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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. Sorry to come into this so late. Is there any word on when the rules for Super Dungeon Explore are due? I like the mini's - and Soda Pop's other mini's - but want to read the rules before paying out on anything else at the moment?
  2. A very nice miniature. He does indeed have a touch of the Black Blood Shaman about him.
  3. Depending on the size of them, a little conversion work to the top left would result in a short term Guardian....
  4. I play to have fun. In fact for a while I didn't realise how often I lost as I still found the games so fun. That is until my most regular opponent pointed out my record.
  5. I like it. Mostly as it reminds me of l'il Slugger from Paranoia agent, but still. The Elite amongst all Elite rule confuses me somewhat. I do hope Wyrd come out with some sort of character creation system at some point in the future. Although I'm sure it would be tricky to weigh up the benefits/disadvantages of such a release.
  6. Very nice Kaine. As others have said it looks very good indeed.
  7. Nathan has come out and said in another thread somewhere that they were looking to avoid religion in Malifaux. Does that stop me wanting the guild rider to be a pale horse riding priest of death? No, no it doesn't. Edit: Murphy's was too fast for me.
  8. The rules are in the book when you get it. Also, you can also buy individual stat cards from Wyrd here: http://wyrd-games.net/shop/home.php?cat=266 Not worth the shipping to England by themselves but the shipping rate is pretty good so next time you need to buy a few models...
  9. I very much like your 2nd Nekima Choice, she is on my list of next purchases for this exact reason. Whilst I like the miniatures you have listed for Lelu/Lilitu I can't reconcile them having wings. Have quite struggled finding anything suitable for Lelu. Where is your 2nd BBS choice from?
  10. Blue glass mosaic. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://imagecache6.allposters.com/LRG/34/3483/AN86F00Z.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.berm.co.nz/cgi-bin/postershop/item.cgi%3Fi%3D4741644%26l%3D1%26cu%3DUSD&usg=__Q2sJQram-CvOqLZtCN0sQItXf9U=&h=323&w=400&sz=46&hl=en&start=32&zoom=1&tbnid=aNxAEefv-zc1FM:&tbnh=151&tbnw=187&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dblue%2Bglass%2Bmosaic%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1680%26bih%3D810%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C800&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=813&vpy=513&dur=470&hovh=172&hovw=213&tx=134&ty=96&ei=99S5TPLtKZCRjAeO5snXDg&oei=8tS5TPrTNYiSOt3V0LcI&esq=2&page=2&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:31,s:32&biw=1680&bih=810 I did such bases in green for Kirai's spirits and they turned out pretty nicely IMO. Also, for the cola bottles http://www.cuddlypawscardsncrafts.co.uk/10-miniature-cola-bottles-742-p.asp
  11. A fully inclusive errata document is apparently in the works and due shortly - this is according to WS in another thread so can be taken as law. I do hope it arrives soon as with some V2 cards being out there it is certainly causing some confusion.
  12. I do really like those clockwork fairies. Maybe more for wicked dolls, but I do also like the Mannequin idea!
  13. I will most likely leave her as is. My only issue is that I can't find a suitable marionette.
  14. For Collodi I am liking this miniature which I will be ordering as a proxy. http://www.coolminiornot.com/shop/miniatures/tale-of-war-miniatures/lissette-puppet-angel-1.html
  15. Yes the codex would certainly seem to open up a lot of possibilities for unique armies and conversions - DE eldar were always good for that. With Hellions being able to be troops and Beastmasters on Skyboards, with potential for converting flying beasties, the option for a nice flying force with them and scourges etc comes to mind. I had thought that my current DE force with the addition of nice new SC models would have been enough for me, but if the Haemy stuff is as nice as the first batch of releases then 'm going to have to think again.
  16. It had been on a list of potential buys for me for a long time - I tend not to buy anything to proxy with, despite the temptation - and I think having someone who has seen it i the flesh saying it is nice has made up my mind. Short term Collodi force here I come. @ Niko: Sorry for the slight derailment of your thread.
  17. I was looking at it as a collodi proxy but the head may suit.... http://frpgames.irook.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=60294 Is the closest I can find to that style of cartoon head on your pics. Good luck with the sculpt either way
  18. A crew based on the only private school in Malifaux, Schoolchildren, Head teacher, Janitor etc, i'm liking it. Hamelin could steal all the children though.....
  19. @ Seventeen : Fantastic post, everything I was thinking but didn't have the eloquence to put down in words. (Only thing I disagree with is that there is an error totem wise, some book 1 masters had to wait a long time for theirs) Quite frankly if you NEED someone to come up with ideas for your gaming scenarios i'm surprised you are even in this hobby. And will someone please explain this sandwich situation, is this some internet parlance I am unaware of?
  20. A fantastic looking crew! I hope my dreamer/LCB crew turns out half as nice as that.
  21. Well I don't have a digital camera but will try to post a pic in a week or so if I can rope a friend to come round with one. Essentially it looks something like this but with sharp uneven edges overhanging the lip of the bases. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/3290190/2/istockphoto_3290190-shinny-green-glass-mosaic-with-reflections.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-3290190-shinny-green-glass-mosaic-with-reflections.php&usg=__-r6RKcDX7DnrU40tQb2NGQngYmA=&h=253&w=380&sz=98&hl=en&start=90&sig2=6nsE3ReY_tGHx22MmePOyg&zoom=1&tbnid=oq-JxOv0BpbHCM:&tbnh=91&tbnw=136&ei=paGwTOLXMNS5jAfsvsl3&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgreen%2Bmosaic%2Bglass%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1T4SNYK_en-GBGB306GB306%26biw%3D1259%26bih%3D511%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=699&oei=faGwTIHsN9iX4gb4_cnMBg&esq=3&page=5&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:90&tx=44&ty=42 This is only for the spirits though, Kirai will be getting a more normal base when I get round to her. Edit: all her spirits will be painted with nothing but varying shades of green
  22. I went quite off piste with my kirai bases and went out and got a sheet of green mosaic glass. Turned it upside down - carefully - and then with green stuff stuffed bases pressed them into the glass. I then roughly removed the bases and the result is green gem type bases that hang over the lip of the bases. I think the result is suitably spooky.
  23. No more whining about duplicated threads from you please Avatar. :
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