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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. Very Nice! Raspy and the Acolyte look stunning. As far as I can tell anyway.
  2. You are correct but Jack Daw is a Hanged Man. He has no entry in the rulebook so I'm curious as to what he will be like. At worse he is the coolest looking Hanged. (In my opinion) A picture of the model can be found in the 2010 Catalogue
  3. A totally mental Jack the Ripper but he might tick a few boxes. (I like it) http://www.smartmaxstore.com/jaybee-the-ripper-en.htm
  4. Excellent, I have been looking for terrain like this for some time.
  5. Jack Daw is the gentleman on the front of the rulebook.
  6. Welcome to the boards. In answer to your questions. 1. The box sets do not come with the base inserts. 2. You can get whatever base inserts you like but the bayou inserts have recently been released and would fit best thematically. 3. Two box sets are enough for people to play (so long as you have the rulebook and 2 fate decks, or normal decks of cards). In saying that, some boxes are better than others in terms of the usefulness of miniatures in them and the points values. (For example, the ramos box can provide 28pts whereas I think the Gremlin box only provides 18 points. 4. I don't play gremlins so will leave this to someone else but I think so. 5. All outcasts with the mercenary trait can be used by other factions at the cost of +1 point over their base cost. Hope this helps, enjoy your stay.
  7. You are indeed correct, a friend of mine had bought some stuff but no cards came with them, I said I would buy them with the order I am about to put in but had thought I would just buy the whole guild deck. No biggie though, a bunch of single cards it is.
  8. An interesting read, thanks for helping decide what my next crew will be. Has anyone tied proxying Waldgiests in a list yet? I'm guessing there is a measure of synergy there due to illusionary forest?
  9. Sorry if this is in the wrong place, wasn't very sure where to put it. I was just looking through the online store trying to decide what not to buy on my next order and couldn't find the faction decks which I thought used to be in Malifaux Gaming. Am I looking in the wrong place or are these no longer available?
  10. I had completely overlooked the effect of paired weapons! I did seem to have a lot of games where very little died...
  11. They inspired me to try building my own but so far it has resulted in nothing of value. :banghead:
  12. Haven't tried it yet but it had been looking into 'dipping' as a way to quickly paint my Goblin Army and end my GW painting. Apparently you can also use general woodstain to just as good effect which may or may not be easier to get your hands on/cheaper. Ninja'd : Ronseal is apparently good for it if you are UK based.
  13. Yes, canine remains are a must. After playing a fair few games I am also ready to purchase some Punk Zombies as, as has been said, a couple of bigger hitters wouldn't go a miss.
  14. Are you also suffering from a bout of Michael Cera puzzlement? It has almost put me off but I like all of Edgar Wright's previous stuff so will still go and see it.
  15. Currently have McMourning Pandora Ortega's Constantly thinking of at least one of the following Lilith Zoriada Rasputina Victoria's fairly sure Lilith will be purchased when I make an order for some of April's releases.
  16. Neither the guild guard or the Austringer have been sculpted - or at least weren't a few weeks back. If you check out page 5 of the April Releases thread in the Malifaux Matters forum there is a listing of releases over the next few months posted by Rathnard, who keeps his eyes on these sorts of things.
  17. Snap - If two or more cards from the fate deck match during flip both cards count. So if I am carrying out a -- damage flip but I get two four's this takes it to an eight and moderate damage. (assuming the third card is moderate or better. Not really a gambling rule and not sure I like it myself, just throwing it out there.
  18. And the trailer makes it look like a total mishmash of every other blockbuster, the trailer I saw had Saving Private Ryan style boat landings...
  19. Scott Pilgrim v's the world. Also Eric, do go see Kick Ass it is a very fun movie.
  20. A very good read, I enjoyed it.
  21. I think they could be adapted with some aplomb, just look at the doppelganger.
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