly unique style. The primer's are very useful, and if you read through the book i'm sure you will find the crew for you. What army did you play in Warmachine, what type of playstyle would you envisage being drawn to? If you have an idea then i'm sure people would be able to point you properly in the right direction.
  22. And the three little pigs for the Gremlin's.
  23. I know it has been said before but Wyrd's presence on the forum's and willingness to provide significant info at early stages is very refreshing. It does stop me spending my money elsewhere as I always know there are Malifaux things I want to buy in the pipeline! Thanks for the info.
  24. Not sure about new factions but I would love to see a female resurrectoinist master. I'm sure I have seen others saying the same.
  25. Should we expect a nice pink my little pony pastiche?
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